Lein plugins
Useful Clojure libraries for the REPL
- tools.namespace
- lucidity
- spyscope
- reloaded.repl
- puget - output coloring and pretty printing.
- portkey
- scope-capture - a repl debuger.
- datawalk - interactive datastructure exploration.
- clj-async-profiler flame graphs profiling.
- eftest Fast and pretty Clojure test runner.
- rebel-readline a terminal readline library for Clojure Dialects.
- OZ REPL-based data visualization in the browser
- reveal Read Eval Visualize Loop for Clojure.
- portal A clojure tool to navigate through your data..
Clojurescript repl tools
- weasel a ClojureScript browser REPL using WebSockets.
- Lumo nREPL nREPL implemented for Lumo.
- piggieback a nREPL middleware that enables the use of a ClojureScript REPL on top of an nREPL session.
REPL environments
- proto-repl
- Gorilla REPL
- unravel
- planck
- lumo
- rebel-readline
- replete-android ClojureScript REPL Android app.
Tools for interfacing with the REPL
- Grenchman
- inspectable
- rep quick launch single shot invocations.
Tools/libraries for Using REPL with Java
Artictles and refrences
- Reloaded workflow
- Add color to your Clojure REPL
- Overview of nrepl
- Official Clojure REPL guide
- The Ultimate Guide To Clojure REPLs.