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Action/Server reorder modules #393

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217 changes: 163 additions & 54 deletions src/Action/Server.hs
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@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns, TupleSections, RecordWildCards, ScopedTypeVariables, PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}

module Action.Server(actionServer, actionReplay, action_server_test_, action_server_test) where

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,6 +51,12 @@ import Data.Monoid
import Prelude

import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON
import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.Functor ((<&>))
import Data.Traversable (for)
import Control.Category ((>>>))
import Data.List.NonEmpty (nonEmpty)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty

actionServer :: CmdLine -> IO ()
actionServer cmd@Server{..} = do
Expand All @@ -60,7 +69,7 @@ actionServer cmd@Server{..} = do
log <- logCreate (if logs == "" then Left stdout else Right logs) $
\x -> BS.pack "hoogle=" `BS.isInfixOf` x && not (BS.pack "is:ping" `BS.isInfixOf` x)
putStrLn . showDuration =<< time
evaluate spawned
_ <- evaluate spawned
dataDir <- maybe getDataDir pure datadir
haddock <- maybe (pure Nothing) (fmap Just . canonicalizePath) haddock
withSearch database $ \store ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -88,24 +97,36 @@ replyServer :: Log -> Bool -> Bool -> Maybe FilePath -> StoreRead -> String -> S
replyServer log local links haddock store cdn home htmlDir scope Input{..} = case inputURL of
-- without -fno-state-hack things can get folded under this lambda
[] -> do
let grabBy name = [x | (a,x) <- inputArgs, name a, x /= ""]
-- take from inputArgs, if namePred and value not empty
grabBy :: (String -> Bool) -> [String]
grabBy namePred = [x | (a,x) <- inputArgs, namePred a, x /= ""]
-- take from input Args if value not empty
grab :: String -> [String]
grab name = grabBy (== name)
-- take an int from input Args, iff exists, else use default value
grabInt :: String -> Int -> Int
grabInt name def = fromMaybe def $ readMaybe =<< listToMaybe (grab name) :: Int

let qScope = let xs = grab "scope" in [scope | null xs && scope /= ""] ++ xs
let qSearch = grabBy (`elem` ["hoogle","q"])
let qSource = qSearch ++ filter (/= "set:stackage") qScope
let q = concatMap parseQuery qSource
let (q2, results) = search store q
let body = showResults local links haddock (filter ((/= "mode") . fst) inputArgs) q2 $
dedupeTake 25 (\t -> t{targetURL="",targetPackage=Nothing, targetModule=Nothing}) results

let urlOpts = if
| Just _ <- haddock -> HaddockUrl
| local -> LocalUrl
| otherwise -> OtherUrl
let body = showResults urlOpts links (filter ((/= "mode") . fst) inputArgs) q2 $
takeAndGroup 25 (\t -> t{targetURL="",targetPackage=Nothing, targetModule=Nothing}) results
case lookup "mode" inputArgs of
Nothing | qSource /= [] -> fmap OutputHTML $ templateRender templateIndex
[("tags", html $ tagOptions qScope)
,("body", html body)
,("title", text $ unwords qSource ++ " - Hoogle")
,("search", text $ unwords qSearch)
,("robots", text $ if any isQueryScope q then "none" else "index")]
,("title", txt $ unwords qSource ++ " - Hoogle")
,("search", txt $ unwords qSearch)
,("robots", txt $ if any isQueryScope q then "none" else "index")]
| otherwise -> OutputHTML <$> templateRender templateHome []
Just "body" -> OutputHTML <$> if null qSource then templateRender templateEmpty [] else templateRender (html body) []
Just "json" ->
Expand All @@ -130,7 +151,7 @@ replyServer log local links haddock store cdn home htmlDir scope Input{..} = cas
summ <- logSummary log
let errs = sum [summaryErrors | Summary{..} <- summ, summaryDate >= pred (utctDay now)]
let alive = fromRational $ toRational $ (now `diffUTCTime` spawned) / (24 * 60 * 60)
pure $ (if errs == 0 && alive < 1.5 then OutputText else OutputFail) $ lbstrPack $
pure $ (if errs == 0 && alive < (1.5 :: Double) then OutputText else OutputFail) $ lbstrPack $
"Errors " ++ (if errs == 0 then "good" else "bad") ++ ": " ++ show errs ++ " in the last 24 hours.\n" ++
"Updates " ++ (if alive < 1.5 then "good" else "bad") ++ ": Last updated " ++ showDP 2 alive ++ " days ago.\n"

