Artifact repository for direct deploy to Heroku Git with GitHub Actions.
Deploy your code to the Heroku Git as described here:
This is a deployment workflow, which can be run in two different ways.
It relies on a previous process or workflow which build/collect/assembles your files into one place: an artifact or an repository.
This workflow starts from this point it downloads an build-artifact from your GitHub-Actions workflow or pulls a build from a repository.
You have to choose between these two ways of plugging in this artifact.
Your previous process created an build artifact within your GitHub-Actions-Workflow. The name of your artifact must be set with the var DEPLOY_ARTIFACT in the workflow file. The build artifact get automatically downloaded into the BUILD_FILES_FOLDER folder.
Note: Files '.DS_Store' will be deleted automatically in the build and the orign folder. If this behavior is uncomfortable you have to edit the file.
Set the var DEPLOY_REPO with your repositories name like /. Your repo gets cloned and in the second step all files within this folder will be replaced with your build files. So your build has to be complete!
There will be only one commit which replaces all files with the new build.
The following graphic gives an overwiev whats happening
The deployment workflow is trigged by pushing to your main/master branch or by an WebHook.
You need a Personal-Access-Token (PAT) in your GitHub-Repo with "repo"-scope.
Store this Token as a GitHub-Secret "PAT_GITHUBWEBHOOK".
Use the following code at the end of another/previous workflow to trigger this workflow (replace and with your names):
curl \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
-H 'authorization: Bearer ${{ secrets.PAT_GITHUBWEBHOOK }}' \<repo-owner>/<repo>/dispatches \
-d '{"event_type":"build-ready-to-deploy"}'
+-- ./
| +-- .github
| | +-- actions
| | | +-- heroku
| | | | +-- deploy-to-heroku
| | +-- images
| | | +-- heroku-deploy
| | +-- workflows
| +-- container
| | +-- repos
| | | +-- build
| | +-- ssh
| +-- data
| | +-- configs
| | +-- envs
Start with the workflow.yml stored in ./.github/workflows.
- Set your repo where the build is stored in BUILD_REPO
- Create an .env or set GitHub-secrets as described below.
You can omit using an env file with encryption in your repository.
Therefore you can store sensitive information as secrets in GitHub.
- AUTOMATION_SECRET: Stores the passphrase for your encrypted files in your repo (i.e. encrypted .env-files)
- HEROKU_APP_NAME: Stores the app name on Heroku (needed for interaction over Heroku CLI)
- HEROKU_API_KEY: Stores the token for accessing the Heroku API from Heroku CLI
- HEROKU_DEPLOY_MAIL: Stores a mail address, which will be used for your 'automatic' git user (during deployment)
- HEROKU_DEPLOY_USER: Stores the user name, which will be used for your 'automatic' git user (during deployment)
- PAT_GITHUBACTIONS: Stores the personal access token (PAT) of your source repository (where the build is pulled from)
Create a global .env file next to your docker-compose.yml.
The vars you have to define for your local setup are already declared in ./.github/workflows -> copy them into your .env.
# for local usage, see: workflow.yml for deployment with GitHub-Actions
# set true if your commit should run in dry-run mode (for debugging/testing)
# don't change this
# don't change this
# Vars used for ssh key and commiting from the heroku container
DEPLOY_BOT_MAIL={{ place your mail addresse here }}
HEROKU_BOT_LOGIN_USERNAME={{ place your heroko login name here (i.e. mail address) }}
Replace the existing heroku_api.env.gpg in ./data/envs
How the encryption should be done is described in the readme within the same folder.
Keep the password, you will need it in the next step.
The heroku_api.env should only have one line:
HEROKU_API_KEY=<your key>
You can choose an other name for this env-file. Then you have to change the var 'HEROKU_ENV_FILE' in workflow.yml too.
Use interactive encryption of env-files, then store the passphrase as GitHub-secret.
gpg --symmetric --cipher-algo AES256 <my_file>
Create a GitHub Actions Secret. Name it 'AUTOMATION_SECRET' and store your password for decryption in it.
Hint: if you already use that name as a secret you have to rename the var 'AUTOMATION_SECRET' in the workflow.yml
You can test the setup (without GitHub Actions) in your local environment with docker.
The container will run the entrypoint script (./.github/images/heroku-deploy), which falls back to the vars defined in your .envs file (Note: GitHub actions will not run locally, so your settings in action.yml and workflow.yml will be ignored).
Make a copy of 'sample.env' remove the prefix 'sample' and fill in your vars.
Keep the paths unchanged.
Copy some files in the folder ./container/repos/build.
docker-compose build && docker-compose up
Be aware not to run docker-compose in daemon mode (omit the parameter -d) so you can see the process on your command line.
The setup is set to 'dry-run' so no changes will be applied to your repository.
This artifacts comes with a test folder and dummy files within. Also the worfklow file contains an additional step for uploading a test artifact to your GitHub Actions Worfklow. You can omit these step and comment/delete these lines and the test files in your environment.
The default setting of this workflow is at "dry-run mode", which means, that all steps will be run except the final push to your destination repo. For further details take a look at the action.yml