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Oussama Essamadi edited this page Mar 24, 2024 · 2 revisions

LangKama supports conditionals for executing code based on Boolean conditions. This section describes how to use big if true (if), jk (else if), and sike (else) statements, along with the handling of common syntax errors.

big if true(if)

Use the big if true keyword to start an if statement, followed by a condition in parentheses. If the condition evaluates to true, the code block inside curly braces {} is executed.

a sa7 hear me out a is 10.
hear me out value is L.

big if true (a > 20) {
  bs will never reach this scope
  value is W.

reda value.  bs Outputs false because a is not greater than 20

sike (else)

LangKama allows for an else block (sike) that executes when the if condition is false.

a sa7 hear me out age is 21.
a sa7 hear me out entryAge is 18.
hear me out value is L.

big if true (age > entryAge) {
  value is W.
} sike {
  value is L.

reda value.  bs Outputs true because age is greater than entryAge

jk (else if)

LangKama supports jk for else if scenarios, allowing for multiple conditions to be evaluated in sequence.

a sa7 hear me out age is 21.
a sa7 hear me out entryAge is 18.
hear me out value is L.

big if true (age = entryAge) {
  value is 50.
} jk (age > entryAge) {
  value is 100.
} sike {
  value is 0.

reda value.  bs Outputs 100 because age is greater than entryAge

Error Handling in Conditionals


LangKama requires an open brace { after the condition. Missing it results in a syntax error.

big if true(W)
  loncina("this should not be reached").
bs This will raise an ExpectedOpenBraceError due to the missing "{"
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