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Releases: natura-cosmeticos/natds-android

Version 5.3.1 - Fixes ValueText Highlight label width and adds alertDialog variation

28 Jan 15:33
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Release 5.3.1 - DS Android

Hi today we’re releasing the new version of Nat DS For Android!

What’s new:

🎸 Alert Dialog

AlertDialog variation for Dialog component was added

🐛 Fix ValueText Highlight layout

Fixes the width of the hightlight label value so that it does not exceed one line

Version 5.2.0 - Adds Shortcut with badge notify and update Dialog to accept text param

15 Jan 12:58
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Release 5.2.0 - DS Android

Hi today we’re releasing the new version of Nat DS For Android!

What’s new:

🎸 Shortcut with new Badge

Notification attribute (badge) can be inserted in the Shortcut component

🎸 Dialog with new param

Dialog component can be created by sending a text-only content instead of passing a complete layout

Version 5.1.0 - Upgrade Textfield

23 Dec 22:22
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Release 5.1.0 - DS Android

Hi today we’re releasing the new version of Nat DS For Android!

What’s new:

🎸 Textfield support all brands

The component textfield can be use for all brands now.

🎸 Aesop Theme

NatDs Android now supports Aesop theme!

Version 5.0.1 - Breaking Change: New NatDs Theme Names

22 Dec 20:43
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Release 5.0.0 - DS Android

Hi today we’re releasing the new version of Nat DS For Android!
⚠️⚠️⚠️ This is an important BREAKING CHANGE⚠️⚠️⚠️

What’s new:

⚠️ Nat DS Theme names has changed

Nat DS Themes are generated from Nat DS Commons.

Natura Themes:
Theme.Natura -> Theme.Natura.Light
Theme.Natura.NoActionBar -> Theme.Natura.Light.NoActionBar
Theme.NaturaDark -> Theme.Natura.Dark
Theme.NaturaDark.NoActionBar -> Theme.Natura.Dark.NoActionBar

Avon Themes:
Theme.Avon -> Theme.Avon.Light
Theme.Avon.NoActionBar -> Theme.Avon.Light.NoActionBar
Theme.AvonDark -> Theme.Avon.Dark
Theme.AvonDark.NoActionBar -> Theme.Avon.Dark.NoActionBar

The Body Shop Themes:
Theme.BodyShop -> Theme.TheBodyShop.Light
Theme.BodyShop.NoActionBar -> Theme.TheBodyShop.Light.NoActionBar
Theme.BodyShopDark -> Theme.TheBodyShop.Dark
Theme.BodyShopDark.NoActionBar -> Theme.TheBodyShop.Dark.NoActionBar

Version 4.1.0 - Icon Button Component

14 Dec 13:33
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Release 3.4.0 - DS Android

Hi today we’re releasing the new version of Nat DS For Android!

What’s new:

🎸 Icon Button Component

Now Nat DS Android has an IconButton component available. Check the documentation for more info

Version 4.0.0 - Nat DS Android without Nat DS Icons

07 Dec 14:06
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Release 4.0.0 - DS Android

Hi today we’re releasing the new version of Nat DS For Android!
⚠️⚠️⚠️ This is an important BREAKING CHANGE⚠️⚠️⚠️

What’s new:

⚠️ Nat DS Icons is no longer part of Nat DS Android

In order to be more agile Nat DS Icons is now a new dependency.
To keep everything like before, you MUST add Nat DS Icons dependency to your project to use icons as drawables.
The icons are still available as resource (@drawable/outlined_action_send for ex).

Int this version all old icons with the prefix ds_ic were removed. To use Nat DS Icons, you should follow the name pattern: iconType_category_iconName
IconType: filled or outlined
category: its possible to check the categories supported in Nat DS Portal
iconName: its also possible to check icons names in Nat DS Portal

Version 3.4.0 - Progress Indicator component

03 Dec 17:59
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Release 3.4.0 - DS Android

Hi today we’re releasing the new version of Nat DS For Android!

What’s new:

🎸 Nat DS Progress Indicator component

Now Nat DS Android has Progress Indicator available. Check the documentation to more info

Version 3.3.0 - Adding Button Default Height

19 Nov 19:58
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Release 3.3.0 - DS Android

Hi today we’re releasing the new version of Nat DS For Android!

What’s new:

🎸 Now default buttons has an standard height

Version 3.2.0 - New Icons

19 Nov 19:56
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Release 3.2.0 - DS Android

Hi today we’re releasing the new version of Nat DS For Android!

What’s new:

🎸 New icons:

  • outlined-action-frame
  • outlined-content-handcare

⭐ Update Icons:

  • filled-content-channel

Version 3.1.0 - Shortcut Label for large contents

03 Nov 17:16
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Release 3.1.0 - DS Android

Hi today we’re releasing the new version of Nat DS For Android!

What’s new:

🎸 New behavior for large contents at shortcut labels

Now, a big label receive ellipsis to avoid break the content to another line.