Merges bibtex files after checking for duplicate citekeys and similar titles
usage: bib-merge [-h] [-f] [-o OUTPUT] [--download] paper.bib [paper.bib ...]
safe merge of bibtex files
positional arguments:
paper.bib input bibtex files
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f, --force force output of merged bib file
-o FILE, --output FILE write output to file instead of stdout
--download download required nltk datasets
- python3
- python packages:
- nltk (Natural Language ToolKit)
- bibtexparser
- nltk datasets ('stopwords', 'punkt', 'wordnet', 'averaged_perceptron_tagger')
writes detected conflicts to stderr. Conflicts consist of duplicated citekeys or similar publication titles. The tool detects similar titles with a few natural language primitives (e.g dropping stop words and lemmatizing the remaining words).