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This library exports a generic high level crypto API, which allows to use an implemented cryptographic algorithm to be applied using a simple interface. It also implements abstract and configurable RNG handling, which uses a local (CS)RNG entropy source, if not overridden and extended with a customized RNG algorithm, which may use a physical entropy source, too.

Per default these cryptographic algorithms are implemented:

Usage Algorithm
Hashing MD5
Symmetric encryption AES-256-CBC (ISO10126 padding)
Asymmetric keys Elliptic Curve Diffie Hellman
Elliptic Curve DSA (RFC 3279 signatures)
KDF key stretching PBKDF#2 (250,000 iterations per default)

These elliptic curves are supported at present:

  • secp256r1
  • secp384r1
  • secp521r1

The number of algorithms can be extended easy, a bunch of additional libraries implementing more algorithms (and probably more elliptic curves) will follow soon.

The goals of this library are:

  • Make a choice being a less torture
  • Make a complex thing as easy as possible

Implementing (new) cryptographic algorithms into (existing) code can be challenging. wan24-Crypto tries to make it as easy as possible, while the API is still complex due to the huge number of options it offers. Please see the Wiki for examples of the most common use cases, which cover:

  • Simple encryption using a password
  • Advanced encryption using a private PFS key
  • Advanced encryption using a private PFS key and hybrid key exchange
  • Advanced encryption using a peers public key
  • Advanced encryption using a peers public key and hybrid key exchange

For more examples please open an issue - I'd be glad to help! If you've found a security issue, please report it private.

NOTE: The cipher output of this library may include a header, which can't (yet) be interpreted by any third party vendor code (which is true especially if the raw data was compressed before encryption, which is the default). That means, a cipher output of this library can't be decrypted with a third party crypto library, even this library implements standard cryptographic algorithms.

Using this library for a cipher which has to be exchanged with a third party application, which relies on working with standard crypto algorithm output, is not recommended - it may not work!

Anyway, this library should be a good choice for isolated use within your application(s), if want to avoid a hussle with implementing newer crypto algorithms.

How to get it

This library is available as NuGet package.

These extension NuGet packages are available:


In case you don't use the wan24-Core bootstrapper logic, you need to initialize the library first:


In case you work with dependency injection (DI), you may want to add some services:


WARNING: The factory default algorithms may not be available on every platform! The wan24-Crypto-BC extension library contains pure .NET implementations of most algorithms from wan24-Crypto, which can be used instead.


byte[] hash = rawData.Hash();

The default hash algorithm ist SHA3-512.

Shake128/256 hash algorithms

The Shake128 and Shake256 hash algorithms support a variable output (hash) length. The default output length of the hash implementations of wan24-Crypto is

  • 32 bytes for Shake128
  • 64 bytes for Shake256

when using the HashHelper, the extension methods, or the HashShake128/256Algorithm instances directly.

Anyway, if you need other output lengths, you may use the NetShake128/256HashAlgorithmAdapter classes, which allow to give the desired output length in bytes (a multiple of 8) to the constructor, and can be used as every other .NET HashAlgorithm implementation (also in a crypto stream/transform, for example).


byte[] mac = rawData.Mac(password);

The default MAC algorithm is HMAC-SHA3-512.

NOTE: The CryptoOptions.MacPassword won't be used here, since you have to specify the MAC password in the method call already. The MacPassword is only used during encryption, if it is different from the encryption key.

KDF (key stretching)

(byte[] stretchedPassword, byte[] salt) = password.Stretch(len: 64);

The default KDF algorithm is PBKDF#2, using 250,000 iterations, with a salt length of 16 byte and SHA3-384 for hashing.

TIP: You may override the default hash algorithm which is being used in a new options instance in the static KdfPbKdf2Options.DefaultHashAlgorithm property.

Example options usage:

(byte[] stretchedPassword, byte[] salt) = password.Stretch(len: 64, options: new KdfPbKdf2Options()
        HashAlgorithm = HashSha3_512Algorithm.ALGORITHM_NAME
    });// KdfPbKdf2Options cast implicit to CryptoOptions

NOTE: The SP 800-108 HMAC CTR KBKDF algorithm isn't available in a WASM app, and there's currently no pure .NET replacement included in the wan24-Crypto-BC library. It doesn't support iterations and salt (but a label and context value instead). Not all hash algorithms may be supported (you'll need to register custom hash algorithms to the .NET CryptoConfig).


byte[] cipher = raw.Encrypt(password);
byte[] decrypted = cipher.Decrypt(password);

There are extension methods for memory and streams.

The default algorithms used:

Usage Algorithm
Symmetric encryption AES-256-CBC
Asymmetric key exchange EC Diffie Hellman
Asymmetric digital signature EC DSA

NOTE: The CryptoOptions.MacPassword will optionally be used, if an additional MAC is being computed, but it doesn't affect the AEAD included MAC, which is going to be calculated separately. If no MacPassword was set, the final encryption password is going to be used instead.

Using asymmetric keys for encryption

This way you encrypt using a stored private key (which will be required for decryption later):

using IAsymmetricPrivateKey privateKey = AsymmetricHelper.CreateKeyExchangeKeyPair();
byte[] cipher = raw.Encrypt(privateKey);
byte[] decrypted = cipher.Decrypt(privateKey);

In case you want to encrypt for a peer using the peers asymmetric public key for performing a PFS key exchange:

// Peer creates a key pair (PFS or stored) and sends peerPublicKeyData to the provider
using IAsymmetricPrivateKey peerPrivateKey = AsymmetricHelper.CreateKeyExchangeKeyPair();
byte[] peerPublicKeyData = (byte[])peerPrivateKey.PublicKey;// Needs to be available at the provider

// Encryption at the provider (pfsKey shouldn't be stored and can be a new key for every cipher message)
using IAsymmetricPublicKey peerPublicKey = AsymmetricKeyBase.Import<IAsymmetricPublicKey>(peerPublicKeyData);// Deserialize the peers public key of any format
CryptoOptions options = EncryptionHelper.GetDefaultOptions();// Add the asymmetric key information for key pair creation
options.AsymmetricAlgorithm = peerPublicKey.Algorithm.Name;
options.AsymmetricKeyBits = peerPublicKey.Bits;
options.PublicKey = peerPublicKey;// Required for encrypting especially for the one specific peer
byte[] cipher;
using(IKeyExchangePrivateKey pfsKey = AsymmetricHelper.CreateKeyExchangeKeyPair(options))
    cipher = raw.Encrypt(pfsKey, options);// Only the peer can decrypt the cipher after pfsKey was disposed

// Decryption at the peer
byte[] decrypted = cipher.Decrypt(peerPrivateKey, options);

Time critical decryption

It's possible to define a maximum age for cipher data, which can't be decrypted after expired:

// Encryption
CryptoOptions options = new()
    TimeIncluded = true
byte[] cipher = raw.Encrypt(password, options);

// Decryption (required to be decrypted within 10 seconds, or the decryption will fail)
options = new()
    RequireTime = true,
    MaximumAge = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)
byte[] decrypted = cipher.Decrypt(password, options);

By defining CryptoOptions.MaximumTimeOffset you may define a time tolerance which is being used to be tolerant with peers having a slightly different system time.

