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tv_grab_az_sdjson_sqlite /

XMLTV grabber for Schedules Direct JSON service, optimized for large numbers of channels, with local fast caching of xmltv output, and IMDB support. Also includes a Tvheadend metadata program for populating fanart for Kodi.

Place the tv_grab_az_sdjson_sqlite and in the same location as existing grabber files (probably /usr/bin).


The tv_grab_az_sdjson_sqlite program grabs schedule information from SchedulesDirect and creates an xmltv file for use by PVRs (such as Tvheadend and MythTV).

The integrates with "tvhmeta" in Tvheaded 4.3+ to provide additional fanart for Kodi 18+. It needs to be put in the same directory as Tvheadend's "tvhmeta" program. The "fanart" checkbox in the Configuration->Recording->(expert) then needs to be ticked. The Tvheadend server with then call at the approriate time to populate fanart.

You need a SchedulesDirect account for these programs to work. Information from SchedulesDirect is stored in a local SQLite database. Generated information can also be cached locally to improve performance.

This program adds a number of extra features for updating the description with extra information. This is useful because many GUIs do not readily display details about programmes such as season and episode information or cast information.

Information about artwork is also downloaded and this can also be included in the description as URL tags that are displayed by some clients.

See the options --update-description-with-all and --update-description-with-artwork for extra information.

Many of the options can be prefixed with "no-" in order to disable them, such as "--update-all --no-update-description-with-premiere --no-update-description-with-live"

Abbreviated samples of descriptions are given below for a movie and a tv programme episode.


Rambo: First Blood (1982).

(1982). (R). ☆☆☆. Vietnam veteran...

Advisory: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Brief Nudity, Graphic Violence.

Cast: Sylvester Stallone, Richard Crenna...

Categories: Action, Feature Film, Movie.


How I Met Your Mother - S03E16 - Sandcastles in the Sand.

S3/9 E16/20. (2008-04-21). (TV-PG). Robin rekindles...

Cast: Josh Radnor, Jason Segel...

Categories: Episode, Series, Show, Sitcom.


Support for Multiple Lineups

Some countries require multiple SD channel lineups to populate all the channels that can be received by one tuner.

To support this, the configuration file can be manually edited to add multiple "lineup=" lines.

For example if your configuration file contained "lineup=XXX-1234-DEFAULT" then you could alter it to be:


Then the three lineups are fetched and all the channels and programmes from all three lineups are output in the same xmltv output file.

Alternatively the UI can be used with the --configure option to add all lineups to the configuration file.

Local Caching of Formatted Data

This is an experimental feature. That means the options may change or be removed in future releases and the generated output has not been rigorously tested.

Local caching of formatted programme data can be enabled. This will cache xmltv output to a local server such as to Redis. The sqlite database (containing details of downloaded data) is separate from the xmltv-output formatted caching done with redis.

This significantly reduces the time taken for subsequent runs when fetching multiple days of listings. To enable this you will need the Perl module "CHI" and "CHI::Driver::Redis" and a working Redis server running locally.

Caching can also allow the xmltv file to only contain changes, rather than a complete listing via --cache-ignore-unchanged-programmes. So, by default, SD can have several week's of data and an xmltv file will say "news is on at 8pm on 1st April", and on the following day's run it will say again "news is on at 8pm on 1st April", and so on for several weeks. With --cache-ignore-unchanged-programmes, the xmltv file will only contain the item once. This avoids the PVR needing to process the same information repeatedly every day.

The cache can be used via the extra arguments: "--cache-driver=Redis"

Other Perl CHI drivers can be used, but are not rigorously tested such as: "--cache-driver=File"

The first time the programme is run, the formatted output is cached, so the run takes longer than normal as this information is saved. On the second and subsequent runs, the cache is checked, and if the formatted output is already cached, then it is retrieved.

With multiple days and hundreds of channels, this can significantly reduce overhead.

To check that redis caching is occurring, you can use "redis-cli --stat" to monitor keys/memory usage of the redis server. The server must have enough space to hold the cached data (maxmemory setting in the redis server's redis.conf). Since the server only uses as much memory as it needs, it can be useful to set it to a high value such as "maxmemory 1gb", and then monitor how much memory is actually used over the course of a week.

Ensure that the redis.conf does not have a "maxmemory-policy" of "noeviction". For example, set it to "maxmemory-policy allkeys-lru".

If you need to erase all cached entries in Redis then you can use "redis-cli flushdb".

File caching is an alternative to redis and can be used if you have a fast filesystem. Since file system does not natively support purging, it is recommended to also add the purge option. This is selected via "--cache-driver=File --cache-purge-expired".

