A Sinatra widget to update a HipChat room topic with information about GitHub PRs deployed to different Heroku applications.
Configure each Heroku app to send a post-deploy hook to the /deployment
route. In response to each deployment, Statusaurus will:
- Check the SHA of the deployed commit against the open PRs in the configured GitHub repo
- Get the existing topic from the configured HipChat room
- Parse the topic for information about which PR is deployed to which Heroku app
- Update the topic based on the latest deployment
The room topic is maintained as a list, delimited by ::
, in which each element is a PR name (or an abbreviated SHA, if the deployed commit does not correspond to a PR) followed by a hyphen and then the Heroku app name. For example:
PR 1 - my-first-app :: PR 2 - my-2nd-app
The following environment variables must be set:
HEROKU_APP_NAME_PREFIX (e.g. "my-app-" if you have Heroku applications named "my-app-shakeout", "my-app-qa", etc. that you would like to abbreviate to "SHAKEOUT", "QA", etc.)