Password pre-processing

The CryptoOptions.EncryptionPassword(Async)PreProcessor delegates may pre- process an encryption password from CryptoOptions.Password before the key bytes are being finalized for use with the desired crypto engine. Key derivation from asymmetric keys and KDF are being applied before.

The asynchronous delegate will only be used during asynchronous operations, while the synchronous delegate is a fallback during asynchronous operations, if no asynchronous delegate was set.

The delegate itself need to set the final key to use to CryptoOptions.Password and should clear the current value.

TIP: For setting a new password to CryptoOptions.Password use the CryptoOptions.SetNewPassword method. This method will clear the previous value, if any.

Asymmetric keys

Key exchange

PFS example:

// A: Create a key pair
using IKeyExchangePrivateKey privateKeyA = AsymmetricHelper.CreateKeyExchangeKeyPair();
byte[] publicKeyData = (byte[])privateKeyA.PublicKey.Export();// publicKeyData needs to be available at B

// B: Create a key pair, key exchange data and derive the shared key
using IAsymmetricPublicKey publicKeyA = AsymmetricKeyBase.Import<IAsymmetricPublicKey>(publicKeyData);// Deserialize the peers public key of any format
using IKeyExchangePrivateKey privateKeyB = AsymmetricHelper.CreateKeyExchangeKeyPair(new()
    AsymmetricAlgorithm = publicKeyA.Algorithm.Name,
    AsymmetricKeyBits = publicKeyA.Bits
(byte[] keyB, byte[] keyExchangeData) = privateKeyB.GetKeyExchangeData(publicKeyA);// keyExchangeData needs to be available at A

// A: Derive the exchanged key
byte[] keyA = privateKeyA.DeriveKey(keyExchangeData);


The default key exchange algorithm is ECDH from a secp521r1 elliptic curve.

IKeyExchange interface

All asymmetric private keys which can be used for a key exchange implement the IKeyExchange interface. This interface is also used for PAKE, for example. By working with this interface, it's possible to implement more abstract key exchange routines:

// Initiator side
(byte[] keyA, byte[] keyExchangeData) = initiatorKeyExchangeProcessor.GetKeyExchangeData();

// Transfer keyExchangeData to the peer using a secure communication channel

// Peer side
byte[] keyB = peerKeyExchangeProcessor.DeriveKey(keyExchangeData);


initiatorKeyExchangeProcessor and peerKeyExchangeProcessor are IKeyExchange instances and may be an asymmetric private key, or a PAKE instance, for example.

Both peers need to agree to the same key exchange method, first. And both peers need to use a key exchange processor which can produce/take the key exchange data of the initiator.

NOTE: The PrivateKeySuite implements IKeyExchange using the managed KeyExchangeKey, if any.

Digital signature

// Create a key pair for signature
using ISignaturePrivateKey privateKey = AsymmetricHelper.CreateSignatureKeyPair();

// Sign data
SignatureContainer signature = privateKey.SignData(anyData);

// Validate a signature
privateKey.PublicKey.ValidateSignature(signature, anyData);

The default signature algorithm is ECDSA from a secp521r1 elliptic curve.

Value protection

The ValueProtection contains some static methods for protecting a value in a specified scope:

value = ValueProtection.Protect(value);
value = ValueProtection.Unprotect(value);

There are 3 scopes, which may be given as parameter:

  • System: System (permanent system bound protection)
  • User: Current user (permanent user bound protection)
  • Process: Current process (default; for non-permanent protection only!)

The scope keys will be set automatic, but may be replaced with your own logic. Per default the keys are generated like this:

  • System: Hash of application location and machine name
  • User: Hash of user domain and name, application location and machine name
  • Process: Random data

WARNING: Setting new keys isn't thread-safe!

The Protect and Unprotect methods are delegate properties which can be exchanged. For example for Windows and Linux OS you may want to use different approaches.

For protecting a value it'll be encrypted using the current default encryption options.

Using the ValueProtectionLevels you can manage keys for a specific security requirement by defining keys using the ValueProtectionKeys.Set method, and getting them later using the ValueProtectionKeys.Get method. The protection levels include variations for the system (mashine) and user level, with or without TPM (for TPM usage the wan24-Crypto-TPM module is required) and optional with an online key storage and/or a manual entered user password (the online key storage and user password input needs to be implemented by yourself):

// userPassword should be entered manually whenever it's required to (un)protect a value

byte[] protectedValue = ValueProtectionLevels.UserTpmPassword.Protect(value, userPassword);
// protectedValue is ready to be stored for the current user scope

byte[] unprotectedValue = ValueProtectionLevels.UserTpmPassword.Unprotect(protectedValue, userPassword);

The ValueProtectionKeys is used to (re)store a protection key for each level using the Set(2) and (Try)Get methods. It uses a ISecureValue for serious key protection:

ValueProtectionKeys.Set(ValueProtectionLevels.UserTpmPassword, protectionKey, userPassword);

NOTE: While the Set method requires a ISecureValue, the Set2 method creates a SecureValue from the protectionKey byte array parameter. The (Try)Get methods will return the final key to use (after MAC, if applicable). Stored keys will be protected for the according scope using ValueProtection.

You may use the extension method ValueProtectionLevels.*.Protect/Unprotect for protecting/unprotecting a value, or the raw protection key which is being returned from the ValueProtectionKeys.(Try)Get methods for applying en-/decryption of values by yourself.

To determine the capabilities of a protection level, you can use these ValueProtectionLevels extension methods:

  • RequiresPasswordInput: If a manual entered user password is required
  • RequiresTpm: If a TPM is required
  • RequiresNetwork: If an online key storage is required
  • GetScope: Determines the according ValueProtection.Scope enumeration value

NOTE: In order to be able to use the TPM protection levels, wan24-Crypto-TPM and a TPM must be available. The protection levels including online communication require implementing an online key storage service. ValueProtectionKeys does support a single user context only (it's designed for an app which runs in a specific user context).

WARNING: For each value protection level that you want to use you'll need to set a key using ValueProtectionKeys.Set(2), which is not thread-safe.

Too many options?

