Scripts to facilitate analysis of CoPRO datasets.
v1.0: Initial commit of Preprocessing and Mappability files. There are slight differences from the analysis reported in Nature Genetics:
- R2 barcode trimming was conditioned on the R1 barcode to minimize mismatched R1/R2 trims.
- Insert size bias normalization uses recently reported measurements for the NextSeq (
- These changes do not significantly affect any conclusions reported in the manuscript.
TSN = Transcription start nucleotide TSS = Transcription start site (clusters of TSNs) TID = Transcription initiation domain (clusters of TSSes) maxTSN = Max start nucleotide within a TSS maxTSS = Max start site within a TID MMRL = Minimum mappable RNA length for a TSN (useful for avoiding mapping biases)
- Trim barcodes & perform sequence alignment (
- Pool multiple sequencing lanes (samtools merge)
- Read, filter, and adjust alignments (ConvertBams.r)
- Normalize & create an integrated dataset (MergeTreatments.r)
- Global analysis to identify TSNs, TSSes, and TIDs (CoPRO_IdentifyAll.ipynb)
- Extract all TSN sequences as 19-24mers (Mapping_ExtractSeqs.r)
- Align extracted sequences (
- Record MMRL for each TSN (Mapping_RecordMMRL.r)
- TSN_PauseSharing.ipynb: analysis of pause sites shared by TSNs
- maxTSN_Pausing.ipynb: pause classification and analysis at maxTSNs
- maxTSN_PauseReplicates.r: comparison of maxTSN pausing in each replicate
- maxTSN_JointProbAnalysis.r: comparison of pause distributions using joint probabilities
- maxTSN_Capping.ipynb: capping analysis at maxTSNs
- maxTSN_SeqHeatmaps.r: analysis of GC content vs pause distance at maxTSNs
- maxTSN_PauseClassMotifs.r: analysis of TF motifs around maxTSNs
- maxTSN_Spacing.r: analysis of spacing between all maxTSNs (convergent, divergent, same-strand)
- TID_LinearHeatmaps.ipynb: Generate linear averaged (and raw) heatmaps of ChIP datasets around TIDs