Expand All @@ -144,8 +165,8 @@ replyServer log local links haddock store cdn home htmlDir scope Input{..} = cas
pure $ case stats of
Nothing -> OutputFail $ lbstrPack "GHC Statistics is not enabled, restart with +RTS -T"
Just x -> OutputText $ lbstrPack $ replace ", " "\n" $ takeWhile (/= '}') $ drop1 $ dropWhile (/= '{') $ show x
"haddock":xs | Just x <- haddock -> do
let file = intercalate "/" $ x:xs
"haddock":xs | Just haddockFilePath <- haddock -> do
let file = intercalate "/" $ haddockFilePath:xs
pure $ OutputFile $ file ++ (if hasTrailingPathSeparator file then "index.html" else "")
"file":xs | local -> do
let x = ['/' | not isWindows] ++ intercalate "/" (dropWhile null xs)
Expand All @@ -161,72 +182,95 @@ replyServer log local links haddock store cdn home htmlDir scope Input{..} = cas
pure $ OutputFile $ joinPath $ htmlDir : xs
html = templateMarkup
text = templateMarkup . H.string
txt = templateMarkup . H.string

tagOptions sel = mconcat [H.option Text.Blaze.!? (x `elem` sel, H.selected "selected") $ H.string x | x <- completionTags store]
params =
[("cdn", text cdn)
,("home", text home)
,("jquery", text $ if null cdn then "plugin/jquery.js" else "https:" ++ JQuery.url)
,("version", text $ showVersion version ++ " " ++ showUTCTime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" spawned)]
[("cdn", txt cdn)
,("home", txt home)
,("jquery", txt $ if null cdn then "plugin/jquery.js" else "https:" ++ JQuery.url)
,("version", txt $ showVersion version ++ " " ++ showUTCTime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" spawned)]
templateIndex = templateFile (htmlDir </> "index.html") `templateApply` params
templateEmpty = templateFile (htmlDir </> "welcome.html")
templateHome = templateIndex `templateApply` [("tags",html $ tagOptions []),("body",templateEmpty),("title",text "Hoogle"),("search",text ""),("robots",text "index")]
templateHome = templateIndex `templateApply` [("tags",html $ tagOptions []),("body",templateEmpty),("title",txt "Hoogle"),("search",txt ""),("robots",txt "index")]
templateLog = templateFile (htmlDir </> "log.html") `templateApply` params
templateLogJs = templateFile (htmlDir </> "log.js") `templateApply` params

dedupeTake :: Ord k => Int -> (v -> k) -> [v] -> [[v]]
dedupeTake n key = f [] Map.empty
-- | Take from the list until we’ve seen `n` different keys,
-- and group all values by their respective key.
-- Will keep the order of elements for each key the same.
takeAndGroup :: Ord k => Int -> (v -> k) -> [v] -> [[v]]
takeAndGroup n key = f [] Map.empty
-- map is Map k [v]
f res mp xs | Map.size mp >= n || null xs = map (reverse . (Map.!) mp) $ reverse res
f res mp (x:xs) | Just vs <- Map.lookup k mp = f res (Map.insert k (x:vs) mp) xs
| otherwise = f (k:res) (Map.insert k [x] mp) xs
-- mp is Map k [v]
f keys mp []
= map (\k -> reverse $ mp Map.! k) $ reverse keys
f keys mp _ | Map.size mp >= n
= map (\k -> reverse $ mp Map.! k) $ reverse keys
f keys mp (x:xs)
| Just vs <- Map.lookup k mp = f keys (Map.insert k (x:vs) mp) xs
| otherwise = f (k:keys) (Map.insert k [x] mp) xs
where k = key x

