Far-reaching automation for installation Onlyoffice with a single cloud-init script.
The main file is the cloud-config.yml, a cloud-init file, which is tested on cloud-systems from Hetzner. Please consult https://canonical-cloud-init.readthedocs-hosted.com/en/latest/index.html if you're not sure what a cloud-init file does.
On a Debian 10 system the file creates config files and runs a setup which finally gives you an Debian 10-Server, running NGINX, which serves you an OnlyOffice instance running in a docker container.
This server configurated to get accessed by a second server/system to use OnlyOffice within. I.e. you can simply connect this server with a Nextcloud instance.
Depending on the power of your machine the whole installation process will need up to 20 min.
Set the username in the users section and in ssh config-section.
Replace the example authorized key with your(s) in the users section.
Replace the subdomain + domain (i.e. sub1.your-domain.tld) in the whole file.
Replace CONTACT_EMAIL below "/etc/dehydrated/config" in the write_files section.
Replace the (sub)domain entry below "/var/lib/acme/domains.txt" with your (sub)domain.
Set a secret (a JWT-Token/String) and replace it at the placeholder {{ your secret }}.
Replace the URLs for your custom HTML in the ***CUSTOM HTML*** section.
Run the config by copying the whole cloud-config.yml (./data/configs/hetzner) into the "data" field in Hetzners server environment (creating a new server) or use the Hetzner API instead (not scope of this readme).
Other provides may have different workflows. Check if your setup supports cloud-init procedures. Examples can be found here: https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/examples.html
override of /sites-available/default
Overrides the default file to redirect everything, thats not https to https. Also handles the acme-challenge. -
creates a config file for subdomain
Creates a server config file for onlyoffice on specific (sub)domain.
The renewal of SSL-certificates by dehydrated is added to crontab.
The init script appends to /etc/crontab.
creates /etc/dehydrated/config This ini file overrides default param settings of dehydrated.
You will need an email-address using letsencrypt. -
CA="letsencrypt" BASEDIR="/var/lib/acme" WELLKNOWN="/var/www/acme-challenge" CONTACT_EMAIL="[email protected]"
creates /var/lib/acme/domains.txt
This text file contains all domains, which you wanted certificates for.
config folder
/etc/dehydrated/config -
folder for the letsencrypt challenge
/var/www/acme-challenge -
folder for certs, domain.txt, ..
/var/lib/acme -
Params:ssl_certificate /var/lib/acme/certs/${your-domain}/fullchain.pem; ssl_certificate_key /var/lib/acme/certs/${your-domain}/privkey.pem; ssl_trusted_certificate /var/lib/acme/certs/${your-domain}/chain.pem;
- creates /opt/onlyoffice/docker-compose.yml
This file controls your onlyoffice docker setup.
- modifies settings in /etc/fail2ban/jail.local
sets params for "enabled", "banaction", "bantime", "maxretry". This ini file only contains additional settings or overrides for defaults.
- modifies settings in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
sets hardening settings in ssh (i.e. SSH-Key-Authentication, Ports, ..)
get static HTML files from your (public) repo.
generate symlink(s) for sub-config files in nginx For every config file in your ../sites-available/ folder you have to create a symlink in your ../sites-enabled/ folder.
ln -s /path/to/sites-available/file /path/to/sites-enabled/file
run dehydrated script
Be aware your mail address is already registered. Otherwise you run into an interactive dialog, which will break your automatic workflow../dehydrated --register --accept-terms ./dehydrated --cron
run your docker-compose.yml
cd /opt/onlyoffice/ docker-compose up -d
Set IPv4 and IPv6 your DNS for all your subdomains you want to register in domains.txt.
- delete docker volumes
Delete or archive your docker volumes except your custom html folder before upgrading your Onlyoffice image/container.
check if nginx is running -> sudo service nginx status
ggfs. sudo service nginx reload && sudo service nginx restart
r3.o.lencr.org could not be resolved (5: Operation refused) while requesting certificate status
Check: Set a new address for resolver in your config and check if the error is gone. -
Check: Check if all your domains resolve properly -
*43 SSL_do_handshake() failed (SSL: error:141CF06C:SSL routines:tls_parse_ctos_key_share:bad key share) while SSL handshaking
Check: supposed to be a problem on client side, @see: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65854933/nginx-ssl-error141cf06cssl-routinestls-parse-ctos-key-sharebad-key-share/67424645#67424645