Rtv1 is RayTracer written in C. It uses a custom library called minilibx wich, you can guess by it’s name, is a minimalist version of the Xlib. Basic shapes are supported, including the sphere, the cone, the cylinder and the plane
Start by compiling the project using the command Make
Then you need to launch the program (replace scene_file.rt
with an appropriate file)
./rtv1 scene_file.rt
Some template scenes are included in ‘scenes’ directory
After launching the program, you will see a window showcasing the scene you selected
You can then move in the scene in real time
X axis : A
or D
Y axis : W
or S
Z axis : page up
or page down
Reset scene : R
Close window : esc
And of course, you can also rotate your POV to look around with the arrow keys