🌱 I’m currently learning MLOps,DSA
💬 Ask me about Machine Learning,IoT
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
🌱 I’m currently learning MLOps,DSA
💬 Ask me about Machine Learning,IoT
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
Forked from FOSS-Community/fosscu.org
This Repo Contains the website of FOSSC
Forked from kushagrathisside/ML-LinearRegression
Machine Learning Linear Regression
Jupyter Notebook
Forked from MYCIN-AI-Club/MachineLearning-Bootcamp01
Projects submitted by teams on completion of Bootcamp 1 organized by MYCIN-AI.
Jupyter Notebook
Forked from MYCIN-AI-Club/Data-Analysis-Projects
This repository provides datasets which are recommended for beginners to test their concepts and coding skills to provide insights from the datasets.
Jupyter Notebook