  • --cache-driver Currently only "Redis" is tested and needs the extra Perl modules installed. The "File" backend appears to work but requires a fast drive/tmpfs to provide peak performance and File would need the "--cache-purge-expired" option to ensure old entries are expired.
  • --cache-namespace-extra=str Extra text to use when generating a cache namespace. This is used if you run the programme multiple times and alter options that affect the generated output. For example if you run it with --update-description-with-icons on one run, and with --no-update-description-with-icons on a second run then you should specify a different caching namespace to avoid retrieving incorrect programme details.
  • --cache-expiry=n String specifying expiry to use. By default the cached programme data expires after a few days to recover space and ensure listings are regenerated. An example would be "--cache-expiry='10 days'"
  • --cache-ignore-unchanged-programmes (experimental) If the programme was already in the cache then do not include it in the generated xmltv file. This avoids PVRs having to constantly reprocess programmes that have not changed. This option is experimental and may be removed/renamed in the future.
  • --cache-purge-expired Purge expired entries from the cache. This is not needed for Redis and is inefficient for many other cache backend drivers (such as File) and not implemented at all in some other drivers.
  • --cache-force-clear Force the cache to be cleared of entries. Useful if there are problems. See also --force-download.
  • --cache-root-dir=str For File backend, specify the root directory in to which cache files are placed. Default is a per-user sub-directory under the user's .xmltv directory.
  • --cache-compression-threshold=n Strings bigger than this threshold in bytes will be compressed before storing in the cache. Default is 2048 bytes. Setting it too low will waste CPU compressing/uncompressing, setting it too high will mean nothing is compressed and the cache will be larger.

IMDB Support

Experimental IMDB support is included.

This feature adds details to the generated xmltv from IMDB such as ratings for shows, URL information, etc. This is useful since SchedulesDirect does not provide ratings for shows, only for movies, and many of the URLs it provides for movies are outdated.

An example of the additional IMDB fields in the generated file:

<url ></url>
<url ></url>
<episode-num system = "" >episode/tt2350522</episode-num>
<episode-num system = "" >series/tt1219024</episode-num>
<star-rating system = "imdb" ><value >9/10</value></star-rating>

Note that many lookups will fail primarily because tv guides are full of local shows, or have programmes that are old where there are discrepencies on when the show was made or how it should be spelled (such as "Quincy", "Quincy, M.E.", and "Quincy M.E."). Although we could handle more special cases, that would unfortunately slow down the majority of lookups that work.

It is recommended that the redis cache server is enabled to use IMDB since it will allow caching of mapping information, see "Local Caching" options such as "--cache-driver=Redis".

The IMDB support needs mysql server running since sqlite was too slow for the large volumes of data that needs to be frequently imported.

As user root:

create database imdb character set utf8mb4;
create user 'imdb'@'%' identified by 'imdb';
grant all on imdb.* to 'imdb'@'%';
create user 'imdb'@'localhost' identified by 'imdb';
grant all on imdb.* to 'imdb'@'localhost';
grant file on *.* to 'imdb'@'localhost';
flush privileges;

The grabber needs to be run with the extra argument --use-imdb, with additional configuration available if you choose to use a different username, password, database, etc. (see below). A common additional argument is "--prefer-imdb-rating" to prefer the IMDB ratings over the SchedulesDirect ratings.

The IMDB datasets can be downloaded from You need the title.basics.tsv.gz, title.episode.tsv.gz, and title.ratings.tsv.gz (see --imdb-download for option to automatically download the files if we have write access to the mysql secure directory).

These files should be uncompressed and placed in to your mysql "secure" directory. This is because modern mysql locks down bulk loading of data. mysql -p -e "SHOW VARIABLES WHERE Variable_Name = 'secure_file_priv'"

For me, this gives /var/db/mysql_secure or /var/lib/mysql-files/ depending on the server.

The files will be automatically loaded if the grabber has access to this directory. If necessary then the directory can be specified with --imdb-dir=xxx, the default is /var/db/mysql_secure.

The files will need to be periodically downloaded and they will be automatically reloaded in to the database. See --imdb-download option.

  • --use-imdb Use IMDB tables to supplement information, such as ratings (see also --prefer-imdb-rating), URL information, etc.
  • --imdb-db-type=s Local db type for storing IMDB data, default mysql (sqlite was far too slow for the large volumes of data).
  • --imdb-db=s Local db connection information, default is imdb@localhost which connects to the database called imdb locally.
  • --imdb-user=s Local user to use, default imdb.
  • --imdb-pass=s Local password to use, default imdb
  • --imdb-dir=s MySQL secure directory containing the IMDB downloaded files. The grabber needs access to this directory. Default is /var/db/mysql_secure.
  • --imdb-download=s Periodically download IMDB files. Options are "day", "week", "month", "quarter", "half", "year". This will download in to the mysql secure directory (typically /var/db/mysql_secure) and you need write access to this directory. This can be done via setfacl, or (for single user systems), the tvheadend process could be given write access to the directory via chgrp tvheadend /var/db/mysql_secure && chmod g+rwx /var/db/mysql_secure. Since IMDB normally has details for future episodes/movies already, it's recommended to not download more frequently than every month.

