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This is a rewrite of Arto Salmi's 6809 simulator.  Many changes
have been made to it.  This program remains licensed under the
GNU General Public License.

Build and install (on Linux)

you will need make, gcc, aclocal, automake and probably some other
stuff. Then:

> ./configure
> make

There is one executable, m6809-run. You can install it
("make install") or simply reference it explicitly.

To see configure options:

> ./configure --help

Enable readline libraries if you have them installed; this will
allow you to use command-line recall and other shortcuts at the
debugger command-line:

> ./configure --enable-readline
> make

Build and install (on OS X)

The build process is very similar to Linux, so the instructions
provided there apply to some degree to OS X as well.

To automate the process of fetching and installing the
prerequisites, configuring, compiling and installing, a script
exists that does all the grunt work.

MacPorts is required. Installing the prerequisites requires root
privileges, so you will be asked for your password.

> ./

Input Files


The simulator now has the notion of different 'machines':
which says what types of I/O devices are mapped into the 6809's
address space and how they can be accessed.  Adding support for
a new machine is fairly easy.

There are 5 builtin machine types at present:

* 'simple' - assumes that you have a full 64KB of RAM,
minus some input/output functions mapped at $FF00 (see I/O below).
If you compile a program with gcc6809 with no special linker
option, you'll get an S-record file that is suitable for running
on this machine.  The S-record file will include a vector table
at $FFF0, with a reset vector that points to a _start function,
which will call your main() function.  When main returns,
_start writes to an 'exit register' at $FF01, which the simulator
interprets and causes it to stop.

gcc6809 also has a builtin notion of which addresses are used
for text and data.  The simple machine enforces this and will
"fault" on invalid accesses.

* 'wpc' - an emulation of the
Williams Pinball Controller which was the impetus for me
working on the compiler in the first place.

* 'eon' (and 'eon2') - still in development, is called 'eon'
(for Eight-O-Nine).  It is similar to simple but has some
more advanced I/O capabilities, like a larger memory space
that can be paged in/out, and a disk emulation for programs
that wants to have persistence.

* 'multicomp09' - see miscsbc.c for details

* 'smii' - see miscsbc.c for details

* 'kipper1' - see miscsbc.c for details

TODO : Would anyone be interested in a CoCo machine type?


Command-line options

Use -help to see the command-line options.


The simulator supports interactive debugging, similar to that
provided by 'gdb', using the following commands:

b <expr>
	Set a breakpoint on EXECUTION at the given address. Eg:
	break 0xf003
	- break next time
	break 0xf000 ignore 4
	- ignore 4 times then break on 5th time
	break 0x1200 if <expr>
	break 0x1200 if $s==02:0x0043
	- break if the S register has the value shown.

wa <expr>
	Set a watchpoint on WRITE to the given address. Eg:
	wa 0xf003
	- break and report on each write to this address.
	wa 0xf003 print
	- on each write to this address report but do not stop
	wa 0xf003 mask 0x10
	- break and report on each write to this address but
	  only if the write data ANDed with the mask value is

rwa <expr>
	Set a watchpoint on READ from the given address. See
	examples above for 'wa'.

awa <expr>
	Set a watchpoint on ACCESS (read or write) at the given
	address. See examples above for 'wa'.

	List all breakpoints/watchpoints.

d <num>
	Delete a breakpoint/watchpoint.

	Continue execution.

di <expr>
	Add a display expression. The value of the expression
	is displayed any time that the CPU breaks. Eg:
	di $d $x $y
	- print current value of D X and Y registers each time
	  the CPU breaks.

	Save machine-specific state information to a file,
	typically named <machine>.dmp. The dump might be
	in readable or in binary format.

dumpi <1 | 0>
	Turn instruction dump on or off. With no argument, report
	the current instruction dump state (on or off).
	With instruction dump off, the 'c', 'n', 's' commands
        will report the last instruction that was executed before
	control returned to the prompt. With instruction dump on,
	those commands report each instruction as it is executed.
	Instruction dump is OFF by default.

h or ?
	Display help.

l <expr>
	List (disassemble) CPU instructions. Default is to start
	at the current value of the PC.

me <expr>
	Measure the amount of time that a function named by
	<expr> takes.

