SonarNodeJS is a code analyzer for NodeJS projects.
This project is currently a result of a POC.
To build the plugin and run its unit tests, execute this command from the project's root directory to generate the jar file. After this put the jar file in $SONARQUBE_HOME/extensions/plugins, removing any previous versions of the same plugins:
mvn clean package
Building using docker, execute this command from the project's root directory:
docker run -v ~/.m2:/var/maven/.m2 -ti --name sonar-nodejs --rm -u `id -u`:`id -g` -v "$(pwd)":/usr/src/sonar-nodejs -w /usr/src/sonar-nodejs -e MAVEN_CONFIG=/var/maven/.m2 maven:3.6.1-jdk-8-alpine mvn clean package -Duser.home=/var/maven