The CryptoOptions contains a huge collection of properties, which follow a simple pattern in case of en-/decryption: Which information should be included in the cipher header, and is an information in the header required? Because the options include information for all sections, there are single values which belongs to the specific section only. If you separate the options into sections, it's easy to overview:

Section Property Description Default value
Encryption Algorithm Encryption algorithm name null (AES256CBC)
EncryptionOptions String serialized encryption options null
MaxCipherDataLength Maximum cipher data length in bytes null
EncryptionPasswordPreProcessor Delegate for pre-processing an encryption password (the default can be set to DefaultEncryptionPasswordPreProcessor) null
EncryptionPasswordAsyncPreProcessor Delegate for pre-processing an encryption password (only applied during asynchronous operation; the default can be set to DefaultEncryptionPasswordAsyncPreProcessor) null
FlagsIncluded Are the flags included in the header? true
RequireFlags Are the flags required to be included in the header? true
PrivateKeysStore Private keys store to use for decryption, using automatic key suite revision selection (the default can be set to DefaultPrivateKeysStore) null
PrivateKeyRevision Revision of the used private key suite (may be set automatic) 0
PrivateKeyRevisionIncluded Is the private key suite revision included in the header? true, if a DefaultPrivateKeysStore was set
RequirePrivateKeyRevision Is the private key suite revision required to be included in the header? true, if a DefaultPrivateKeysStore was set
RngSeeding RNG seeding options (overrides RND.AutoRngSeeding) null
MAC MacAlgorithm MAC algorithm name null (HMAC-SHA3-512)
MacIncluded Include a MAC in the header true
RequireMac Is the MAC required in the header? true
CounterMacAlgorithm Counter MAC algorithm name null
CounterMacIncluded Include a counter MAC in the header false
RequireCounterMac Is the counter MAC required in the header? false
ForceMacCoverWhole Force the MAC to cover all data false
RequireMacCoverWhole Is the MAC required to cover all data? false
MacPassword Password to use for a MAC null
Encryption / Key creation / Signature AsymmetricAlgorithm Asymmetric algorithm name null (ECDH for encryption, ECDSA for signature)
AsymmetricAlgorithmOptions String serialized algorithm options null
AsymmetricCounterAlgorithm Asymmetric counter algorithm name null
KeyExchangeData Key exchange data (includes counter key exchange data; generated automatic) null
RequireKeyExchangeData Is the key exchange data required in the header? false
PrivateKey Private key for key exchange null
CounterPrivateKey Private key for counter key exchange (required when using a counter asymmetric algorithm) null
PublicKey Public key for key exchange (if not using a PFS key) null
CounterPublicKey Public key for counter key exchange (required when using a counter asymmetric algorithm and not using a PFS key) null
KDF KdfAlgorithm KDF algorithm name null (PBKDF2)
KdfIterations KDF iteration count 1
KdfOptions String serialized KDF algorithm options null
KdfSalt KDF salt (generated automatic) null
KdfAlgorithmIncluded Include the KDF information in the header true
RequireKdfAlgorithm Is the KDF information required in the header? true
CounterKdfAlgorithm Counter KDF algorithm name null
CounterKdfIterations Counter KDF iteration count 1
CounterKdfOptions String serialized KDF algorithm options null
CounterKdfSalt Counter KDF salt (generated automatic) null
CounterKdfAlgorithmIncluded Include the counter KDF information in the header false
RequireCounterKdfAlgorithm Is the counter KDF information required in the header? false
Payload PayloadData Plain payload null
PayloadIncluded Is the payload object data included in the header? false
RequirePayload Is payload object data required in the header? false
Serializer version CustomSerializerVersion Serializer version number (set automatic) null
SerializerVersionIncluded Include the serializer version number in the header true
RequireSerializerVersion Is the serializer version number required in the header? true
Header version HeaderVersion Header version number (set automatic) 1
HeaderVersionIncluded Is the header version included in the header? true
RequireHeaderVersion Is the header version required in the header? true
Encryption time Time Encryption timestamp (UTC) null
TimeIncluded Is the encryption time included in the header? false
RequireTime Is the encryption time required to be included in the header? false
MaximumAge Maximum age of cipher data (the default can be set to DefaultMaximumAge) null
MaximumTimeOffset Maximum time offset for a peer with a different system time (the default can be set to DefaultMaximumTimeOffset) null
Compression Compressed Should the raw data be compressed before encryption? true
Compression The CompressionOptions instance to use (will be set automatic, if not given) null
MaxUncompressedDataLength Maximum uncompressed data length in bytes (when decrypting) -1
Hashing / Signature HashAlgorithm The name of the hash algorithm to use null (SHA3-512)
Key creation AsymmetricKeyBits Key size in bits to use for creating a new asymmetric key pair 1
Stream options LeaveOpen Leave the processing stream open after operation? false
Key usage counting options KeySuite Private key suite to use for key usage counting null
Debug options Tracer Collects tracing information during en-/decryption null
Tag Tag Can store any tagged object which will be cloned on GetCopy, if IClonable is implemented null

Other options, which are not listed here, are used internal only.

If you use a new instance of CryptoOptions, all defaults will be applied. You can override these defaults in the static *Helper.Default* properties, or by setting other values in the CryptoOptions instance, which you use when calling any method.

For encryption these sections matter:

  • Encryption
  • MAC
  • PFS
  • KDF
  • Payload
  • Serializer version
  • Header version
  • Encryption time
  • Compression
  • Stream options
  • Key usage counting options

In case you want to use the *Counter* options, you'll need to set the CounterPrivateKey value.

For MAC these sections matter:

  • MAC
  • Stream options

For hashing these sections matter:

  • Hashing
  • Stream options

For asymmetric key creation these sections matter:

  • Key creation
  • Key usage counting options

For signature these sections matter:

  • Signature
  • Hashing
  • Stream options
  • Key usage counting options

The CryptoEnvironment helps configuring the whole wan24-Crypto environment at once by providing an options class which contains all the options that one might miss, when not knowing where to look at:


NOTE: See the developer reference for details of the CryptoEnvironment.Options class. Options will only be applied, if they have a non-null value.

The CryptoEnvironment has also some static properties for storing some singleton instances (which are used as default for the configurable options).

You could implement a JSON configuration file using the AppConfig logic from wan24-Core, and the CryptoAppConfig. In this configuration it's possible to define many options from the CryptoEnvironment.Options, which can be written as a JSON value. There it's also possible to define disabled algorithms, which makes it possible to react to a broken algorithm very fast and without having to update your app, for example. If you use an AppConfig, it could look like this:

public class YourAppConfig : AppConfig
    public YourAppConfig() : base() { }

    [AppConfig(AfterBootstrap = true)]
    public CryptoAppConfig? Crypto { get; set; }

await AppConfig.LoadAsync<YourAppConfig>();

NOTE: If you use the CompressionAppConfig also, it should be applied before the CryptoAppConfig by defining a Priority in the AppConfigAttribute.

In the config.json in your app root folder:


Anyway, you could also place and load a CryptoAppConfig in any configuration which supports using that custom type.

Crypto suite

You can use a CryptoOptions instance as crypto suite. The type can be binary serialized (using the Stream-Serializer-Extensions) for storing/restoring to/from anywhere.

