English Little Prince hand-annotated with prepositional supersenses (SNACS, guidelines v2.5)
Each sentence is annotated with: syntactic parses (Universal Dependencies); multiword expressions involving prepositions/possessives; and supersense labels for prepositional/possessive expressions. The syntactic parses are automatic, produced by the Stanza parser (a few were hand-corrected).
The canonical data file is in the CoNLL-U-Lex format. JSON-converted data files are included for easy programmatic access.
Notes about the data:
- Sentence IDs are borrowed from the AMR release
- The
# text = ...
field is derived from tokens and does not reflect original whitespace - Chapters 1, 4, and 5 are currently missing (they were annotated as a pilot under an earlier version of the SNACS annotation scheme)
- Syntactic parses, POS tags, morphological features, and lemmas are from Stanza version 1.3.0