- acac90c: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (release-bot)
- e4126e4: Bump maven-compiler-plugin from 3.10.1 to 3.11.0 (#175) (dependabot[bot]) #175
- 21a2018: Bump plantuml from 1.2023.1 to 1.2023.2 (#176) (dependabot[bot]) #176
- 0e78cde: This dot val dollar (#177) (nbauma109) #177
- Tests a corner case of foreach array pattern. (#178) #178 (nbauma109)
- cbf67ff: comment ThisDotValDollarInLambdaTest (nbauma109)
- 7da656e: bug fix for boolean array falsely evaluated to byte array (#179) (nbauma109) #179
- 9cf2f99: Diamond operator and type arguments (#180) (nbauma109) #180
- bug fix hex long and ternary op (#181) #181 (nbauma109)
- b82c4f4: bug fixes for casts (remove/update), varargs, ternaryop in ternaryop (#183) (nbauma109) #183
- 0a986e9: added BooleanUtilsTest : bug fix for switch case with block (#184) (nbauma109) #184
- 1f0a56c: bug fix: duplicate local variable (#185) (nbauma109) #185
- 81f55f4: do not use classpath to resolve types (#186) (nbauma109) #186
- 99ac4cb: typos in comments (nbauma109)
- 8ed717b: typo in comment (nbauma109)
- d09b8ad: layouter fix: fields without line number first (#187) (nbauma109) #187
- 5a7ac64: use type argument visitor (#188) (nbauma109) #188
- bce7e98: restore layout coverage (nbauma109)
- f86f84b: added fix for cast to generics and tests (#189) (nbauma109) #189
- 5b8fe76: fix typo (nbauma109)
- f019e05: Bump plantuml from 1.2023.2 to 1.2023.4 (#182) (dependabot[bot]) #182
- bba0f4b: various fixes around ClassUtils (#190) (nbauma109) #190
- c00ffd2: added impoer of type argument inner class (#191) (nbauma109) #191
- 4d82eb8: added cast instructions (#192) (nbauma109) #192
- 78b73c0: deserialize implemented interfaces (nbauma109)
- 20a2b61: added @OverRide annotations (#193) (nbauma109) #193
- f2f2dde: remove unnecessary parenthesis in complex if expressions (#194) (nbauma109) #194
- e330c3e: fine-tune casts to generics (#195) (nbauma109) #195
- 75a9b9e: improve varargs (#196) (nbauma109) #196
- d8c19ba: fix cast to long (#197) (nbauma109) #197
- 8a09c1e: fix for boolean array getfield (#198) (nbauma109) #198
- af63ac3: fix for access$ get field with increment (#199) (nbauma109) #199
- 3a8547a: added IterableUtilsTest for val$ field (#200) (nbauma109) #200
- 2d19aaf: Bump maven-release-plugin from 3.0.0-M7 to 3.0.0 (#201) (dependabot[bot]) #201
- ebb1e7f: Cast wildcard (#202) (nbauma109) #202
- a000acc: bug fix for local variable re-declaration (#203) (nbauma109) #203
- 590b856: fix indentation (nbauma109)
- 55b6d57: added more override annotations (#204) (nbauma109) #204
- 59b9ba4: exclude static from @OverRide (#205) (nbauma109) #205
- afc0385: bug fix for stringbuxxxer (#206) (nbauma109) #206
- 83000a6: add missing cast and test (#207) (nbauma109) #207
- 8a7c028: Removed TYPE_118_FINALLY_2 (nbauma109)
- 42202c9: added PathVisitorFileFilterTest - ternaryop and line number fix (#208) (nbauma109) #208
- bbfd1d4: bug fix: return should not be in try /!\ removed a lot of unnecessary code /!\ (#209) (nbauma109) #209
- c95d3f4: refactored override annotations and removed redundant code (#210) (nbauma109) #210
- 767e187: removed useless null checks (#211) (nbauma109) #211
- 96c2b1b: Bump plantuml from 1.2023.4 to 1.2023.5 (#212) (dependabot[bot]) #212
- 88c6674: fix declaration in for loop (#213) (nbauma109) #213
- extract duplicated code to a new method (nbauma109)
- d736979: refactoring (nbauma109)
- 278657c: additional switch test cases (#215) (nbauma109) #215
- daeca67: Update (nbauma109)
- 03dcf23: fix exception in TernaryOpReconstructor (#217) (nbauma109) #217
- 78daffb: Revert "removed useless null checks (#211)" (nbauma109)
- 40732d4: Revert "Revert "removed useless null checks (#211)"" (nbauma109)
- fd19b33: test null classFile in getReturnedSignature (#218) (nbauma109) #218
- 8a1573a: bug fix writeGetField inside anonymous class (nbauma109)