NOTE: Only crypto suite relevant information will be serialized! This excludes:

  • SerializerVersion
  • HeaderVersion
  • PrivateKeystore (needs to be stored in another place; a default can be set in DefaultPrivateKeysStore)
  • PrivateKeyRevision (will be managed automatic)
  • PrivateKey (needs to be stored in another place)
  • CounterPrivateKey (needs to be stored in another place)
  • PublicKey
  • CounterPublicKey
  • KeySuite (needs to be stored in another place)
  • KeyExchangeData
  • PayloadData
  • Time
  • LeaveOpen
  • MacPosition
  • Mac
  • HeaderProcessed
  • Password
  • MacPassword
  • Tracer
  • Tag

Also delegates won't be serialized.


Using the AsymmetricSignedPublicKey type, you can implement a simple PKI, which allows to

  • define trusted root keys
  • define a key revocation list
  • sign public keys
  • validate signed public keys until the root signer key
// Create the root key pair
using ISignaturePrivateKey privateRootKey = AsymmetricHelper.CreateSignatureKeyPair();

// Self-sign the public root key
using AsymmetricSignedPublicKey signedPublicRootKey = new(privateRootKey.PublicKey);

// Create a key pair, which will be signed, and a signing request
using ISignaturePrivateKey privateKey = AsymmetricHelper.CreateSignatureKeyPair();
using AsymmetricPublicKeySigningRequest signingRequest = new(privateKey.PublicKey);

// Sign the public key
using AsymmetricSignedPublicKey signedPublicKey = signingRequest.GetAsUnsignedKey();

// Setup the PKI (minimal setup for signed public key validation)
AsymmetricSignedPublicKey.RootTrust = 
    // Normally you would have a DBMS which stores the trusted public key IDs
    (id) => id.SequenceEqual(privateRootKey.ID);
AsymmetricSignedPublicKey.SignedPublicKeyStore = (id) => 
    // Normally you would have a DBMS which stores the known keys
    if(id.SequenceEqual(privateRootKey.ID)) return signedPublicRootKey;
    if(id.SequenceEqual(privateKey.ID)) return signedPublicKey;
    return null;
// Normally you would have a DBMS which stores a revocation list for AsymmetricSignedPublicKey.SignedPublicKeyRevocation

// Validate the signed public key

As you can see, it's a really simple PKI implementation. It's good for internal use, and if there won't be too many keys to manage. For managing a larger amount of keys, you can use the SignedPkiStore:

using SignedPkiStore pki = new();

By calling EnableLocalPki all PKI callbacks in AsymmetricSignedPublicKey will be set with methods from the SignedPkiStore instance. This allows signed key and signature validations using your PKI.

The GetKey methods will find the hosted key with the given ID of the public key. The PKI may also host revoked keys. By revoking a key, it'll be removed from the trusted root/granted key tables, and GetKey will throw on key request.

Signed attributes and other PKI extensions

The signed attributes are fully customizable and not pre-defined at all, you're the designer of your own PKI implementation. In order you want some inspiration and ideas, you may have a look at the SignedAttributes class, wich contains some examples/suggestions for signed attributes and their names.

Name Usage
Domain PKI domain name to identify/validate the keys PKI
OwnerId Foreign owner ID for loading meta data from a store (should be encrypted by the PKI host)
KeyValidationUri URI that should point to a RESTful API for online key revokation validation
GrantedKeyUsages Allowed usages for the signed key
PkiSig Permitted to sign sub-keys
KePublicKey Identifier of the public key for the key exchange with the owner
KePublicCounterKey Identifier of the public counter key for the key exchange with the owner
SigPublicKey Identifier of the public signature key of the owner
SigPublicCounterKey Identifier of the public signature counter key of the owner
CipherSuite Serialized CryptoOptions to use with the signed key owner
Serial Serial number (the key revision of the owner context)

Some key meta data like the creation and expiration time, or a nonce, is included in a lower level in the AsymmetricSignedPublicKey already, and don't need to appear in the signed attribute list again.

A key signing request may also contain more attributes than the final signed key, if you want to give signing instructions to the PKI. The PKI may remove/replace/extend those instructions for signing.

As said before, the list above doesn't need to be implemented fully, and it may be extended with any attribute that your PKI requires in addition. There are only suggestions for value formats - but how you implement it finally, is your business only. If you implement the suggested attributes and value formats, you'll have a fully usable PKI. In addition a key revokation list would be a nice feature (as a part of a RESTful PKI API). For a trusted root key list you could use the PublicKeySuiteStore, for example. A key revokation list may only contain the IDs of revoked keys, which are not yet expired.

You can use the AsymmetricKeySigner as template for a key signing request handler, which supports the attributes from above. You should implement algorithm validation etc. for a key signing request by yourself, since such requirements are not really good to match with a basic API.

For validating the signed attributes of a signing request or a signed key, you can use the SignedAttributes.Validate(Async) methods. Using the SignedAttributes.ValidationOptions you can specify common restrictions for the above listed default attributes. The validation will be executed also, if AsymmetricSignedPublicKey.Validate(Async) was called. For additional attribute validations you can set SignedAttributes.AdditionalValidation(Async) handlers. If no public key suite store was given, key exchange/signature keys will be looked up in the PKI, which was given in the options (CryptoEnvironment.PKI is being used per default).

Key ring

The KeyRing type can store these key types:

  • Symmetric key (a byte sequence)
  • Asymmetric key
  • Key suite
  • Key suite store
  • PAKE record
  • PAKE record store
  • PKI

In addition different CryptoOptions can be stored to a name.

Every key will be stored with a unique name, which is required to get the key later:

// Create a new key ring
using KeyRing keys = new();

// Add a key
if(!keys.TryAdd("name", anyKey))
    throw new Exception("Key exists already");

// Get a key
if(!keys.TryGetSymmetric("name", out anyKey))
    throw new Exception("Key not found");

// Encrypt/decrypt
byte[] keyBytes = keys.Encrypt(secret);
// Can be restored using `KeyRing.Decrypt(keyBytes, secret)`

Adding, updating, getting, removing keys and encryption is thread safe.

The static MaxCount and MaxSymmetricKeyLength properties limit the max. number of stored keys and the max. symmetric key length in bytes. A key name is limited to 255 characters.

NOTE: If a key ring uses algorithms or types which are not available in a deserializing context, it can't be restored anymore!

In order to ignore unusable keys during deserialization use the constructor which takes ignoreSerializationErrors and set the value to true:

using KeyRing keys = new(ignoreSerializationErrors: true);
int serializerVersion = stream.ReadSerializerVersion();
((IStreamSerializer)keys).Deserialize(stream, serializerVersion);

It's assumed that stream contains the decrypted key ring serialization data already.

NOTE: Only type/algorithm incompatibilities will be ignored by skipping the stored object. Serialized structure errors will still throw.


