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Windows and MacOS Virtual machine with vagrant (EN)

Siarhei Navatski edited this page Jan 10, 2017 · 1 revision

If your OS doesn't support docker native you can use virtual machine with vagrant. I have chosen vagrant instead of docker-machine because I had problems with shared folders using docker-machine.

  1. Download this project from or clone it using git clone

  2. Install Vagrant

  3. Install VirtualBox

  4. Open cmd and go to the downloaded directory torrentmonitor-dockerized/windows whicn contains Vagrantfile file

     cd torrentmonitor-dockerized/windows
  5. Run

     vagrant up

    And wait when the start will be finished

  6. Open browser on page http://localhost:8080

  7. Enjoy

###Additional Stop/Restart/Pause/Resume vagrant:

vagrant halt
vagrant reload
vagrant suspend
vagrant resume

If you will have critical problems with application you can try one of next

  • Recreate application inside vagrant virtual machine by using

      vagrant provision
  • Destroy vagrant virtual machine and start again

      vagrant destroy
      vagrant up
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