Extra Options

  • --merge-split=n Movies that are split in to two segments by news programmes will be automatically merged if the news is <=n minutes long. An example is "--merge-split=5" to remove programmes that are only five minutes long if they programmes either side have the same title.
  • --artwork-max-width=n Prefer artwork with a width no larger than n. If no artwork exists at that size then larger artwork may be used. An example is "--artwork-max-width-720".
  • --prefer-imdb-rating If IMDB data is loaded and a rating exists for the programme then use it instead of the SchedulesDirect rating. The IMDB ratings tend to have a larger range of values so more easily differentiate average and above-average movies.
  • --channel-regex=regex and ---channel-exclude-regex=regex When outputting xmltv file, only output details for channels matching/not matching the regex. This allows the user to run the grabber multiple times and output extra days for important channels. See also --channel-short-days-regex.
  • --channel-short-days=n and --channel-short-days-exclude-regex=s For channels matching the channel-short-days-exclude-regex, only the full programme guide, for other channels, output only the "--channel-short-days" worth of days. This allows you to use --days for "good" channels and "--channel-short-days" for channels that are not interesting, thus saving memory on PVRs and clients. Note that it is an "exclude" regex since it's likely you know the channels that are interesting and all the other channels are then marked as boring. For example: --channel-short-days=3 --channel-short-days-exclude-regex="BBC|Movie|PBS"
  • --no-download Do not download the schedule, use database cache only.
  • --no-prune Do not prune the database of old schedules. Useful if running multiple times.
  • --no-channel-output Do not output the channels information in the xmltv file. This can be useful if you have hundreds of channels that never change since it avoids the PVR re-processing them on every run.
  • --output-bad-channel-details=[never|always|week|month|quarter|half|year] SchedulesDirect frequently has channels for which it no longer publishes guide data. So we now output a list of these channels so end clients can be updated. Use this option to avoid a detailed list of these bad channels being displayed. The default is never.
  • --force-download Erase schedules from DB and force a complete download of data.
  • --force-vacuum The database is automatically vacuumed to reduce clutter and improve performance. However, a vacuum can be forced with this option.
  • --vacuum-frequency=n Delta (in seconds) of how frequently a vacuum should occur. Vacuuming can take a long time so is not done frequently. Default is once every few months.
  • --content-rating-order=s Use a specific content rating order based on rating agency. For example "MPAA,VCHIP" will prefer those to all other rating systems. This is useful since many movies have multiple ratings but many systems only take the first content rating. The default is based on US ratings, with fallbacks to other countries.
  • --use-category-for-keyword Instead of outputting keyword tags, output category tags instead. Useful for programs that cannot parse keywords.
  • --update-category-with-grabber Add an xmltv tag to the programme's categories. This allows the user to schedule programmes that have a category of 'xmltv' (and, say, a title of "Bob") and so avoid recording other OTA channels which have provided EIT details that would otherwise match the recording rule.

Extra Options for Updating Description

These options alter the programme's description. This can be useful since some frontends do not display programme year, age rating, season, episode, star rating, or other information in some views.

  • --update-description-with-all Enable all the below "update-description-with-" options except for --update-description-with-title, --update-description-with-icons, --update-description-with-icons-basic, --update-description-with-icons-entity and --update-description-with-artwork.
  • --update-description-with-credits Add credits (actors) to description.
  • --update-description-with-categories Include categories in description.
  • --update-description-with-year Add year to description, for example year movie was made.
  • --update-description-with-season-episode Add season/episode information to description.
  • --update-description-with-icons Add icons to the description to indicate category. Note that some databases (such as MySQL/MariaDB) have their own idea of utf-8 which defaults to only three-bytes not four-bytes (which they call utf8mb4), so they cannot store all icons correctly.
  • --update-description-with-icons-basic Similar to --update-description-with-icons but only include icons that fit in to basic character set so supported by older databases.
  • --update-description-with-icons-entity Similar to --update-description-with-icons but use html entities for encoding characters. This will only for some clients which cannot handle utf-8 in the server.
  • --update-description-with-premiere Add indicator that an episode is brand new to the description.
  • --update-description-with-live Add indicator that an episode is live to the description.
  • --update-description-with-advisory Add content advisories (such as adult language) to description.
  • --update-description-with-artwork Some clients allow artwork to be embedded in the description using html image URLs. This option enables this.
  • --update-description-with-stars Add star rating to description.
  • --update-description-with-stars-color=s Specify the color for the stars, either "white" or "black". Default is "white" which uses an outline star (unicode U+2606). The alternative is "black" which uses a filled star (unicode U+2605).
  • --update-description-with-rating Add programme age rating in to description. For example "TV-PG".
  • --update-description-with-title Include title details inside the description. So the description will include "ProgTitle - S01E02 - Subtitle". This is useful for easier recording regex in some programs. This is not included in --update-description-with-all since many UIs do show season/episode information in their UI.
  • --update-previously-shown-with-year Movies often have details of the year they were made but some clients expect those details in the previously-shown field.
  • --benchmark Provide details of how long it took to generate files.