Pake (see tests) can be used for implementing a password authenticated key exchange, which should be wrapped with a PFS protocol in addition. PAKE uses symmetric cryptographic algorithms only and uses random bytes for session key generation. After signup, it can be seen as a symmetric PFS protocol, if the random bytes are random for each session and never stored as communicated between the peers.

CAUTION: PAKE doesn't support counter algorithms! For working with PQ counter algorithms, you'll have to combine two PAKE with different options by yourself.

NOTE: For PAKE both peers need to use the same KDF and MAC options. If the algorithm is going to be changed, a new signup has to be performed. In case a peer changes its authentication (identifier or key), a new signup operation has to be performed, too. A signup should always be performed using an additional factor, which was communicated using another transport. An authentication may use a second factor, while it's recommended to use at last two factors for each operation.

PAKE allows single directional authenticated messages and should be performed bi-directional for a bi-directional communication, if possible.

While a MAC can be computed fast, KDF needs time. During a PAKE handshake both algorithms are used on both peers. But the server will perform KDF only after a MAC was validated, which closes a door for DoS attacks by an anonymous attacker.

NOTE: Default options for PAKE can be overridden by setting a custom value to Pake.DefaultOptions.

FastPakeClient/Server allow fast followup authentications after the first authentication of an already known peer (after a signup was performed). They're designed to be alive for a longer time, if the server expects a client to perform multiple authentications. They're good for a single-directional UDP protocol, for example, where each message is PAKE authenticated, and each followup message is encrypted using the session key of the first authentication message.

NOTE: This PAKE implementation is patent free!

PAKE with http requests

PAKE can encrypt http messages and provide an additional authentication to a JWT. Benefits of encrypting http messages:

  • additional authentication to JWT
  • Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) encryption for every single http request
  • nothing from the request can be sniffed from a man in the middle (MiM)
  • the request can't be repeated in another authentication context
  • you can implement replay attack avoiding measures by denying the same random data (from the PAKE authentication object) within a timespan

The final http method, request path, headers and body are completely hidden to any attacker who may be able to sniff your network traffic. Also in a client browser the developer tools won't show any request details, which is perfect in a WASM app to hide even your servers API effectively.

Of course processing each request and response with PAKE has an overhead, especially when using compression, too.

Example client code:

using PakeHttpRequestFactory factory = new(username, password);
using PakeRequest request = await factory.CreateRequestAsync(
// request.Request contains the http request message
using PakeResponse response = await httpResponseMessage.GetPakeResponseAsync(request.Key);
// response.Response contains the decoded PAKE response, response.Body.CryptoStream the response stream

The server needs to process messages, too, of course. This part isn't included within this library and does vary depending on the webserver.

Client/server authentication protocol

Asymmetric keys + PAKE

wan24-Crypto implements a client/server authentication protocol for stream connections (like a TCP NetworkStream). This protocol allows

  • server public key request
  • signup
  • authentication

while all features are optional. It implements Zero Knowledge Password Proof (ZKPP) and Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS).

During a signup an asymmetric public key of the client can be signed by the server for long term use.

The authentication is encrypted using

  • (hopefully pre-shared) server public keys and PFS keys
  • PAKE

If the public servers keys are not pre-shared, a PKI should be used to ensure working with valid keys.

See the tests (Auth_Tests.cs) for an example of a simple but working client/ server implementation.

On signup, the server needs to store the PAKE identity and the clients public keys, which then need to be provided for a later authentication process. The ClientAuthContext has all the information required to handle a signup or an authentication, and it contains the exchanged PFS session key for encrypted communication, too.

For optimal security (in 2023), you should use an asymmetric PQC algorithm for the key exchange and signature key, and a common non-PQC algorithm as counter key exchange and signature key. You can find asymmetric PQC algorithms in the wan24-Crypto-BC library, for example.

NOTE: Login username and password won't be communicated to the server. If any authentication related information changes, a follow-up signup needs to be performed.

The signup process (as seen from the client; is bi-directional always):

  • Send the clients public PFS key
  • Start encryption using the servers public key and a private PFS key of the client
  • Send the clients public counter PFS key
  • Extend the encryption using the servers public counter key and a private PFS key of the client
  • Send the PAKE signup request and extend the encryption using the PAKE session key (the request contains the public key suite and a key signing request, if this is the signup of a new user, or the public key suite changed)
  • Sign the authentication sequence using the private client key
  • Validate the server signature of the authentication sequence
  • Receive the servers public PFS key
  • Extend the encryption using the private key and the servers public PFS key
  • Receive the servers public counter PFS key
  • Extend the encryption with the PFS key computed using the private PFS keys and the servers public PFS keys
  • Get the signed public client key
  • Sign the public key suite including the signed public key and store the private and public key suites

NOTE: The PAKE authentication allows to attach any payload, which enables the app to extend the process with additional meta data as required.

A later authentication process (as seen from the client; may be uni- directional):

  • Send the clients public PFS key
  • Start encryption using the servers public key and a private PFS key of the client
  • Send the clients public counter PFS key
  • Extend the encryption using the servers public counter key and a private PFS key of the client
  • Send the PAKE authentication request and extend the encryption using the PAKE session key
  • Sign the authentication sequence using the private client key

For a bi-directional communication channel in addition:

  • Validate the server signature of the authentication sequence
  • Receive the servers public PFS key
  • Extend the encryption using the private key and the servers public PFS key
  • Receive the servers public counter PFS key
  • Extend the encryption using the PFS key computed using the private PFS keys and the servers public PFS keys

WARNING: An uni-directional connection does use a PFS key, but this key is being applied on a pre-shared long term key only.

NOTE: Since a temporary client like a browser may not be able to store the private client keys, such a client may only use the signup and not send a key signing request. Then the server is required to identify the authenticating client using the PAKE identifier (not the public key ID).

In total at last three session keys are being exchanged during a request (six session keys for bi-directional communication). The first two keys are pseudo- PFS keys, while the third key is the PAKE session key. Each part of the authentication sequence will be encrypted using the latest exchanged session key (encryption does change each time a new session key can be derived at the server).

NOTE: The encryption key will always be extended by the next derived key, but not replaced.

To avoid replay-attacks, the server should implement methods to deny re-using PFS keys or random byte sequences. A timestamp validation is implemented already (which defaults to a maximum time offset of 5 minutes to the clients system time). So the server should ensure, that a (pseudo-)PFS key or random byte sequence can't be re-used within five minutes after it was received from a client.

NOTE: The long term client key exchange keys can be used for encrypting an off-session peer-to-peer message. They're not used for signup/authentication.

Things that must be known in advance are the used algorithms, while the PFS keys use the public server keys algorithms and key sizes. But these algorithms must be pre-defined in both (client and server) apps anyway:

  • Hash algorithm
  • MAC algorithm
  • KDF algorithm
  • Encryption algorithm (and other CryptoOptions settings for encryption)

CAUTION: The chosen encryption algorithm must not require MAC authentication (while built-in MAC authentication like with AEAD is ok). You can find a stream cipher in the wan24-Crypto-BC library, for example. The encryption settings shouldn't use KDF to avoid too much overhead (KDF will be used for PAKE already).

