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Releases: nemethviktor/GeoTagNinja

Build 9196 [20250306]

06 Mar 18:39
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Build 9196 [20250306]

    • Added a CancellationToken to the Parsing of DirectoryElements (aka you can now cancel loading a folder.) #120
    • Changed the Translation/resources logic into a single file. I realised that having 10 different files would yield 20+ PRs if anyone does an update and it's annoying.
    • Fixed half of the translations not actually working because...not even sure why. My bad nonetheless.
    • Fixed the time element of the TakenDate/CreateDate not being read properly after modify #147
    • Fixed HEIC previews misbehaving #152
    • Fixed the "No access to API" error cropping up multiple times #153
    • Fixed Import (settings) not working due to localisation issues
    • Fixed DateTime copypaste not working and not being handled properly on some Cultures [eg en-AU] #155

Build 9102 [20241202]

02 Dec 16:21
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Build 9102 [20241202]

    • I've moved the whole logic of languages being held in CSV files to RESx files.
    • Added ExifTool version number to the info within the About Form/Box.
    • Added the GPSDOP tag's handling into the GPX Import logic. This requires ExifTool 13.04 or newer. Ref ticket #121.
    • Added a Flat Mode ref Ticket #123 - this is a little experimental atm but should work.
    • Added the build number to the Text of FrmMain. I know this is a bit gimmicky but I like it.
    • App version Bump 1.16
    • I've moved the startup methods to be async/awaited. Hopefully this will hide random occurrences of stuff like "tmi_Help".
    • Also revamped how column orders are handled internally.
    • Hopefully fixed the SQL Interop issues that occasionally crop up post-installation. It's a bug in VS Installer/Project config and is mighty annoying because it doesn't come up much in debug.
    • Updated the icon naming on the Desktop. For some obscure reason I had it coded with an extraneous space.

Build 9054 [20241015]

15 Oct 18:19
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Build 9054 [20241015]

    • Rewrote the SQL handling logic to use DataTables and Transactions rather than write everyone everything [I swear guv I was sober...] on a one-by-one basis. Jolly achievement for someone that claims to be a SQL dev rather than a C# dev but alas.
    • When using copy-paste the Coordinates will now be default-enabled for paste. It's logical that people would want to paste this piece of data if available.
    • Application should no longer crash when encountering an invalid piece of Exif data #118
    • Added some logic to enable returning to C:\ if the user enters a 'fake' folder name.
    • "Restart Now" (within Settings) should hopefully work as expected #119
    • Kinda fixed the "Do you want to save the write-Q?" box cropping up twice upon app-close.

Build 8973 [20240726]

26 Jul 21:00
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Build 8973 [20240726]

    • Added an option to Overlay GPX Coordinate Tracks onto the map. This can be found within the Import GPX Tracks Form, at the bottom. Experimental. #107
    • Panel sizes on the FrmMainApp should should now be stored/restored across sessions. #109
    • Added GPX Track Export functionality #114
    • Added the parsing of GPSDateTime tags as a read-only item.
    • Updated the ExifTool-update process to handle the new multi-file package. A mighty annoying move tbh but alas. Anyone experiencing an extra 3 sec delay upon exit, don't complain to me, script now has to extract and move 500 files instead of one.
    • Added some logic to check if a file had already been process within the session (ie you are reloading a folder or navigating back into a folder you've already visited). If so then the file won't be processed again unless changed.
      • This somewhat reintroduces the logic eliminated in build 8391 but less awkwardly. The tradeoff with this is that the app needs to take a checksum of each and every file each time the user does a refresh. This is computer/performance dependent but I tested on 3GB data of 170 files and...
        • 1st time "enter folder" took around 9 seconds
        • Consecutive "enter same folder/refresh" took around 3 seconds.
        • That on a Ryzen 7 5850 + PCIE3 SSD
    • App Version Bump: 1.15

Build 8897 [20240511]

