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Version 5.0.1 - Breaking Change: New NatDs Theme Names

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@mlcsouza mlcsouza released this 22 Dec 20:43

Release 5.0.0 - DS Android

Hi today we’re releasing the new version of Nat DS For Android!
⚠️⚠️⚠️ This is an important BREAKING CHANGE⚠️⚠️⚠️

What’s new:

⚠️ Nat DS Theme names has changed

Nat DS Themes are generated from Nat DS Commons.

Natura Themes:
Theme.Natura -> Theme.Natura.Light
Theme.Natura.NoActionBar -> Theme.Natura.Light.NoActionBar
Theme.NaturaDark -> Theme.Natura.Dark
Theme.NaturaDark.NoActionBar -> Theme.Natura.Dark.NoActionBar

Avon Themes:
Theme.Avon -> Theme.Avon.Light
Theme.Avon.NoActionBar -> Theme.Avon.Light.NoActionBar
Theme.AvonDark -> Theme.Avon.Dark
Theme.AvonDark.NoActionBar -> Theme.Avon.Dark.NoActionBar

The Body Shop Themes:
Theme.BodyShop -> Theme.TheBodyShop.Light
Theme.BodyShop.NoActionBar -> Theme.TheBodyShop.Light.NoActionBar
Theme.BodyShopDark -> Theme.TheBodyShop.Dark
Theme.BodyShopDark.NoActionBar -> Theme.TheBodyShop.Dark.NoActionBar