PAKE authentication only

Quiet different from the "Asymmetric keys + PAKE" authentication protocol, there is another implementation, which uses PAKE only. See the tests (PakeAuth_Tests.cs) for an example of a simple but working client/server implementation.

This protocol allows

  • signup
  • authentication

while all features are optional. It implements Zero Knowledge Password Proof (ZKPP) and Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS).

CAUTION: At last the signup communication is required to be wrapped with a PFS protocol! Use a TLS socket, for example. A later authentication may be performed using a raw socket.

During the signup the server will respond a random signup to the client. The produces PAKE values need to be stored on both peers for later authentication.

WARNING: This authentication protocol doesn't support the use of a pre- shared key for the signup. This clearly opens doors for a MiM attack during the signup: If the signup communication was compromised, the attacker will be able to authenticate successful later! It's absolutely required to use a wrapping PFS protocol which ensures the server identity, before sending any signup information.

For authentication, the client sends the identifier of the servers PAKE values, which have been pre-shared during the signup. Using random bytes a temporary session key will be calculated and used to send the PAKE authentication request. The temporary session key will then be extended using the now fully exchanged PAKE session key.

NOTE: The authentication may use a raw socket, while a wrapping PFS protocol is of course never a mistake. However, if using raw sockets, a MiM is able to know who is authenticating, because the servers random PAKE identifier needs to be sent plain (and this value won't change, if not forced).

Things that must be known in advance are the used algorithms, which must be pre-defined in both (client and server) apps:

  • MAC algorithm
  • KDF algorithm
  • Encryption algorithm (and other CryptoOptions settings for encryption)

CAUTION: The chosen encryption algorithm must not require MAC authentication (while built-in MAC authentication like with AEAD is ok). You can find a stream cipher in the wan24-Crypto-BC library, for example. The encryption settings shouldn't use KDF to avoid too much overhead (KDF will be used for PAKE already).

In total this authentication may be a good choice for use with fixed client devices, which are able to store the servers PAKE values in a safe way for the long term. But also temporary devices may benefit, if they'll connect to a server multiple times.

Random number generator

You can use RND as a random data source. RND is customizable and falls back to RandomNumberGenerator from .NET. It uses /dev/random as data source, if available.

byte[] randomData = RND.GetBytes(123);

NOTE: /dev/random may be too slow for your requirements. If you don't want to use RandomDataGenerator (which can speed up RND a lot), you can disable /dev/random:

RND.UseDevRandom = false;

NOTE: In case you want to force using /dev/random ONLY:

RND.RequireDevRandom = true;// This will cause RND to throw on Windows!

The RandomDataGenerator is an IHostedService which can be customized, but falls back to RND per default. The service uses a buffer to pre-buffer random data, in case your RNG is slow. It's possible to define custom fallbacks which are being used in case the buffer doesn't have enough data to satisfy a request. If you use a RandomDataGenerator, you can set the instance to RND.Generator to use it per default.

The full generator process is:

  1. Try reading pre-buffered random data
  2. If not satisfied, call the defined fallback RNG delegates (RND methods are preset)
  3. Default RND methods use RandomNumberGenerator, finally

Each step in this process can be customized in RND AND RandomDataGenerator, while the defaults of RandomDataGenerator fall back to RandomStream and RND, and the methods of RND use RND.Generator or fall back to RandomNumberGenerator. To simplify that and avoid an endless recursion in your code: DO NOT call RND.Get/FillBytes(Async) from a customized RandomDataGenerator! DO call RND.DefaultRng(Async) instead.

If you use the plain RandomDataGenerator, it uses the RandomStream as random data source, if /dev/random isn't available or disabled. (RandomStream uses RandomNumberGenerator, finally.)

There's another Rng type, which is a RandomNumberGenerator implementation that skips the OS random number generator implementation and uses RND instead (also the static methods of RandomNumberGenerator are overridden). The RngHelper extends any RandomNumberGenerator instance with a GetInt32 method (which applies to customized Rng instances, too, since they extend RandomNumberGenerator).

NOTE: Rng implements non-zero random number generation. However, any non- zero random byte sequence isn't as random as it could be anymore - keep that in mind.

To sum it up: Use RND for (optional customized) getting cyptographic random bytes. You can use SecureRandomStream.Instance, too (it uses RND on request). Use Rng as (also asynchronous) random integer generator, or where a RandomNumberGenerator instance is required.

CAUTION: True randomness is the most important source of security for any crypto application. PRNG and CSRNG random sources, and even physical phenomen based hardware random sources won't produce true random, and/or can be manipulated in some way to produce predictable random data, unless it's a QRNG source.


Use the RND.AddSeed(Async) methods for seeding your RNG. The AddDevRandomSeed(Async) only seed /dev/random, while when calling AddSeed(Async), the method will try to seed

  1. the RND.SeedConsumer
  2. the RND.Generator
  3. /dev/random

and return after providing the seed to the first available target, or when there's no target for consuming the seed.

CAUTION: Be aware of the patent US10402172B1!

Seeding automatic

A seedable RNG (ISeedableRng) can be seeded automatic using

  • received IV bytes
  • received cipher data
  • received random bytes

CAUTION: Even if it's extremely unlikely, an untrusted seed source may be able to cause a RNG to produce predictable random data, unless it combines QRNG entropy.

To enable automatic seeding, set the seed source flags to RND.AutoRngSeeding.

Per default the RND.Generator will be seeded, unless you specify another seed target in RND.SeedConsumer. A seed consumer needs to implement the ISeedableRng interface, which RandomDataGenerator does, for example.

Seeding during encryption can be overridden using CryptoOptions.RngSeeding.

Seeding during PAKE authentication can be overridden using the given options for encryption.

When deserializing the SignatureContainer embedded signed data, the nonce will be seeded, if RND.AutoRngSeeding has the Random flag.

Because seeding may be synchronized, there's a RngSeederQueue queue worker, which is a simple hosted service that seeds the given target ISeedableRng in background, using a copy of the given seeds. The RngSeederQueue may be customized easily by extending the type (pregnant methods are virtual).

CAUTION: Be aware of the patent US10402172B1!

Some words on secure seeding

A PRNG isn't enough, and even a CSRNG isn't enough, if the RNG's seed is not good. Modern OS CSRNG implementations use hardware and software environment information like

  • system clock
  • IP stack I/O timings
  • temperature sensors values
  • environment sounds
  • harddisc values
  • user information digest
  • process ID
  • thread ID
  • ...and so on.

But this still isn't really good, because all sources can be manipulated and/or predicted. The only really good seed source is a quantum device which is used by a QRNG. But not everyone has access to a QRNG, and the hardware is expensive, too.

