To gain access to the API you need access token, which can be obtained by following these steps
1) Authenticate user using facebook and storing access_token provided by facebook for the user 2) Making a post request to server to <url>/oauth/token with params client_id=<3rd party app's client id>, client_secret=<3rd party app's client secret>, grant_type="assertion" assertion="<facebook's access token for authenticated user>" The post request will return access_token, expiration_time for access token and a refresh token
For subsequent requests on behalf of the user, you have to pass the access token along as one of the parameters regardless of request type
Once the access token expires you have to obtain a new access_token and a refresh token by following this step
1) Making a post request to server to <url>/oauth/token with params grant_type="refresh_token" refresh_token=<refresh token from before> The post request will return access_token, expiration_time for access token and a refresh token
Currently hosted at
Contact nathik to get an client_id and password