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This is a direct translation of daves84 nanostack in Lua to Fennel. You can find the cart on tic80.com and the code is supplied below.
I have tried to make this as Fennel(ish) as possible while still staying true to what daves84 coded. I have run fnlfmt and check.fnl against it to clean up any obvious mistakes.
You can also find the source code for both Lua and Fennel hosted at https://gitlab.com/ParlorTricks/nanostack
;; title: nanostack
;; author: parlortricks
;; desc: fennel conversion of daves84 nanostack
;; site: https://daves84.itch.io/nanostack
;; license: MIT
;; SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
;; version: 1.0
;; script: fennel
;; strict: true
;; input: gamepad
;; saveid: nanostack-1
(var (t x w c s u v) (values 0 0 30 1 0.5 {} {}))
(fn _G.TIC []
(cls 10)
(rect 0 126 240 10 14)
(for [i 1 (length u) 1]
(for [j 1 8 1]
(rect (+ (. u i) (* j 3)) (- 126 (* i 10)) (- (- 70 (* i 5)) (* j 6)) 10
(- 17 j))))
(for [j 1 8 1]
(rect (+ (% x 240) (* j 3)) (- 126 (* c 10)) (- (- 70 (* c 5)) (* j 6)) 10
(- 17 j)))
(when (> (btnp) 0)
(set t 0)
(for [i (% x 240) (- (+ (% x 240) 70) (* c 5)) 1]
(when (not= (pix i (+ (- 126 (* c 10)) 10)) 10)
(set t 1)))
(if (and (= t 0) (> c 1))
(set u {})
(set c 1)
(set x 0))
(tset u c (% x 240))
(set c (+ c 1))
(set x 0))))
(when (= c 13)
(set u {})
(set c 1)
(set x 0)
(set s (+ s 0.5)))
(print (.. "Level " (math.floor (/ s 0.5))))
(set x (+ x s))
(set t (+ t 1)))
This translation was done with daves84 permission
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