A company may decide to buy a QRNG hardware, which is a good investment in 2023, since quantum computing resources are becoming available to anyone now, and the development speed is really amazing (and will speed up more with the also fast growing AI possibilities!).

But a private person might run into problems, unless there's a free QRNG seed source available online, hopefully for free. It'll take some time until enduser systems will contain a chip which can produce QRNG sequences on the local mashine, and isn't too expensive, so everyone can afford to own one.

Anyway, when using a CSRNG, finally, it should be re-seeded as often as possible, because if a CSRNG output is being collected over a time, and the underlaying algorithm is known, the future output becomes predictable - and this is something you'd like to avoid as good as possible. There are several steps that you should implement fully, if possible in any way:

  1. Use a PRNG and seed it with CSRNG data from the operating system
  2. Wrap the PRNG with a CSRNG which uses an underlaying stream cipher to encrypt the PRNG's random data stream
  3. Re-seed the PRNG as often as possible using at last CSRNG data from the operating system, and if possible in combination with entropy from a QRNG

Of course the best solution would be to use a QRNG instead of a PRNG in step 1, because then you wouldn't need to re-seed usually. But step 2 is important in all cases, please don't miss it! A good practice is to combine multiple entropy sources, at last for seeding, but also for the RNG's output, which you're going to use for symmetric keys (DEK), for example.

If you carefully red and understood this information, you should get quiet good results with a CSRNG already, even you don't have access to a quantum entropy source. The wan24-Crypto and wan24-Crypto-BC libraries should offer everything a C# developer needs for a better random number source.

NOTE: Even the best PQC algorithm will fail when not using a good RNG!

Entropy monitoring

The (Disposable)EntropyMonitor can monitor the entropy of produced RND and enforce a minimum required entropy using available algorithms from EntropyHelper. The monitor simply wraps an IRng for this and adds entropy checks for produced RND before returning.

CAUTION: If you didn't set a MaxRetries value larger than zero, a wrong EntropyHelper configuration could cause system exhaustion when RND was requested.

Password helper

Using the PasswordHelper you can easily generate and validate passwords:

string pwd = new(PasswordHelper.GeneratePassword());
Assert.AreEqual(PasswordOptions.None, PasswordHelper.CheckPassword(pwd, PasswordOptions.Lower));

The PasswordOptions flags allow to specify password requirements for the generator and the validation. These options are available for generating a password:

  • Length
  • Entropy validation
  • Lower case character set
  • Upper case character set
  • Numeric character set
  • Special character set

All used character sets may be customized as required.

The generator can

  • use any password length
  • use a lower case character set
  • use an upper case character set
  • use a numeric character set
  • use a special character set
  • validate the entropy of the generated password

while the validation checks

  • password length restrictions
  • a minimum entropy
  • for lower case characters
  • for upper case characters
  • for numeric characters
  • for special characters

All those options can be mixed up using the PasswordOptions as required.

The CheckPassword returns PasswordOptions.None on success. Any other return value contains a flag for each found problem with the given password.

Password post-processing

An entered user password may be easy to break using brute force. For this reason it's recommended to apply at last KDF on the raw password. The PasswordPostProcessor base type allows to create a reuseable post-processor, which can also be used for pre-processing an encryption password. PasswordPostProcessorChain does apply a chain of PasswordPostProcessor in sequential order.

The PasswordPostProcessor.Instance is a ready-to-use post-processor, which does these steps for processing a password:

  1. apply KDF
  2. apply a counter KDF, if configured
  3. compute a MAC, if configured

For a fully customized processing you can use the static DefaultPasswordPostProcessor.ProcessPwd method, which allows giving the processing options to use as an argument.

You're free to set your own default processor to PasswordPostProcessor.Instance (which will be used when calling WithEncryptionPasswordPreProcessing on CryptoOptions without any argument values).

The CryptoEnvironment.Options have a property PasswordPostProcessors for storing password post-processor instances which are used to build a PasswordPostProcessorChain, which will be set to PasswordPostProcessor.Instance. If the property UsePasswordPostProcessorsInCryptoOptions was set to true, its methods will be set to CryptoOptions.DefaultEncryptionPassword(Async)PreProcessor.

For the CryptoAppConfig it's the same logic, except that you need to define the CLR type names including namespace to the PasswordPostProcessors property. The password post-processors need a parameterless constructor in order to be able to be used in this context.

Object encryption

By using the DekAttribute and EncryptAttribute (and optional the IEncryptProperties interface) you can en-/decrypt objects with the ObjectEncryption helper methods/extensions:

public class YourType : IEncryptProperties
    public byte[] Dek { get; set; } = null!;

    public byte[] Raw { get; set; } = null!;

NOTE: null values won't be en-/decrypted! Using the IEncryptPropertiesExt interface your object can define en-/decryption handler methods.

The Dek will hold a random data encryption key, while all properties having the Encrypt attribute will be encrypted using that DEK:

YourType obj = new()
    Raw = ...

NOTE: The real object type will be used for finding properties to process, not the generic method argument of EncryptObject and DecryptObject.

The kek holds the key, which is used for the DEK encryption. Use DecryptObject for decryption.

The DekAttribute and EncryptAttribute can be extended to override the methods that are used to get/set values.

The rules for the used keys are simple:

  1. If you have a Dek property, it'll be used to store a KEK encrypted random DEK (which will be (re-)generated for each encryption)
  2. If you don't have a Dek property, you'll need to specify the DEK in the method parameters (and of course no KEK parameter value is required)

Automatic key ecryption key providing

Implement the IEncryptPropertiesKek interface for automatic key encryption key (KEK) providing. The object needs to implement a data encryption key (DEK) property with a DekAttribute. Then you can use the AutoEn/DecryptObject extension methods.


Sometimes you'll read something like "will be disposed" or "will be cleared" in the documentation. These are important diclaimers, which should be respected in order to work safe with sensitive data.

WARNING: The disclaimer may be missing in some places!

Will be disposed

When noted to a given value, it'll be disposed after the desired operation, or when the hosting object is being disposed.

When noted to a returned value, and you don't want to use the value only for a short term (during the hosted value wasn't disposed for sure), you should consider to create a copy. The hosting object will dispose the value, when it's being disposed.

Should be disposed

This is a disclaimer that reminds you to dispose a returned value after use.

Will be cleared

When noted to a given value, it'll be cleared after the desired operation, or when the hosting object is being disposed/cleared.

When noted to a returned value, and you don't want to use the value only for a short term (during the hosted value wasn't disposed/cleared for sure), you should consider to create a copy. The hosting object will clear the value, when it's being disposed/cleared.

Should be cleared

This is a disclaimer that reminds you to clear a returned value after use. For this usually you can use the Clear or Clean (extension?) method of the value. (In case of Memory<T> or Span<T> it's Clean, because Clear is used to zero out the value already, while Clean will fill it with random bytes before.)