	Continue execution until the Next instruction is reached.
	If the current instruction is a call, then the debugger
	resumes after control returns.

p [format] <expr>
	Print the value of an expression. See 'Expressions'
	below. Eg:
	p/f <expr>
	- f specifies format. See below.
	p <expr>
	- use the previous format.

	f is the display format (default x for hex). Options:
	  x X d u o a c s (match printf).

        TODO: the code supports /u (unit) as well, but the b w
        options don't make any obvious difference to the output.

pc <expr>
	Set the CPU program counter to <expr> and list
	(disassemble) CPU instructions at that address.

	Quit the simulator.

	Display the current value of the CPU registers.

	Reset the CPU/machine.

	Restore machine state from a 'dump' file. NOT CURRENTLY

runfor <number> [units]
	Continue but break after a certain period of (simulated)
	time. The time can be expressed in ms (default) or s.
	The 'runfor' command cannot be nested; issuing a
        'runfor' cancels any 'runfor that is in progress. Eg:
	runfor 100 ms
	runfor 1 s
	runfor 0      -- give 'bad time value' error, but still
	                 cancels a 'runfor' in progress.

s  <expr>
	Step for a certain number of CPU instructions (1 by

set <expr>
set var <expr>
	Sets the value of a location in target memory or the
	value of an internal variable.
	See 'Expressions' below for details on the syntax.

so <file>
	Run a set of debugger commands from another file.
	The commands may start/stop the CPU.  When the commands
	are finished, control returns to the previous input
	source (the file that called it, or the keyboard.)

sym <file>
	Load a symbol table file named -- Currently,
	the only format	supported is an lwlink map file.

	Trace Dump. Display the last 256 instructions that were

	Show all program variables.

x [format] <expr>
	Examine target memory at the address  <expr>. Eg:
	x/nfu addr
	- nfu specifies number, format, unit respectively. See
	- continue from previous address, in new format.
	x addr
	- use previous format, continue from previous address.
	- use previous format, continue from previous address.

	n is the repeat count (default 1). It specifies how much
	  memory (counting by units u to display. Display is
	  formated multi-line if necessary.
	f is the display format (default x for hex). Options:
	  x X d u o a s (match printf) and i (instructions).
	u is the unit size (default b for byte). Options:
	  b (byte) w (word: 2 bytes)

	The addr can be specified as an expression. Eg:
	x $pc
	x $pc+8

	- see 'Expressions' below.

        Describe machine, devices and address mapping.

Symbol Tables

Exec09 maintains variables, in 3 separate symbol tables:

- The program table. This is loaded automatically at startup or
  using the 'sym' command. The contents of this table is
  displayed by the 'vars' command.
  Entries in the program table are annotated onto 'list', 'step'
  and 'x' output.

- The auto table. The variables in this table are pre-defined.
  The following variables refer to CPU registers:
    pc a y u s d a b dp cc
  The following variables refer to simulator state:
    cycles - number of cycles since reset.
    et - number of cycles elapsed since et was last inspected.
    irqload - the average number of cycles spent in IRQ.

- The internal table. Variables are added to this table
  using the 'set var' command.

The three groups of variables behave in different ways:

Entries in the program table:

- converted to absolute address values when they are loaded.
- cannot be modified.
- new entries cannot be created interactively
- return either an address (their value) or the data at
  the addressed location, depending upon the context.

Eg: consider a variable 'start' referring to address 0x200.
The byte at address 0x200 is 0xab.

set start=5           -- changes the byte at address 0x200
                         from 0xab to 0x05.
print start           -- displays byte from location 0x200
print &start          -- displays 0x200
break start           -- breakpoint at 0x200
list  start           -- list at 0x200
examine start         -- read/display memory at 0x200

Entries in the auto table:

- can be modified
- new entries cannot be created interactively
- a print always returns the value
- a set always changes the value (no memory read/write)

Entries in the internal table:

- can be created interactivelt using 'set var'
- can be modified
- are not converted to absolute address values
- return either an address (their value) or the data at
  the addressed location, depending upon the context.

Eg: consider the creation of a variable 'fred' from a
pre-existing program variable 'start':

set var fred=&start+2

'fred' can now be used in exactly the same way as the
examples above showed for 'start'.


Many of the debug commands accept an expression. An expression
is one or more numbers or variables, combined using operators.
Eg: $pc+8

Depending on the context, an expression might be an rvalue or
might be of the form lvalue=rvalue. In both cases, no
white-space is allowed: the expression is silently truncated
at the white-space, so that $pc + 8 is treated the same way
as $pc.

