Jiashuo Liu*, Tianyu Wang*, Peng Cui, Hongseok Namkoong, Jose Blanchet
Tsinghua University, Columbia University, Stanford University
is a python package that implements 12 typical DRO methods on linear loss (SVM, logistic regression, and linear regression) for supervised learning tasks. It is built based on the convex optimization solver cvxpy
. Without specified, our DRO model is to solve the following optimization problem:
We support DRO methods including:
- WDRO: (Basic) Wasserstein DRO, Satisificing Wasserstein DRO
$f$ -DRO: KL-DRO,$\chi^2$ -DRO, TV-DRO, CVaR-DRO, Marginal DRO (CVaR), Conditional DRO (CVaR) - MMD-DRO
- Bayesian-based DRO: Bayesian-PDRO, PDRO
- Mixed-DRO: Sinkhorn-DRO, Holistic DRO, Unified-DRO (
$L_2$ /$L_{\infty}$ cost), Outlier-Robust Wasserstein DRO (OR-Wasserstein DRO)
Then we give some high-level construction of each method and corresponding references as follows.
For the basic Wasserstein-DRO model,
- we apply
$d(P, Q) = W_c(P, Q)$ , where$W_c$ is the Wasserstein distance with the induced cost function inside it being$c((X_1, Y_1), (X_2, Y_2)) = X_1^{\top} \Lambda X_2$ , the default$\Lambda$ is taken as the unit matrix and$c(\cdot, \cdot)$ then becomes squared Euclidean distance. That is, we only allow the perturbation of$X$ but not$Y$ . - Reference: Blanchet, Jose, et al. "Data-driven optimal transport cost selection for distributionally robust optimization." 2019 winter simulation conference (WSC). IEEE, 2019., where Theorem 1 there provides the corresponding reformulations.
For the augmented Wasserstein-DRO model,
- we still use
$d(P, Q)$ being the Wasserstein distance$W_c$ but now we allow the change of$y$ . More specifically, we set$c((X_1, Y_1), (X_2, Y_2)) = X_1^{\top}\Lambda X_2 + \kappa|Y_1 - Y_2|$ , and we introduce another hyperparameter$\kappa$ to adjust the change in$Y$ . Note that when$\kappa = \infty$ , it reduces to the previous case. - Reference: Shafieezadeh-Abadeh, Soroosh, Daniel Kuhn, and Peyman Mohajerin Esfahani. "Regularization via mass transportation." Journal of Machine Learning Research 20.103 (2019): 1-68, where they provide various loss functions to reformulate the problem.
For the Satisficing Wasserstein-DRO model,
- we solve the following constrained optimization problem, where DRO is set as the constraint counterpart:
$$\max \epsilon, \text{s.t.}~\min_{\theta} \max_{P: P \in U_{\epsilon}} E_{(X,Y) \sim P}[\ell(\theta;(X, Y))] \geq \tau,$$ where we do not set$\epsilon$ as the hyperparameter but as an optimization goal such that to minimize the worst-case performance. Instead, we set$\tau$ as the hyperparameter, which is set as the multiplication of the best empirical performance with$E_{(X, Y)\sim \hat P_n}[\ell(\theta_{ERM};(X, Y))]$ . To solve this optimization problem, at each binary search, we prefix$\epsilon \in [0, M]$ and compute the corresponding left-hand objective value and then reduce the potential$\epsilon$ half by half. - Reference: Long, Daniel Zhuoyu, Melvyn Sim, and Minglong Zhou. "Robust satisficing." Operations Research 71.1 (2023): 61-82.
Models listed here can all be formulated with the distance being
For KL-DRO problem,
- we apply
$f(x) = x \log x - (x - 1)$ . - Reference: Hu, Zhaolin, and L. Jeff Hong. "Kullback-Leibler divergence constrained distributionally robust optimization." Available at Optimization Online 1.2 (2013): 9.
- we apply
$f(x) = (x - 1)^2$ . - Reference: Duchi, John, and Hongseok Namkoong. "Variance-based regularization with convex objectives." Journal of Machine Learning Research 20.68 (2019): 1-55.
For TV-DRO problem,
- we apply
$f(x) = |x - 1|$ . - Reference: Ruiwei Jiang, Yongpei Guan (2018) Risk-Averse Two-Stage Stochastic Program with Distributional Ambiguity. Operations Research 66(5):1390-1405.
For the CVaR-DRO problem,
- we apply
$f(x) = 0$ if$x \in [\frac{1}{\alpha}, \alpha]$ and$\infty$ otherwise (an augmented definition of the standard$f$ -DRO problem). Here$\alpha$ denotes the worst-case ratio. - Reference: R Tyrrell Rockafellar and Stanislav Uryasev. Optimization of conditional value-at-risk. Journal of risk, 2: 21–42, 2000.
Especially, if we only consider the shifts in the marginal distribution
- Reference: Duchi, John, Tatsunori Hashimoto, and Hongseok Namkoong. "Distributionally robust losses for latent covariate mixtures." Operations Research 71.2 (2023): 649-664.
- We set
$d(P, Q)$ as the kernel distance with the Gaussian kernel. - Reference: Zhu, Jia-Jie, et al. "Kernel distributionally robust optimization: Generalized duality theorem and stochastic approximation." International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. PMLR, 2021.
- Reference: Shapiro, Alexander, Enlu Zhou, and Yifan Lin. "Bayesian distributionally robust optimization." SIAM Journal on Optimization 33.2 (2023): 1279-1304.
- Reference: Wang, Jie, Rui Gao, and Yao Xie. "Sinkhorn distributionally robust optimization." arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.11926 (2021).
- Reference: Bennouna, Amine, and Bart Van Parys. "Holistic robust data-driven decisions." arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.09560 (2022).
- Reference: Blanchet, Jose, et al. "Unifying Distributionally Robust Optimization via Optimal Transport Theory." arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.05414 (2023).
Currently we only focus on linear models, including logistic regression, linear SVM, and linear regression. And further version will incorporate neural network implementations via some approximations.
pip install dro
from dro import fetch_method
method = fetch_method("name", is_regression, input_dim)