- Perl
- LWP Perl module
- PhantomJS
- Imagemagick
- ffmpeg
- Clone the repository :
git clone https://github.com/nazarimilad/war-over-time
- move to the repository :
cd war-over-time
- run the script :
perl fetch_and_render.pl
- convert the gif to a MP4 video:
- convert the gif to a serie of PNG files :
convert gifs/result.gif gifs/gif%05d.png
- convert the serie of PNG files to a MP4 video:
ffmpeg -r 7 -i gifs/gif%05d.png -y -an video.mp4
- Syria:
lat = 34.8000; lng = 40.0000; zoom = 8 ;
- Raqqa:
lat = 36.1000; lng = 39.2000; zoom = 10;
- Mosul:
lat = 36.3500; lng = 43.2050; zoom = 13;
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch:
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Commit your changes :
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch :
git push origin my-new-feature
- Submit a pull request
I made an extra script named datastructure.pl
in the repository, which produces an complex datastructure of multi polygon coordinate data of the different groups. It can be used to make geographical and statistical calculations.