Description of NiceGrid /author Priyatna/
NiceGrid is a Delphi component that aimed to be a standard string grid replacement. It is written from scratch, not descended from TStringGrid. The main reason why I write this component is to have a grid component that nice and smooth. Here's some feature of NiceGrid:
Headers can be merged and or multilined.
Smooth scrolling, not aligned to top left cell coordinate.
All aspect of grid colors can be customized: header light color, header dark color, header color, grid color, text color, etc.; resulting a real nice looking grid.
Alternate row color.
Can be customized at design time.
Each column can have its own horizontal and vertical alignment, color, and font.
Each column can be hidden.
Can be auto fit to width.
Can be auto calculate column width.
BeginUpdate and EndUpdate method for bulk cells access. Since it is a new component, there are several main differences between NiceGrid and TStringGrid:
Headers are excluded from cells, unlike TStringGrid that treats fixed rows as regular cells (Row 0, for example), Cells[0,0] in NiceGrid will access the top left editable cells, not fixed cell.
The only way to access the data is using Cells property or using direct array referencing style: NiceGrid1[0,0]. There are not (yet) Cols, or Rows property.
FixedRows -> Header, FixedCols -> Gutter.
2014-10-15, author Nedko Ivanov
- Added Options property (ngoMultiCellSelect, ngoThemed, ngoExcel)
- ngoMultiCellSelect - allows multi cell select
- ngoThemed - use Windows theme support instead of original owner drawn selection
- ngoExcel - enable/disable excel like capabilities (the small dot on the right bottom selection corner)
- Added property EditorType to Column : (ngetEdit, ngetEditInteger, ngetEditFloat, ngetCombo, ngetComboNoEditText)
- Added key F2 for begin edit
- Added event OnEditorCreating and OnEditorCreated (allows to fill in lines in combo box cell editor)
- Removed component TNiceGridSync
- Removed additinal support for caret
- Added event OnFormatText to both grid and column objects
- Added event OnGetCellColor
- Added event OnDrawBackground - allows the app to draw the background itself instead by the default grid code
- Added enumerator for enumerating grid rows with the "for-in" statement
For sample see BasicDemo