- 8a52318: Bump jacoco-maven-plugin from 0.8.8 to 0.8.9 (#219) (dependabot[bot]) #219
- 87849ca: handle case of outer increment getstatic (#220) (nbauma109) #220
- f385138: null check (nbauma109)
- 4cdffa9: fix access$ in lambda (#221) (nbauma109) #221
- 3cefdb1: fix java lang class name clash (#222) (nbauma109) #222
- f389df5: fix bad import (#223) (nbauma109) #223
- ad41849: fixed more class name clashes (#224) (nbauma109) #224
- 773739b: removed FIXME (nbauma109)
- 0714058: use optionals (nbauma109)
- 2fe6488: fix for malformatted lambda (#225) (nbauma109) #225
- 4425120: line number on end block cannot be known (#226) (nbauma109) #226
- 4312b71: removed wrong code for try/catch (nbauma109)
- 802e10a: fix for try resources special cases (#227) (nbauma109) #227
- d8dbbb0: Fix declare local variable in assignment (#228) (nbauma109) #228
- e8241d5: fix comment (nbauma109)
- 0d5b40d: Merge branch 'master' of (nbauma109)
- eedd8bc: ExceptionLoad rewrite (nbauma109)
- 103397f: Bugfix foreach in catch (#229) (nbauma109) #229
- a42cdcc: RuntimeException is unchecked (nbauma109)
- 86a9597: added missing declarations (#230) (nbauma109) #230
- 2745f9a: use Objects.requireNonNull (nbauma109)
- 0debf08: Checkcast store putfield bug fix (#231) (nbauma109) #231
- 2bad80d: handle generic exceptions in method signature (#232) (nbauma109) #232
- 166de72: fix concurrency issue (nbauma109)
- c230a73: add cast on throw (#233) (nbauma109) #233
- 596248d: fix wrong local variable declaration (#234) (nbauma109) #234
- 82ef364: remove unused code (nbauma109)
- f319a2c: fix missing generic cast on local variable (#235) (nbauma109) #235
- b217e18: NPE fix: null -> method.getLocalVariables() (nbauma109)
- 6bbd164: no override annotation on abstract methods (nbauma109)
- e60aea7: fix import clash of inner classes (#236) (nbauma109) #236
- 2f97cf0: cast on return fix (#237) (nbauma109) #237
- f059cb6: Bump plantuml from 1.2023.5 to 1.2023.6 (#238) (dependabot[bot]) #238
- 937f035: removed FIXME in StringUtilsTest (nbauma109)
- 79945d0: Merge branch 'master' of (nbauma109)
- f220f4c: added StoreReturnAnalyzer : compact store/return (#239) (nbauma109) #239
- 7f56972: source cleanup refactoring (#240) (nbauma109) #240
- 9fe35b6: Fix ternaryop initarray (#241) (nbauma109) #241
- 03b2d63: fix write putfield (nbauma109)
- 025ff14: fix parenthesis bug - added eclipse compiler for tests (nbauma109)
- 3a234d4: fix comments in FastInstructionListBuilder (nbauma109)
- 9c99b6b: Bump jacoco-maven-plugin from 0.8.9 to 0.8.10 (#242) (dependabot[bot]) #242
- 0017a22: Created method SourceWriterVisitor.writeError(int) (nbauma109)
- 4f38fc8: added compiler messages to unit tests (nbauma109)
- b15917f: Store and assignment (#244) (nbauma109) #244
- 22662a9: remove unvisited nodes (#246) (nbauma109) #246
- f4a33d5: fix try block declaration (nbauma109) #247
- 1c9a7c8: removed unused code (nbauma109) #247
- 29d09ec: add InstructionUtil.getIndexForOffset(List, LocalVariable) (nbauma109)
- eb6366e: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/try-block-declaration-fix' (nbauma109) #247
- 9a4e4f8: removed unused code (nbauma109)
- b250532: removed TODO comment (nbauma109)
- 4163321: fix ArrayCollector.txt (nbauma109)
- 72be15c: fix misplaced declarations (#248) (nbauma109) #248
- a7d3ff7: use Validate.inclusiveBetween (nbauma109)
- 20fd0bf: use Validate (nbauma109)
- 76eb92e: bug fix and coverage for StringBuxxxer (#249) (nbauma109) #249
- 4dd52b1: refactoring visitors (#250) (nbauma109) #250
- df240c2: fix incinstructions for values not in -1,1 (#251) (nbauma109) #251
- d8ab200: fix NPE in CheckLocalVariableUsedVisitor (#252) (nbauma109) #252
- ed7d08f: added FileSystemTest: code coverage of ReplaceDupLoadVisitor (#253) (nbauma109) #253
- ebb7a6e: fix for PREINC/POSTINC in ReplaceOuterReference/Accessor visitors (#254) (nbauma109) #254
