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Ansible Role: NTP

Build Status

Installs NTP on Linux.



Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):

ntp_enabled: True

Whether to start the ntpd service and enable it at system boot. On many virtual machines that run inside a container (like OpenVZ or VirtualBox), it's recommended you don't run the NTP daemon, since the host itself should be set to synchronize time for all it's child VMs.

ntp_timezone: Etc/UTC

Set the timezone for your server.

ntp_manage_config: False

Set to true to allow this role to manage the NTP configuration file (/etc/ntp.conf).

ntp_area: ''

Set the NTP Pool Area to use. Defaults to none, which uses the worldwide pool.

  - "0{{ '.' + ntp_area if ntp_area else '' }}"
  - "1{{ '.' + ntp_area if ntp_area else '' }}"
  - "2{{ '.' + ntp_area if ntp_area else '' }}"
  - "3{{ '.' + ntp_area if ntp_area else '' }}"

Specify the NTP servers you'd like to use. The iburst flag isset on all servers.

  - ""
  - "::1"

Specifiy NTP clients that should have full access to the server, typically just localhost. Only takes effect if you allow this role to manage NTP's configuration, by setting ntp_manage_config to True.

  - ""
  - """

Specifiy NTP clients that should have full polling access to the server, typically machines on local networks. Only takes effect if you allow this role to manage NTP's configuration, by setting ntp_manage_config to True.

  - ""
  - """

Specifiy NTP clients that should have full polling access to the server, typically machines on local networks. Only takes effect if you allow this role to manage NTP's configuration, by setting ntp_manage_config to True.

  - ""
  - """

Specifiy NTP peers servers that should have full a symmetric time adjustment relationship. Only takes effect if you allow this role to manage NTP's configuration, by setting ntp_manage_config to True.



Example Playbook

- hosts: all
    - geerlingguy.ntp

Inside vars/main.yml:

ntp_timezone: America/Chicago



Author Information

This role was created in 2014 by Jeff Geerling, author of Ansible for DevOps.