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A database system to manage the data of a law firm such that it can be accessed, manipulated and updated in an efficient and convenient manner.

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Aditi Sejal (2019228)

Neha Goel (2019066)

Shivam Verma (2019272)

Kushagra Gupta (2019056)

Karish Grover (2019471)

Brief Overview:

The application manages data of various aspects of the firm, like details of lawyers, their ongoing cases, employee earnings, partner earnings, firm earnings, firm expenditure etc. The Managing Partner of the firm lies at the topmost position in the hierarchy of stakeholders and has access to all the information in the database. All the other stakeholders i.e. Firm Partners, Employees (Associates, Paralegals, Secretaries, Office management, IT, HR, Finance and Accounting, Support staff etc.), Clients, Bar Council etc. have various levels of authorization and their views are tailored accordingly.

Problem statement


  • Finding the best suited lawyer on the basis of track record, time taken to solve cases, fee etc.
  • Helping young associates find their career forte on the basis of track record while working on cases in various legal fields.



  • customer isA User
  • contact isA User
  • An Individualclient isA customer
  • A CompanyClient isA customer if there is a corporate
  • Employee isA User
  • An lawyer isA employee
  • All other staff isA Employee
  • Employee receive financial transaction
  • Customer hasA legal cases
  • Customer owes financial transaction to be paid as a fee or charge
  • Customer hires lawyers
  • Lawyer handles legal cases
  • Legal Cases are documented by Legal Documents
  • Legal cases demand invest ment of finances
  • Hearing of legal cases is held On hearing Date
  • User keeps tracks of schedule using calendar
  • Court Hearing are displayedIn Calendar






  • lawyer (userID : char(10), emailID : varchar(256), phoneNumber : char(10), address**(streetName : varchar(256), pincode: varchar(10), buildingNumber : int, city : varchar(50), state : varchar(50))**, name(firstName : varchar(30), middleName : varchar(30), lastName : varchar(30)), dateOfBirth : date, experience : mediumint , gender : varchar(30), casesLost : int, casesSettled : mediumint, casesWon : mediumint, avgTimePerCase : mediumint, {specialization} : varchar(256), charges : mediumint, positionAtFirm : varchar(100), clientRating : mediumint, calendarID : char(10)).

  • otherStaff (userID: char(10), emailID : varchar(256), phoneNumber:char(10), address(streetName : varchar(256), pincode : varchar(10), buildingNumber : int, city : varchar(50), state : varchar(50)), name(firstName : varchar(30), middleName : varchar(30), lastName : varchar(30)), dateOfBirth : date, experience : mediumint, gender : varchar(30), positionAtFirm : varchar(100), salary : mediumint, calendarID : char(10)).

  • opposition (oppositionID : char(10), emailID : varchar(256), phoneNumber: char(10), name(firstName : varchar(30), middleName : varchar(30), lastName : varchar(30)), address(streetName : varchar(50), pincode : varchar(10), buildingNumber : int, city : varchar(50), state : varchar(50))

  • legalCases (caseID: char(15), dateOfFiling : date, dateOfLastActivity : date, status : varchar(256), duration : mediumint ,{flair} : varchar(256), plaintiff : varchar(256)).

  • courtHearing (caseID : char(10), time: time, courtRoom : varchar(256), nextHearingDate : date).

  • financialTransaction (transactionID : char(10), amount : mediumint, description : varchar(256), type : tinyint, dateOfPayment : date)

  • legalDocument (docID : char(10), createdOn : date, type : varchar(256) , visibility : tinyint, dateLastModified : date, caseID : char(15)).

  • calendar (calendarID : char(10), deadline: varchar(256), description : varchar(256))

  • clientCompanies (userID : char(10), isClient: tinyint, emailID : varchar(256), phoneNumber : char(10), address(streetName : varchar(256), pincode : varchar(10), buildingNumber : int, city : varchar(50), state : varchar(50)),name(firstName : varchar(30), middleName : varchar(30), lastName : varchar(30)), budget : mediumint, companyName : varchar(256), gstIN, fax : varchar(100), calendarID).

  • individualClients (userID : char(10), isClient: tinyint, emailID : varchar(256), phoneNumber : char(10), address(streetName : varchar(256), pincode : varchar(10), buildingNumber : int, city : varchar(50), state : varchar(50)),name(firstName : varchar(30), middleName : varchar(30), lastName : varchar(30)), budget : mediumint, dateofBirth : date, calendarID : char(256)).

