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Tyler Watts

Laura Pinell edited this page Mar 7, 2019 · 1 revision


  1. Gender: male

  2. Age: 31

  3. Experience: 0-1 years

  4. Profession: McKay Books manager

  5. Level of Formal Edu: High School diploma

  6. Type of Professional Education: Freecodecamp

  7. Soft skillset and level:

  1. Hard skillset and level:
  • JS (0 - 1 years/intermediate)
  • React (0-1/Beg)
  • NodeJS (0-1/Beg)
  • Express (0-1/Beg)
  • MongoDB (0-1/Beg)
  • HTML (0-1/Beg)
  • CSS (0-1/Beg)
  • C# (Beg)
  • .Net (Beg)
  1. Tech Saaviness: 8
  2. Adoption Style: 8

Key Behavior Questions

  1. What do you expect from a job portal?
  • like to be able to filter by experience level
  • qualifications
  • tech stack
  • remote/location
  • name of company
  • title of position
  • details about project(s)
  • members of team

  • SCRUM? AGILE? methods
  • at least a salary range
  • how longs the job has been posted
  1. How do you search for jobs?
  • LinkedIn
  • Indeed
  • Stackoverflow
  • Dice
  • ZipRecruiter
  • Google
  • Peer-to-peer networking
  1. What gets you excited about a potential job? What turns you off?
  • Excited:
    • That he meets the qualifications: tech stack, experience level, tech that he lacks
    • Decent salary range
    • Company that has a good reputation (or not a bad one)
  • Turns off:
    • Seems qualified but "entry-level dev with exposure to a language AND must have a 4-year degree in CS"
    • arbitrary qualification that has no sway on ability to do the job but blocks the opportunity
  1. Which method do you used the most/least? why?
  • Most: LinkedIn - likes that LI profile is the resume and lets it apply with that; makes it easy to apply
  • Least: Stackoverlfow - not a lot of people post there

Needs & Frustrations

  1. What helps you decide to respond to a job posting?
  • Meeting the qualifications
  • Reading the description and feeling comfortable with the company culture
  • Needs to be within 50 miles of where I live
  1. What is most frustrating about searching for jobs online?
  • minimum qualifications blocking ...
    • entry level posting ==? 8 years
  • job posters being held accountable for accurate representation
  • same job posting over and over
  • filtering companies I don't want to see
  • filter out by type (recruiter, direct hire, ...)
  1. What is most frustrating about applying to jobs online?
  • going to an external website and creating a new account in order to apply/rejected
  • LinkedIn split view -> clicked read full description -> full description didn't have apply button? (user error?)
  1. What's your biggest fear about the job search phase?
  • that it is going to take much longer than it is estimated to take
    • 6 month window
  • get into an interview and be trash at it, forget how code works


  1. What kind of job are you/would you be looking for now?
  • Full time
  • contract-to-hire ok
  • uses tech stacks that he is exposed to
  • offer some ability to work remote (family reasons)
  • salary comparable to what he's making
  1. What would you want a job portal/board to do, ideally?
  • see a name and picture with the posting; it's not just some anonymous poster
  • job post: at a glance, what exactly the job position is for; job title consistency
  • title should have level incorporated into it
  1. What kind of information are you expecting from a job posting? Before you click on it? On the job post page?
  • Before:
    • Level of experience
    • Job title
    • Tech stack
    • Company, city and state
  • Job Post:
    • like to be able to filter by experience level
    • qualifications
    • tech stack
    • remote/location and address
    • name of company
    • title of position
    • details about project(s)
    • members of team

    • SCRUM? AGILE? methods
    • at least a salary range
    • how longs the job has been posted
    • aim of the company and the programs
    • am I working in multiple programs/projects
    • who is the end user
    • HR email address
    • link to the company website
    • the poster and their title
    • feedback about the poster (verified) and activity (upwork)
  1. What kind of information would help you improve your chances of finding the right job? Blog? Sidebar information?
  • I don't know that until after I get the job
  • Blog developer stories in detail (wish I would have known)
  • Podcasts
  • Having a mentor that is currently a pro developer