data UrlOpts = HaddockUrl | LocalUrl | OtherUrl

showResults :: Bool -> Bool -> Maybe FilePath -> [(String, String)] -> [Query] -> [[Target]] -> Markup
showResults local links haddock args query results = do
showResults :: UrlOpts -> Bool -> [(String, String)] -> [Query] -> [[Target]] -> Markup
showResults urlOpts links args query results = do
H.h1 $ renderQuery query
when (null results) $ H.p "No results found"
forM_ results $ \is@(Target{..}:_) -> do
forM_ results $ \result -> do
let dat = showFromsLogic result
let Target{..} =
((dat <&> showsFromFirstTarget)
-- In case showsFromLogic filters out all targets because they are missing fields,
-- fall back to the original first target in the target list.
<|> result)
& nonEmpty & \case
Nothing -> error "showResults: The search result had an empty target list, this should not happen."
Just tgt -> NonEmpty.head tgt
H.div ! H.class_ "result" $ do
H.div ! H.class_ "ans" $ do
H.a ! H.href (H.stringValue $ showURL local haddock targetURL) $
H.a ! H.href (H.stringValue $ showURL urlOpts targetURL) $
displayItem query targetItem
when links $
whenJust (useLink is) $ \link ->
whenJust (useLink result) $ \link ->
H.div ! H.class_ "links" $ H.a ! H.href (H.stringValue link) $ "Uses"
H.div ! H.class_ "from" $ showFroms local haddock is
H.div ! H.class_ "from" $ showFroms urlOpts dat
H.div ! H.class_ "doc newline shut" $ H.preEscapedString targetDocs
H.ul ! "left" $ do $ H.b "Packages"
mconcat [ $ f cat val | (cat,val) <- itemCategories $ concat results, QueryScope True cat val `notElem` query]
mconcat [ $ leftSidebarSearchLinks cat val | (cat,val) <- itemCategories $ concat results, QueryScope True cat val `notElem` query]

useLink :: [Target] -> Maybe String
useLink [t] | isNothing $ targetPackage t =
Just $ "" ++ extractName (targetItem t)
useLink _ = Nothing

add x = ("?" ++) $ intercalate "&" $ map (joinPair "=") $
-- The search URL with an extra filter added to the hoogle query
searchURLWithExtraSearchFilter :: String -> String
searchURLWithExtraSearchFilter searchFilter = ("?" ++) $ intercalate "&" $ map (joinPair "=") $
case break ((==) "hoogle" . fst) args of
(a,[]) -> a ++ [("hoogle", escapeURL x)]
(a,(_,x1):b) -> a ++ [("hoogle", escapeURL $ x1 ++ " " ++ x)] ++ b

f cat val = do
H.a ! H.class_" minus" ! H.href (H.stringValue $ add $ "-" ++ cat ++ ":" ++ val) $ ""
H.a ! H.class_ "plus" ! H.href (H.stringValue $ add $ cat ++ ":" ++ val) $
(a,[]) -> a ++ [("hoogle", escapeURL searchFilter)]
(a,(_,x1):b) -> a ++ [("hoogle", escapeURL $ x1 ++ " " ++ searchFilter)] ++ b

-- Construct two links in the left sidebar,
-- one which repeats the current search *with* the respective package or category,
-- one *without* the package or category.
leftSidebarSearchLinks cat val = do
H.a ! H.class_" minus" ! H.href (H.stringValue $ searchURLWithExtraSearchFilter $ "-" ++ cat ++ ":" ++ val) $ ""
H.a ! H.class_ "plus" ! H.href (H.stringValue $ searchURLWithExtraSearchFilter $ cat ++ ":" ++ val) $
H.string $ (if cat == "package" then "" else cat ++ ":") ++ val

-- find the <span class=name>X</span> bit
extractName :: String -> String
extractName x
| Just (_, x) <- stripInfix "<span class=name>" x
, Just (x, _) <- stripInfix "</span>" x
= unHTML x
| Just (_, x') <- stripInfix "<span class=name>" x
, Just (x'', _) <- stripInfix "</span>" x'
= unHTML x''
extractName x = x

Expand All @@ -237,35 +281,100 @@ itemCategories xs =
[("is","module") | any ((==) "module" . targetType) xs] ++
nubOrd [("package",p) | Just (p,_) <- map targetPackage xs]

showFroms :: Bool -> Maybe FilePath -> [Target] -> Markup
showFroms local haddock xs = mconcat $ intersperse ", " $ flip map pkgs $ \p ->
let ms = filter ((==) p . targetPackage) xs
in mconcat $ intersperse " " [H.a ! H.href (H.stringValue $ showURL local haddock b) $ H.string a | (a,b) <- catMaybes $ p : map remod ms]
remod Target{..} = do (a,_) <- targetModule; pure (a,targetURL)
pkgs = nubOrd $ map targetPackage xs

showURL :: Bool -> Maybe FilePath -> URL -> String
showURL _ (Just _) x = "haddock/" ++ dropPrefix "file:///" x
showURL True _ (stripPrefix "file:///" -> Just x) = "file/" ++ x
showURL _ _ x = x
-- | Data to display one search result
data ShowsFromData = ShowsFromData {
showsFromPackageName :: String,
showsFromPackageUrl :: URL,
-- | [(TargetUrl, TargetModule)]
showsFromModuleInfo :: [(URL, String)],
-- | The full first target, used to display the actual target documentation.
showsFromFirstTarget :: Target