The 'print' command evalutes and displays the value of an
rvalue and simultaneously creates an auto-table entry of the
form $<num> where <num> increments for each successive command.

$1 = 0x12
(dbg) print 2 + 4
$2 = 0x02
(dbg) print $1
$3 = 0x12

The values of these auto-table entries ($1, $2, $3 etc.) are
static. Eg:

(dbg) print $pc
$4 = 0xE012
(dbg) step
02:0x0013 6EB1                  JMP   [,Y++]
(dbg) print $pc
$5 = 0xE013
(dbg) print $4
$6 = 0xE012

In this example, the 'print $4' returned the original value
calculated, not the value resulting from the update of pc.

There are also two short-hand forms for referring to $<num>

$   refers to the most recent entry
$$n refers to the value from n entries ago.
$   is equivalent to $$0.


(dbg) print 5
$0 = 0x05
(dbg) print 6
$1 = 0x06
(dbg) print 7
$2 = 0x07
(dbg) print 8
$3 = 0x08
(dbg) print $$2
$4 = 0x06
(dbg) print $
$5 = 0x06

The 'print' command also accepts an expression of the form
lvalue=rvalue in which case it performs a memory store (like
'set') but also displays the value written. Eg:

(dbg) print 0=0xab
$60 = 0x00ab
(dbg) x/4X 0
01:0x0000                    : 0xAB 0xE5 0x1D 0x5A

The 'set' command can change memory and can create/change
entries in the internal symbol table. Eg:

(dbg) x/4 0
01:0x0000                    : 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
(dbg) set 0=0x12
(dbg) set 3=0x1b
(dbg) x 0
01:0x0000                    : 0x12 0x00 0x00 0x1B
(dbg) set var fred=0x10000001
(dbg) x 0
01:0x0000                    : 0x12 0x00 0x00 0x1B
(dbg) print fred
$0 = 0x00
(dbg) set fred=0xab
(dbg) x 0
01:0x0000                    : 0x12 0xAB 0x00 0x1B
(dbg) print &fred
$1 = 0x10000001

If the lvalue is numeric, it is treated as an address and
the result is a byte write to target memory. If the lvalue
is a variable prefixed with '&' the result is an update to
the variable's value.

Numbers are implicitly decimal. A leading 0 indicates an
octal number and a leading 0x indicates a hex number.

The following operators are supported:

unary +, unary -, +, -, *, / == != &

Evaluation of expressions follows the usual rule that *, / bind
more tightly than +, - so that '4+3*7' evaluates to the same
result as '3*7+4'.

The result of ==, !=  is 1 (true) or 0 (false).

The '&' is an indirection operator. &4 is the contents of
address 4 in the target machine (however, this is of limited
use because only byte access is supported).

The following expression errors are detected and reported:

- bad operator in expression
- bad lvalue
- bad rvalue
- non-existent symbol
- non-existent auto symbol
- bad numeric literal
- unrecognised $symbol in assignment
- missing assignment

However, the error-checking is not rigorous. In particular:

- an expression is silently truncated at first white-space
- an unrecognised operator is silently ignored
- set 3+1=9 does a write to location 4, but you cannot use
  arithmetic on the LHS with variables.
- an error in an assignment is reported but the assignment
  may have happened (Eg, to the wrong location or with the
  wrong value).

Original README text from Arto:

simple 6809 simulator under GPL licencel

NOTE! this software is beta stage, and has bugs.
To compile it you should have 32-bit ANSI C complier.

This simulator is missing all interrupt related SYNC, NMI Etc...

I am currently busy with school, thus this is relased.
if you have guestion or found something funny in my code please mail me.

have fun!

arto salmi	[email protected]


2001-01-28 V1.0  original version
2001-02-15 V1.1  fixed str_scan function, fixed dasm _rel_???? code.
2001-06-19 V1.2  Added changes made by Joze Fabcic:
                 - 6809's memory is initialized to zero
                 - function dasm() had two bugs when using vc6.0 complier:
                   - RDWORD macro used two ++ in same variable
                   - _rel_byte address was wrong by 1.
                - after EXIT command, if invalid instruction is encountered, monitor is activated again
                - default file format is motorola S-record
                - monitor formatting


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  • C 82.5%
  • Shell 11.1%
  • Makefile 6.0%
  • M4 0.4%