Algorithm IDs

Internal each algorithm has an unique ID within a category:

  • Asymmetric cryptography
  • Symmetric cryptography
  • Hashing
  • MAC
  • KDF

If you'd like to implement inofficial algorithms on your own, please use the ID bits 24-32 only to avoid possible collisions with official libraries! These are the official implementation IDs (not guaranteed to be complete):

Algorithm ID Library
Asymmetric cryptography
ECDH 0 wan24-Crypto
ECDSA 1 wan24-Crypto
CRYSTALS-Kyber 2 wan24-Crypto-BC
CRYSTALS-Dilithium 3 wan24-Crypto-BC
FALCON 4 wan24-Crypto-BC
SPHINCS+ 5 wan24-Crypto-BC
FrodoKEM 6 wan24-Crypto-BC
NTRUEncrypt 7 wan24-Crypto-BC
Ed25519 8 wan24-Crypto-BC
Ed448 9 wan24-Crypto-BC
X25519 10 wan24-Crypto-BC
X448 11 wan24-Crypto-BC
XEd25519 12 wan24-Crypto-BC
XEd448 13 wan24-Crypto-BC
Streamlined NTRU Prime 14 wan24-Crypto-BC
BIKE 15 wan24-Crypto-BC
HQC 16 wan24-Crypto-BC
Picnic 17 wan24-Crypto-BC
Symmetric cryptography
AES-256-CBC 0 wan24-Crypto
ChaCha20 1 wan24-Crypto-BC
XSalsa20 2 wan24-Crypto-BC
AES-256-GCM 3 wan24-Crypto-BC
XCrypt 4 (none)
Serpent 256 CBC 5 wan24-Crypto-BC
Serpent 256 GCM 6 wan24-Crypto-BC
Twofish 256 CBC 7 wan24-Crypto-BC
Twofish 256 GCM 8 wan24-Crypto-BC
MD5 0 wan24-Crypto
SHA-1 1 wan24-Crypto
SHA-256 2 wan24-Crypto
SHA-384 3 wan24-Crypto
SHA-512 4 wan24-Crypto
SHA3-256 5 wan24-Crypto
SHA3-384 6 wan24-Crypto
SHA3-512 7 wan24-Crypto
Shake128 8 wan24-Crypto
Shake256 9 wan24-Crypto
HMAC-SHA-1 0 wan24-Crypto
HMAC-SHA-256 1 wan24-Crypto
HMAC-SHA-384 2 wan24-Crypto
HMAC-SHA-512 3 wan24-Crypto
HMAC-SHA3-256 4 wan24-Crypto
HMAC-SHA3-384 5 wan24-Crypto
HMAC-SHA3-512 6 wan24-Crypto
TPMHMAC-SHA-1 7 wan24-Crypto-TPM
TPMHMAC-SHA-256 8 wan24-Crypto-TPM
TPMHMAC-SHA-384 9 wan24-Crypto-TPM
TPMHMAC-SHA-512 10 wan24-Crypto-TPM
PBKDF#2 0 wan24-Crypto
Argon2id 1 wan24-Crypto-NaCl
SP 800-108 HMAC CTR KBKDF 2 wan24-Crypto

PAKE has no algorithm ID, because it doesn't match into any category (there is no PAKE multi-algorithm support implemented), and it's a key exchange protocol - but not a cryptographic algorithm.

Counter algorithms

A counter algorithm is being applied after the main algorithm. So the main algorithm result is secured by the counter algorithm result. You can use this in case you want to double security, for example when using post quantum algorithms, which may not be trustable at present.

The HybridAlgorithmHelper allows to set default hybrid algorithms for

  • key exchange in KeyExchangeAlgorithm
  • signature in SignatureAlgorithm
  • KDF in KdfAlgorithm
  • MAC in MacAlgorithm

and exports some helper methods, which are being used internal during encryption (you don't need to use them unless you have to). If you want the additional hybrid algorithms to be used every time, you can set the

  • EncryptionHelper.UseHybridOptions
  • AsymmetricHelper.UseHybridKeyExchangeOptions
  • AsymmetricHelper.UseHybridSignatureOptions

to true to extend used CryptoOptions instances by the algorithms defined in the HybridAlgorithmHelper properties.

WARNING: The HybridAlgorithmHelper counter MAC implementation isn't really good - it's only a trade-off to gain compatibility and performance. You should consinder to create a counter MAC from the whole raw data manually, if possible, instead.

Key usage counting

Some algorithms have an usage limit. After that limit was exceeded, a (private) key should be renewed. wan24-Crypto supports key usage counting for keys which are managed in a PrivateKeySuite. To count key usage, set the private key suite instance to the CryptoOptions.KeySuite.

CAUTION: Key usage can't be counted for asymmetric private keys, if the raw key derivation or raw hash signature methods are called directly, 'cause the methods don't use CryptoOptions. Before using those methods directly, please call any PrivateKeySuite.Count*KeyUsage method by yourself.

If the key usage was exceeded, a KeyUsageExceededException will be thrown on any attempt to use the key once more.

NOTE: Different algorithms have different key usage count limits. Those are defined in their MAX_KEY_USAGE_COUNT constants, IF there's any limit.

Post quantum safety

Some of the used cryptographic algorithms are quantum safe already, but especially the asymmetric algorithms are not post quantum safe at all. If you use an extension library which offers asymmetric post quantum safe algorithms for key exchange and signature, you can enforce post quantum safety for all used default algorithms by calling CryptoHelper.ForcePostQuantumSafety. This method will ensure that all used default algorithms are post quantum safe. In case it's not possible to use post quantum algorithms for all defaults, this method will throw an exception.

NOTE: AES-256, and SHA-384+, SHA3 and Shake128/256 (and HMAC-SHA-384+ and HMAC-SHA3-*) are considered to be post quantum-safe algorithms, while currently no post quantum-safe asymmetric algorithms are implemented in this main library (wan24-Crypto-BC does implement some), since .NET doesn't offer any API (this may change with coming .NET releases).

NOTE: While SHA3 and Shake128/256 (KECCAK) was designed for post quantum safety, AES-256 and SHA-384+ (SHA2) wasn't and is only considered to be post quantum safe because of its key/output length (this also applies to the HMACs). While the post quantum safety of SHA3 and Shake218/256 should stay stable, key/output length based considerations may be reconsidered from time to time, based on the recent quantum computing capabilities available.


wan24-Crypto and provided sub-libraries are provided "as is", without any warranty of any kind. Please read the license for the full disclaimer.

This library uses the available .NET cryptographic algorithms and doesn't implement any "selfmade" cryptographic algorithms. Extension libraries may add other well known third party cryptographic algorithm libraries, like Bouncy Castle. Also "selfmade" cryptographic algorithms may be implemented as extensions.