Extra Supported Tags and Features

The program has a few features that are enabled without user configuration options:

  • Prefer ttvdb episode numbers if they differ from Gracenote episode numbers. This is useful since most metadata lookups use ttvdb episode numbers which can often be different.
  • Download artwork for programmes.
  • Support multiple xmltv episode number formats include series/ and episode/ formats.
  • Tag new showings as premiere so they can be recorded in tvheadend.

Extra Packages Required

A list of extra (potentially non-standard) packages you may need to install is below:

  • DateTime::Duration::Parse (libtime-duration-parse-perl)
  • DateTime::Format::SQLite (libdatetime-format-sqlite-perl)
  • DBD::SQLite
  • File::Homedir
  • IPC::Run3 (libipc-run3-perl)
  • JSON
  • JSON::XS (libjson-xs-perl)
  • LWP::Protocols::https (liblwp-protocol-https-perl)
  • LWP::UserAgent::Determined
  • URO::Escape::XS (liburi-escape-xs-perl)

For local (advanced) caching you also need:

  • CHI (libchi-perl)
  • CHI::Driver::Redis (libchi-driver-redis-perl)
  • A redis-server running on the local machine (redis-server)

The other modules used are typically already installed as part of xmltv.

Different distributions may have different dependencies but this will install dependencies on some distributions:

sudo apt install xmltv libdatetime-format-sqlite-perl libipc-run3-perl libjson-xs-perl liblwp-protocol-https-perl liburi-escape-xs-perl libchi-perl libchi-driver-redis-perl

Some distributions might ship with fewer dependencies pre-installed as part of the base system. If you have an error stating "you may need to install the ABC::DEF module" then you can normally install it using sudo apt install libabc-def-perl (note the installed package name is all lowercase and has lib prefix and -perl suffix). If this does not work, you can normally find the package name using apt search libabc-def-perl or apt search ABC::DEF.

Miscellaneous Information

In Kodi, to view the star rating you may have to change the font to "Arial Based" in Settings/Interface Settings/Skin/Fonts, otherwise it may appear as square blocks instead of stars.

The airdate may be incorrect for your country since it tends to be the first worldwide airdate.

Total number of seasons is known to be sometimes incorrect when a new series is released.

Programmes marked as "new/premiere" are based on information provided to Schedules Direct by the networks. So, a movie may be "new" because it's the first time a network has purchased the rights to show the movie. This means a movie from 1970 may be marked as "new" on one network but could be a "repeat" on a different network. Similarly, some networks mark programmes as "new" based on the timeslot. So a programme could be "new" at 9pm and the same episode could also be "new" the following day at 2am.

How Do You (Personally) Run This Program?

I like to have long listings on channels I watch, and shorter listings on all the other channels such as shopping.

For mythtv/mythweb, I like to have artwork injected in the description.

I used to use File caching backend since I have a reasonably fast filesystem backed by SSD and it seems a bit faster than Redis on my system. However, I now use Redis since it performs purging faster than File.

So I have a script that is run via crontab. It is similar to:

#! /bin/sh

# Interesting channels have this text in their name (separated by pipe symbol)

COMMONARGS="--config-file sd.conf --merge-split=5 --artwork-max-width=720 --update-description-with-all --update-description-with-artwork --update-previously-shown-with-year --cache-driver=Redis --cache-ignore-unchanged-programmes --benchmark --cache-ignore-unchanged-programmes --no-channel-output --use-imdb --prefer-imdb-rating --imdb-download=month"
tv_grab_az_sdjson_sqlite --output out.xml --days 10 --channel-short-days=3 --channel-short-days-exclude-regex="$CHREGEX" $COMMONARGS
mythfilldatabase --file --xmlfile out.xml --sourceid 1

For tvheadend, I don't use artwork in the descriptions since its grid doesn't handle them very well:

tv_grab_az_sdjson_sqlite --output tvh.xml $COMMON_ARGS --no-update-description-with-artwork --cache-namespace-extra=tvh
nc -w 5 -U /home/hts/.hts/tvheadend/epggrab/xmltv.sock < tvh.xml

Most people don't need this level of complexity and can use the script from within the PVR directly, perhaps adding appropriate "extra arguments" such as "--artwork-max-width=720 --cache-driver=Redis".


XMLTV grabber for Schedules Direct JSON service







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  • Perl 97.3%
  • Python 2.7%