-- | Return an alist [(PackageName, PackageUrl, [(TargetUrl, TargetModule)])]
showFromsLogic :: [Target] -> [ShowsFromData]
showFromsLogic targets = do
& sortOn targetPackage
& groupOn targetPackage
& mapMaybe (
-- quite peculiarly, the list of modules inside each package
-- is sorted in reverse-topological order, that is downstream
-- modules are first in the result. We want the declaration module
-- to be first, so we reverse the ordering.
-- *Why* the list is in reverse topological order is not quite
-- clear to the authors, there is a good chance it’s accidental.
>>> demoteInternalModule
>>> genShowsFromData
-- If the first Target has a module that ends on @".Internal"@, move it to second place.
-- This is a heuristic so that the main search result doesn’t open Internal modules by default.
-- Ideally, we’d get the information of what is the “home module” for a target from haddock,
-- but for that we’ll need to parse the @<pkg>.haddock@ binary file. So far we use the @<pkg>.txt@ file
-- in the haddock output, which does not contain the home module information.
demoteInternalModule :: [Target] -> [Target]
-- we can only think about targets with existing module field here,
-- because genAssocList filters out results where one+ modules contain an empty module name anyway.
(x@(targetModule -> Just (moduleName, _)) : y : xs)
| ".Internal" `isSuffixOf` moduleName
= y:x:xs
demoteInternalModule other = other

-- This will throw away a result pretty strictly if any necessary information is missing,
-- for example the module name, the package name, etc.
genShowsFromData :: [Target] -> Maybe ShowsFromData
genShowsFromData targetGroup = do
-- all Targets in this targetGroup will have the same pkgName
-- due to the sort followed by the group
(showsFromPackageName, showsFromPackageUrl) <- targetGroup <&> targetPackage & headDef Nothing
showsFromFirstTarget <- listToMaybe targetGroup
showsFromModuleInfo <- for targetGroup $ \Target{..} -> do
(moduleName, _) <- targetModule
pure (targetURL, moduleName)
pure ShowsFromData {..}

-- | Display the line under the title of a search result, which contains a list of Modules each target is defined in, ordered by package.
showFroms :: UrlOpts -> [ShowsFromData] -> Markup
showFroms urlOpts pkgs = do
mconcat $ intersperse ", " $ flip map pkgs $ \ShowsFromData{..} -> do
let link txt url = (H.a ! H.href (H.stringValue $ showURL urlOpts url)) (H.string txt)
mconcat $ intersperse " "
-- display the list as “pkg Module1 Module2",
-- each as links to either the package
-- or the target inside the respective module.
$ link showsFromPackageName showsFromPackageUrl
: [ link moduleName targetUrl
| (targetUrl, moduleName) <- showsFromModuleInfo

showURL :: UrlOpts -> URL -> String
showURL HaddockUrl x = "haddock/" ++ dropPrefix "file:///" x
showURL LocalUrl (stripPrefix "file:///" -> Just x) = "file/" ++ x
showURL LocalUrl x = x
showURL OtherUrl x = x

-- DISPLAY AN ITEM (bold keywords etc)

highlightItem :: [Query] -> String -> Markup
highlightItem qs x
| Just (pre,x) <- stripInfix "<s0>" x, Just (name,post) <- stripInfix "</s0>" x
highlightItem qs str
| Just (pre,x) <- stripInfix "<s0>" str, Just (name,post) <- stripInfix "</s0>" x
= H.preEscapedString pre <> highlight (unescapeHTML name) <> H.preEscapedString post
| otherwise = H.string x
| otherwise = H.string str
highlight = mconcatMap (\xs@((b,_):_) -> let s = H.string $ map snd xs in if b then H.b s else s) .
groupOn fst . (\x -> zip (f x) x)
f (x:xs) | m > 0 = replicate m True ++ drop (m - 1) (f xs)
where m = maximum $ 0 : [length y | QueryName y <- qs, lower y `isPrefixOf` lower (x:xs)]
f (x:xs) = False : f xs
f (_:xs) = False : f xs
f [] = []

displayItem :: [Query] -> String -> Markup
Expand Down