  • handles (caseID : char(15), userID : char(10))

  • hasA (userID : char(10), caseID : char(15))

  • displayedIn (calendarID : char(10), caseID : char(15),time: time)

  • oweUs (transactionID: char(10), userID: char(10))

  • receive (transactionID:char(10) , userID: char(10))

  • user (userID:char(10) , password: char(8))

  • hire (userID : char(10), lawyerID : char(10))

  • against (oppositionID : char(10), caseID : char(15))

  • makes (transactionID:char(10), userID:char(10))

  • Invest (caseID : char(15), transactionID : char(10))



Variable Datatype Integrity Constraints
userID char(10) Primary Key, Not null
firstName varchar(30) Not null except middleName which is optional, composite attribute (name)
middleName varchar(30)
lastName varchar(30)
dateOfBirth date Not null
gender varchar(30) Not null
charges mediumint Not null, check >= 2000 and <= 20000
casesWon mediumint Not null
casesLost mediumint Not null
casesSettled mediumint Not null
experience mediumint Not null
emailID varchar(256) Not null
phoneNumber char(10) Not null
positionAtFirm varchar(100) Not null, check in Associate, Lawyer, Paralegal, Partner
avgTimePerCase mediumint
buildingNumber int Not null, composite attribute (address)
pincode int
streetName varchar(256)
city varchar(50)
state varchar(50)
specialization varchar(256) Not null, part of Primary Key
clientRating mediumint Not null, check between 0 and 10
calendarID char(10) Not null, Foreign Key referenced by Calendar



Variable Datatype Integrity Constraints
caseID char(15) Primary Key, Not null
status (Active/Settled/Won/Lost) varchar(256) Not null, ("active","lost","won", "settled")
plaintiff varchar(256) Not null
dateOfFiling date Not null
lastDateOfActivity date Not null
duration mediumint Not null
flair varchar(256) Not null



Variable Datatype Integrity Constraints
docID char(10) Primary Key
createdOn date Not Null
caseID char(15) Foreign Key referenced by LegalCases, part of Primary Key along with docID, Not Null
dateLastModified date Not null
visibility tinyint Not Null, check 0 or 1
type varchar(256) Not Null



Variable Datatype Integrity Constraints
userID char(10)) Primary Key
isClient tinyint Not null
firstName varchar(30) Not null except middleName which is optional, composite attribute (name)
middleName varchar(30)
lastName varchar(30)
phoneNumber char(10) Not null
emailID varchar(256) Not null
fax varchar(100)
buildingNumber int Not null, composite attribute (address)
pincode varchar(10)
streetName varchar(256)
city varchar(50)
state varchar(50)
budget mediumint Not null
companyName varchar(256) Not null
gstIN varchar(11)
calendarID char(10) Foreign Key referenced by Calendar



Variable Datatype Integrity Constraints
caseID char(15) Foreign Key part of Primary Key along with time, not null
time time Part of Primary Key along with caseID, Not null, check (time > '09:00' AND time < '19:00')
nextHearingDate date
courtRoom varchar(256) Not null



Variable Datatype Integrity Constraints
userID char(10) Not null, Foreign key, part of Primary key along with caseID, when
caseID char(15) Not null, Foreign key, part of Primary key along with userID, when
when datetime Not null, Foreign key, part of Primary key along with userID, caseID



Variable Datatype Integrity Constraints
userID char(10) Primary Key
isClient tinyint Not null, check is '0' or '1'
firstName varchar(30) Not null except middleName which is optional, composite attribute (name)
middleName varchar(30)
lastName varchar(30)
phoneNumber char(10) Not null
emailID varchar(256) Not null
dateOfBirth date Not null
buildingNumber int Not null, composite attribute (address)
pincode varchar(10)
streetName varchar(256)
city varchar(50)
state varchar(50)
budget mediumint Not null, check != 0
calendarID char(10) Foreign Key referenced by Calendar



Variable Datatype Integrity Constraints
caseID char(15) Not null, Foreign Key part of Primary Key along with userID
userID char(10) Not null, Foreign Key part of Primary Key along with caseID



Variable Datatype Integrity Constraints
userID char(10) Not null, Foreign Key part of Primary Key along with caseID
caseID char(15) Not null, Foreign Key part of Primary Key along with userID



Variable Datatype Integrity Constraints
userID char(10) Primary, Not null
firstName varchar(30) Not null except middleName which is optional, composite attribute (name)
middleName varchar(30)
lastName varchar(30)
dateOfBirth date Not null
gender varchar(30) Not null
emailID varchar(256) Not null
phoneNumber char(10) Not null
experience mediumint Not null
salary mediumint Not null, check >= 2000 and <= 20000
positionAtFirm varchar(100) Not null
buildingNumber int Not null, composite attribute (address)
pincode varchar(10)
streetName varchar(256)
city varchar(50)
state varchar(50)
calendarID char(10) Foreign Key referenced by Calendar



Variable Datatype Integrity Constraints
transactionID char(10) Not null, Foreign Key part of Primary Key along with userID
userID char(10) Not null, Foreign Key part of Primary Key along with transactionID



Variable Datatype Integrity Constraints
caseID char(15) Not null, Foreign Key part of Primary Key along with transactionID
transactionID char(10) Not null, Foreign Key part of Primary Key along with caseID



Variable Datatype Integrity Constraints
transactionID char(10) Primary Key
description varchar(256)
amount mediumint Not null, check not equal to 0
type tinyint Not null, check is '1' or '0' for take and give respectively
dateOfPayment date Not null



Variable Datatype Integrity Constraints
userID char(10) Primary key along with caseID, Not null
password char(8) Not null



Variable Datatype Integrity Constraints
oppositionID char(10) Foreign key, Primary key along with oppositionID, Not null
caseID char(15) Foreign key, Primary key along with caseID, Not null



Variable Datatype Integrity Constraints
userID char(10) Primary Key
when datetime Not null, part of Primary Key along with calendarID
name varchar(256) Not null
description varchar(256) Not null



Variable Datatype Integrity Constraints
userID char(10) Not null, Foreign Key part of Primary Key along with lawyerID
lawyerID char(10) Not null, Foreign Key part of Primary Key along with userID



Variable Datatype Integrity Constraints
oppositionID char(10) Primary Key
emailID varchar(256) Not null
phoneNumber char(10) Not null
firstName varchar(30) Not null except middleName which is optional, composite attribute (name)
middleName varchar(30)
lastName varchar(30)
buildingNumber int Composite attribute (address)
pincode varchar(10)
streetName varchar(256)
city varchar(50)
state varchar(50)

Type of cases we will be covering:

Divorce|Tenant Law|Crime|Civil|Real Estate|Bankruptcy|Finance|Family Law|Traffic Law|Wills and Probate|Child Custody|Medical Malpractice|Construction Law|Copyrights and Patents|Education|Felony|Health Insurance|Income Tax|LGBTQ Law|Oil and Gas|Shipping|Visitation Rights|Wrongful Death|Whistleblower Litigation|Sports Law|Restraining Orders|Military Law|Labour and Employment|Investments|Homicide|Politics|Communications and Media|Drug Crimes|Agricultural Law|Aviation Law



Users with different views


  • Customer/Client
  • Lawyer (Partners and Associates - people Practising law, taking clients)
  • Paralegal (Research work, view law firm case history)
  • Other Staff - Finance staff (Handle billing, transactions)
  • Managing Partner

Queries for the Users


  • Customer/Client


  1. Best lawyer on the basis of case flair - lawyer specialization, lawyer cases win-lose ratio, experience, avg time per case, charges, state default values for all otherwise input.
  2. View bills pending.
  3. View/ add/ delete events (including court hearings).
  4. View case details of all their cases.
  5. View lawyers by lawyer specialization, lawyer cases win-lose ratio, experience, avg time per case, budget, state.
  6. View their personal details.
  • Lawyer


  1. View/ add/ delete events (such as current court hearings related to ongoing cases).
  2. View case details of all their cases.
  3. View their personal details (financial history, track record).
  4. View basic details of peers (not salary).
  5. View allowed documents related to any case of the law firm.
  6. View data of all their clients.
  • Paralegal


  1. View their personal details.
  2. View/ add/ delete events.
  3. View all case details for all cases in the firm.
  4. View/ update allowed legal documents for all cases in the firm.
  5. Search for cases using flair, client details, etc.
  • Other Staff - Finance staff


  1. View their personal details.
  2. View/ add/ delete events.
  3. View/ update all financial transactions in the firm.
  • Managing Partner


  1. Everything above.
  2. Choose lawyer of the year on the basis of case win-lose ratio.
  3. Choose lawyer of the year on the basis of ratings.



Following are the search key attributes for index tables of different tables based on which attributes are accessed most.

Legal Cases caseID, flair
User userID
LegalDocuments docID, caseID, visibility
Lawyers userID, specialization, city, lastName, charges,experience, clientRating, avgTimePerCase
Opposition OppositionID
Calendar userID, when
Other staff userID
Managing partners userID
Against caseID, oppositionID
ClientCompanies userID
Clients userID
CourtHearing caseID, time
FinancialTransactions transactionID
DisplayedIn caseID, when, userID
Handles userID, caseID
HasA userID, caseID
Invest transactionID, userID
Makes transactionID, userID
IndividualClients userID






Lawyer :

ID : A21r4a1b6X

Password : Z54#76kS

Paralegal :

ID : A21d1o5j7F

Password : K54#75dO

Customer :

ID : I21g4q3a0C

Password : H54#79sD

Other Staff :

ID : O21p5y3f5D

Password : Z54#76kS

Managing partners :

ID :** Harvey**

Password : Specter

Screenshots from the Web Application


Web Application Homepage

Sign in Page

One of the Stakeholder's Query Page

Ouput format of Queries

References for Templates used

Database and Website hosted on Clever Cloud


A database system to manage the data of a law firm such that it can be accessed, manipulated and updated in an efficient and convenient manner.






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Contributors 4