14 May 08:11
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Build 8897 [20240511]


    • Dark Mode should now apply to GPX Import Report
    • Custom MessageBoxes should now respect hotkeys in certain cases
    • Added PNG and WEBP file support
    • Added an auto-updater. It's a bit tricky to test but I think it works. Report bugs pls.
    • Updated some of the underlying packages; removed x86 references to SQLite

    • Patched GPX Import Report re #105

Build 8834 [20240309]

09 Mar 09:00
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Build 8834 [20240309]


    • Paste coordinate-pair string from clipboard into Edit Form (see readme about this or the tooltip in the Edit Form) #100
    • Added a button to the Edit Form to move to the next image when there's a multi-selection (Apply & Move to Next) [also #100]
    • Bumped exifTool to v12.77
    • Rewrote the logic of updating for exifTool, from now onwards, it should be automatic.

    • Added an extra warning if the file-save fails for what's likely a UTF path error #98
    • Added a check to ensure that files have the necessary data before attempting to create FOV re #99
    • Patched two vaguely related issues regarding SQLITE REPLACE and LastLat/Lng read on startup when not using EN-xx culture.
      • While at it also patched a cleanup issue with the SQLite database.

Build 8768 [20240103] (released 16 Feb)

17 Feb 19:24
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Build 8768 [20240103] (released 16 Feb)


  • Long-pressing a point on the map will now offer the user to save the map location to the image so that there's no need for extra click #91
  • Added functionality as per #92 to drag the map marker and allow the user to add the new value to the selected image(s).
  • Added toponomymName to the options within Custom City Allocation Rules
  • Changed how file names with "[]" chars are handled for saving.
  • Bumped exifTool to v12.72


  • Fixed an issue re #93 Open Coords in API misbehaving.
  • Fixed Custom Rules panel breaking because the object type was wrong due to an earlier logic-consolidation.
  • Fixed Copy-Paste empty Direction value showing as 0 on the map.
  • Fixed Copy-Paste empty Destination value breaking the the map when selecting multiple files.
  • Run a spell checker on the readme....

Build 8680 [20231007]

07 Oct 13:13
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Build 8680 [20231007]

    • App Version Bump: 1.14
    • Implemented an Export/Import functionality for Settings and Custom Rules
    • Bumped exifTool to v12.67
    • Streamlined a lot of code relating to the reusability of on-the-fly Form generation
      • Same goes for generic reusability, messageboxes, enums, buttons, whatnots
    • Various further Dark Mode changes/improvements
    • Added the capability to Restart the app immediately if the user wants so in the Settings
    • Added support for previewing HEIC images
    • Fixed Country DropDown not displaying anything if the existing data wasn't on the predefined list. It now takes value from CountryCode
    • Fixed Date Shift misbehaving
    • Fixed newly-saved data not being written back into the DE-logic

Build 8661 [20230918]

18 Sep 07:03
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Build 8661 [20230918]

    • App Version Bump: 1.13
    • GPSDestinationLat/Long ...
      • is now being displayed in certain cases (when there is a series of images subject to a set of conditions. See the readme on how this works.),
      • can be modified via a new button below the map,
      • has been added to the list/function of "remove all geodata"
    • Added a new tab for the Exif info - this lists the values as they are held by GTN internally.
    • Added 2 new buttons for filing feature requests and bugs (both require a GitHub acct.)
    • Added Dark Mode support. Refer to the readme but it's very ugly and there's little I can do about that as WinForms doesn't support the rich capabilities Windows 10/11 can offer for the time being.
    • Added various options for "Dark Mode Map"
    • Fixed an error when data in MyComputer wasn't properly recorded and this caused a crash
    • Reverted a change introduced earlier re: webView2 initialisation after it randomly failed on one of my VMs

Build 8646 [20230903]

03 Sep 17:22
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Changelog since Build 8641


  • Graduated the app to version 1.x [technically 1.10 because it's been edging up on the minor versions ever since initial release] - yayy. It now has all the features I initially wanted.
  • Added some support for reading and displaying ImgDirection/Ref.
  • Updated the "update" logic -> there's now a Setting that enables the user to update to pre-release [dev] releases or master-only. Master releases will no longer be marked as pre-release on GitHub.