- nCent Api
- This api is to be used to interact with the nCent protocol.
- Currently the logic is running via a traditional application structure.
- We will be moving most of the protocol logic into a blockchain
- Api Reference docs can be found here
- Model docs can be found here
- UML Diagrams can be found here
- Serverless, Kotlin, jUnit, exposed (mysql, auroraserverless), circleci
NOTE: Make sure you're using Java 8 (v1.8.*)
- Install it using npm:
git clone [email protected]:thejnaut1/ncnt.git
cd ncnt/kotlin/kotlin-serverless
npm install serverless -g
npm init -f
npm install
Create your project in serverless.com
To configure your AWS credentials execute serverless config credentials --provider aws --key EXAMPLE --secret EXAMPLEKEY
mvn clean install
./start.sh local
- Create AWS Serverless Aurora RDS DB and Create EC2 Instance to Access RDS DB
- run make with the desired arguments
make name=NAME vpc_cidr= subnet1_cidr= subnet2_cidr= master_user_password=PASSWORD
- copy the output key and create a pem file for using it on the ssh
- change pem file permission as below
chmod 444 key.pem
- Add ncnt database to the newly created db
- Connect to the ec2 instance
ssh -i <path to pem file> ec2-user@<ec2 public url>
- Update yum
sudo yum update
- Install mysql if it doesn’t exist (check by using mysql command)
sudo yum install mysql
mysql -h <aurora db cluster url> -P 3306 -u <dbusername> -p
- Create database ncnt if it doesn’t exist
- Update serverless.yml
- Vpc:, securityGroupIds, subnetIds
- Environment: database_url, database_driver, database_user, database_password
- For local env use after you have created a mysql database and added a ncnt db:
- database_url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ncnt
- database_driver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
- database_user: root
- database_password:
- For production env use creds from above aws instances
- Setup env vars in serverless.yml and also add to AWS SMPS (ex: ${ssm:/ncnt/production/database/user})
- Install serverless
- Setup AWS Creds for Serverless Framework
- Create project in https://dashboard.serverless.com if it doesn’t already exist
- To deploy ./start.sh
./start.sh local ./start.sh production
- Using circleci you can setup continuous integration and deployment. Look at /.circleci/config.yml
- Current configuration depends on the following:
- all new pull requests will auto build and test
- all pushes to master branch will deploy to development env
- all pushes to production branch will deploy to production env
- after any deployment, postman tests will get triggered
- Feel free to create pull requests in your own branch, include descriptions and tests.
- Contact info: nCent
Contributions by: