Please install Boost and zlib.
Download source from github
git clone && cd bam2fastx
Sync your code with the latest git code base:
git submodule update --init --remote
Create build directory
mkdir build && cd build
Invoke cmake with Boost and zlib as system libraries
cmake ..
Or with user-specific paths
cmake -DBoost_INCLUDE_DIRS=/path/to/boost/include -DZLIB_INCLUDE_DIRS=/path/to/zlib/include -DZLIB_LIBRARIES=/path/to/zlib/lib ..
Both tools have an identical interface and take BAM and/or DataSet files as input. Examples:
bam2fasta -o projectName m54008_160330_053509.subreads.bam
bam2fastq -o myEcoliRuns m54008_160330_053509.subreads.bam m54008_160331_235636.subreads.bam
bam2fasta -o myHumanGenome m54012_160401_000001.subreadset.xml
Support is only provided for official and stable SMRT Analysis builds provided by PacBio and not for source builds.