Generic lifecycle hooks for Solid applications that are registered as applications of single-spa.
Instead of:
import preact from "preact";
import rootComponent from "./path-to-root-component.js";
import singleSpaPreact from "single-spa-preact";
const preactLifecycles = singleSpaPreact({
domElementGetter: () => document.getElementById("main-content"),
export const bootstrap = preactLifecycles.bootstrap;
export const mount = preactLifecycles.mount;
export const unmount = preactLifecycles.unmount;
do something like:
import App from "./App";
import { render } from 'solid-js/web';
import singleSpaSolid from '@nathanld/single-spa-solid';
const solidLifecycles = singleSpaSolid({
solid: {render: render},
rootComponent: App,
domElementGetter: () => document.getElementById('root')
export const bootstrap = solidLifecycles.bootstrap;
export const mount = solidLifecycles.mount;
export const unmount = solidLifecycles.unmount;