WARNING: This repository is published by the Nephio Authors but is
neither endorsed nor maintained by the Nephio Technical Steering Committee (TSC). It is intended
to be used for reference only. The Nephio distribution repositories are located in the
organization. For more information
see this page.
Create demo cluster for policy demo
$ kind create cluster --name policy-demo
$ kind get clusters
It will start a gitserver.
docker run -d -v `pwd`/repositories:/var/lib/git -p "8282:80" cirocosta/gitserver-http
Create an empty repository deployments
Refer KPT official documentation for installtion of kpt, porch and configsync.
After installation of configsync create the RootSync
apiVersion: configsync.gke.io/v1beta1
kind: RootSync
name: pkg-sync
namespace: config-management-system
sourceType: git
sourceFormat: unstructured
repo: http://{ip}:{port}/deployments.git
branch: main
auth: none
Refer gatekeeper official documentation to install gatekeeper in workload cluster.
Register the repository in kpt
kpt alpha repo register --namespace default http://{ip}:{port}/deployments.git # Ensure main branch is available as we configured our RootSync for this branch
Fetch the example package for demo :
$ kpt pkg get https://github.com/GoogleContainerTools/kpt-functions-catalog.git/examples/gatekeeper-disallow-root-user
Execute the demo.sh
for the end to end execution of demo:
$ ./demo.sh