- ef369ae: removed redundant check of instanceof CheckCast (nbauma109)
- fce6860: fix for empty enum bug (#255) (nbauma109) #255
- 358d25b: Fix declaration in for init (#256) (nbauma109) #256
- 9607abd: fix for boolean ternary op and missing local variable declarations (#257) (nbauma109) #257
- 7fcdc63: added WideInstructionTest (#258) (nbauma109) #258
- eaef763: refactor duplicated code into new interface method getSignatureIndex (nbauma109)
- 450798b: removed unreachable code in OuterGetStaticVisitor (nbauma109)
- ffcf223: removed SearchDupLoadInstructionVisitor (#259) (nbauma109) #259
- ff91ee5: remove unnecessary parenthesis (nbauma109)
- 506d86e: bump jd-util to 1.1.5, fix bugs related to TypeMaker (nbauma109)
- 507b408: Revert "Fix ternaryop initarray (#241)" (nbauma109)
- 759581b: fixed regression on ternary op / init array : added ValidateTest (nbauma109)
- f5dfe0f: refactored some tests (nbauma109)
- 4ab3cde: new-fix-ternaryop-initarray (#260) (nbauma109) #260
- 4943672: bug fix and coverage for assignment (#261) (nbauma109) #261
- df2ff3a: change Printer in AbstractTestCase (nbauma109)
- 95fbb81: added ConstantValueWriter (#262) (nbauma109) #262
- ec87809: pre-inc-post-inc-refactoring (#263) (nbauma109) #263
- 83bf95d: coverage of compare instruction visitors (#264) (nbauma109) #264
- 3ab9093: removed SearchInstructionByOffsetVisitor (#265) (nbauma109) #265
- a8102ed: test missing inner class (#266) (nbauma109) #266
- 4f6bb85: Empty foreach and auto-unboxing foreach (#267) (nbauma109) #267
- 649ec17: bug fix for searchPutStaticAccessor (#268) (nbauma109) #268
- 721a09e: Visit LOOKUPSWITCH, TABLESWITCH in SearchInstructionByTypeVisitor (#269) (nbauma109) #269
- ac02601: fix NPE in CompareInstructionVisitor (#270) (nbauma109) #270
- 4198ed0: added bug fix and test for jdk8 array foreach (#271) (nbauma109) #271
- 642c1d3: fix test NonUniqueFieldNames (nbauma109)
- null safe isNotEmpty (#272) #272 (nbauma109)
- 6d91fb1: update NullClassFileTest: NPE on localVariables (#273) (nbauma109) #273
- 305a0fc: source cleanups (#274) (nbauma109) #274
- removed unused code (nbauma109)
- removed unused code (nbauma109)
- c1816bc: remove dup constants attributes (#275) (nbauma109) #275
- 77a850e: remove accessor analyzer from ClassFileAnalyzer (nbauma109)
- b224f99: more instanceof patterns (nbauma109)
- 76214a2: fix regression of instanceof pattern (nbauma109)
- 3d71273: added StaticBucketMapTest (#276) (nbauma109) #276
- c7711d0: Replace multiple outer reference test (#277) (nbauma109) #277
- f454d42: added LineOfSegmentsTest (#278) (nbauma109) #278
- 55d3299: simplify incgetfield/incgetstatic tests (#279) (nbauma109) #279
- 96f6dab: assignment bug fix and tests (#280) (nbauma109) #280
- db6bca5: added AsciiEncoderTest : bug fix for assert false (#281) (nbauma109) #281
- 768c131: refactoring of replace instruction visitors (#282) (nbauma109) #282
- 551c82b: spotbugs fixes - code clean-up (#283) (nbauma109) #283
- d5d42f2: added tests for DUP2_X2 (#284) (nbauma109) #284
- c3e0257: Refactoring abstract replace visitor (#285) (nbauma109) #285
- b2c1f44: added DateUtilsTest: ClassFileLayouter : Expand end block (#287) (nbauma109) #287
- 346f718: various plantuml tests (#288) (nbauma109) #288
- fdd9cf4: fix for bug removing instructions from try statement (#289) (nbauma109) #289
- ae8147e: spellcheck : maxSitchOffset -> maxSwitchOffset (nbauma109)
- a9217e9: bug fix and test for CHECKCAST in foreach (#290) (nbauma109) #290
- 682385f: Bump plantuml from 1.2023.6 to 1.2023.7 (#291) (dependabot[bot]) #291
- 8747643: Bump plantuml from 1.2023.7 to 1.2023.8 (#295) (dependabot[bot]) #295
- 22b0f65: Bump maven-source-plugin from 3.2.1 to 3.3.0 (#294) (dependabot[bot]) #294
- 276c820: migrate to jd-util-1.1.7 - cleanup bytecode (#296) (nbauma109) #296
- d4dfa93: jd-util 1.1.18 (nbauma109)
- 82871eb: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.8.18 (release-bot)