60280de Bumping version to 0.4.2 while approving PR 23
f721c10 Fixed bug in action commands
61603a2 Fixed typo
226dd6c Merge branch 'master' into issue/#19/workspace-abstraction
51d765d Merge branch 'master' into issue/#22/fix-git-repo-heuristics
5471683 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:naveego/bosun
1ba6d23 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:naveego/bosun
8cab955 Merge issue/#22/fix-git-repo-heuristics into master
6a1a019 Merge issue/#22/fix-git-repo-heuristics into master
5eb47b6 Merge of PR #18
06f0d2d Merge of PR #21
a12f1d6 Merge pull request #20 from naveego/issue/#12/bosun-release-create-command-returning-error-that-release-was-not-found
af9a107 Update README.md
461cbf5 Update README.md
0546dff chore: Update go-rootcert to fix hash issue.
266755c delete dist
a28c4ca feat(Added support for multiple images; added support for building images.):
6f9bdfa feat(app): Add repo-path command to app.
95c5a5a feat(apps): Added --if flag to filter app commands.
c69a300 feat(deploy): Add flags to set pull policy and tag on deploy.
7052a47 feat(minikube): Moved minikube config.
9a2d1a1 feat(release): Add commands for grooming release.
2c59104 feat(release): Added release merge command.
f6ea3f1 feat: Add ContractsOnly flag for apps.
6d848fe fix(actions): Make cmd actions execute in containing folder.
c809e01 fix(apps): Make passing a path instead of a name work.
0f3d0f7 fix(clone): Don't assume refs are cloned.
545fcb0 fix(env): Don't prompt for credentials when switching await from environment.
f53eb8d fix(env): Lazily initialize environment.
57cc37e fix(git): Correctly infer current repo dir
3511f67 fix(git): Fix app heuristics on accept pr cmd
743ed1e fix(git): Fix git repo heuristics
2794e4d fix(git): Fix git repo heuristics
31a31fc fix(helm): Delete chart package after publish
0542c43 fix(release): Improve release validation
dc5bc09 fix(save): Actually save files.
cdcc6e3 fix(status): Fix bug where localhost/cluster status was not reported correctly.
99854d3 fix: Fixed issue when no current release was selected
6685e6a fix: Make command work correctly
0f205ba refactor(apps): Refactored app releases and repos to have common filter pattern.
687587e refactor: Rename various components for clarity.
80ae2e4 refactoring Command/CommandValue