Terraform module to create a cjdns node and push a locally managed cjdroute.conf
files once the digitalocean-droplet comes online.
Establishing up a cjdns node (running v20) on Digital Ocean can be made incredibly easy with this Terraform module as shown in the minimal example below:-
module "cjdns-node" {
source = "verbnetworks/cjdns-node/digitalocean"
hostname = "node0-sfo2-digitalocean"
region = "sfo2"
user = "<username>"
user_sshkey = "<ssh-public-key>"
cjdroute_config = "${path.cwd}/../../data/cjdroute/node0-sfo2-digitalocean.json"
You can very easily start a cjdns-crashy release by specifying the git-commit as shown:-
module "cjdns-node" {
source = "verbnetworks/cjdns-node/digitalocean"
hostname = "node0-sfo2-digitalocean"
region = "sfo2"
user = "<username>"
user_sshkey = "<ssh-public-key>"
cjdns_commit = "ec3c3126943d7a95d2b1c2fe95f047883e64214b" # crashy @ 2018-02-03
cjdroute_config = "${path.cwd}/../../data/cjdroute/node0-sfo2-digitalocean.json"
NB: the required build cycles can take ~10 minutes to complete, do a tail -f /var/log/cloud-init-output.log
to watch the progress - you will recognise when everything is complete by the ascii-art hostname when ssh'ing
into the host.
The module provides a range of other input-variables and useful outputs to tweak your digitalocean-droplet as required.
The hostname applied to this cjdns-node droplet.
The digitalocean region to start this cjdns-node within.
The user initial login user to create with passwordless sudo access for this cjdns-node, if empty no account will be created. The root account is always disabled.
The sshkey to apply to the initial user account - password based auth is always disabled.
The local cjdroute.conf
file to push to this cjdns-node droplet.
The git-commit sha1 to download from github.com/cjdelisle/cjdns then build and install on this cjdns-node. The default is currently ec3c3126943d7a95d2b1c2fe95f047883e64214b which represents v20, if you wish to use a more recent crashy commit you can specify it here.
- Default: "efd7d7f82be405fe47f6806b6cc9c0043885bc2e"
Recent (as at 2018-02) commits and versions are listed here for reference:- https://github.com/cjdelisle/cjdns/releases
- crashy = ec3c3126943d7a95d2b1c2fe95f047883e64214b @ 2018-02-03
- crashy = 0a08d0812976548ce12db9d80a9c0033fb8a14fc @ 2018-01-10
- v20 = efd7d7f82be405fe47f6806b6cc9c0043885bc2e
- v19.1 = f4f73cdc120907f9952f7c74abe68394fd2879a0
- v19 = 63fdd890d7b9903e386ae094fe4ace548d3988f6
- v18 = 6781eddb2b206da6d9e14fa79fab507c9f154acf
The digitalocean image to use as the base for this cjdns-node.
- Default: "ubuntu-16-04-x64"
The digitalocean droplet size to use for this cjdns-node.
- Default: "512mb"
Enable/disable droplet backup functionality on this cjdns-node.
- Default: false
Enable/disable droplet monitoring functionality on this cjdns-node.
- Default: true
Enable/disable getting a public IPv6 on this digitalocean-droplet.
- Default: true
Enable/disable digitalocean private-networking functionality on this cjdns-node.
- Default: true
If set will additionally install IPFS on this cjdns-node, without any config! This is provided as a convenience only since IPFS is generally a useful use-case for cjdns-nodes to participate in. IPFS versions can be found https://dist.ipfs.io/go-ipfs/versions
- Default: ""
The hostname given to this cjdns-node.
The digitalocean region this cjdns-node is within
The user initial login user created with passwordless sudo access on this cjdns-node if set.
The local cjdroute.conf file pused to this cjdns-node droplet.
The cjdns git commit used to download, build and install on this cjdns-node.
The IPFS version used to download and install on this cjdns-node.
The public digitalocean-droplet IPv4 address of this cjdns-node.
The public digitalocean-droplet IPv6 address of this cjdns-node.
Module managed by Verb Networks
Apache 2 Licensed. See LICENSE for full details.