- Raw data are stored per task (Detection_raw_data and Discrimination_raw_Data)
Analysis steps:
Run first SoEThresh_Detection.m, SoEThresh_Detection_DPrimeAnalysis.m, and SoEThresh_Discrimination.m
- The output data of these scripts will be used for the psychometric fitting procedure and statistical analysis in R
Run 1.Detection_Task.R and 2.Discrimination_task.R
Keep in your global environment in R the data created in Step 2 and run 3.Correlations.R.
If you find bugs and/or you have questions, please contact me: [email protected]
For more info, check the project on OSF: https://osf.io/ypajr/
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Linares, D. & López-Moliner, J. quickpsy: An R package to fit psychometric functions for multiple groups. R J. 8, 122 (2016).
Kingdom, F. A. A. & Prins, N. Psychophysics: A Practical Introduction (Elsevier/Academic Press, 2016).