This is a small autograd engine, made purely from numpy and python. This is still a work in progress and more features will be added with time Hope you have fun implementing this :) Additionally, later on, deep learning layer features, loss functions and optimizers will be added to this project. This aims to be a small pytorch clone
It would help if you had these installed in your system before running this engine
- Numpy
- Typing
- Python (version 3.7+)
- Download all the files (only
- Use this syntax
from <file location of this folder> import *
to import it into your code - You can also see the tests I run on the engine in
Scalar and Tensor Operations
- Creation of Tensor (NVal)
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Negative of Tensor
- Tensor Power (Aᴮ) ~ B is a scalar
- Scalar Multiplication
- Scalar Division
- Max Function
- MatMul Function
- Transpose
- Mean
- Greater Than
- Lesser Than
Activation Functions
- ReLU
- Sigmoid
- Tanh
Helper Functions
- Randn and Randn Like
- Rand
- Randint and Randint Like
- zeros and zeros like
- ones and ones like
- max and argmax
- min and argmin
Converting Functions
- to array
- to NVal
- to list
Deep Learning Operations
- Linear Regression
- Dropout
- Conv2d
- Max2d
- Adam
Loss Functions
- BCE Loss
- MSE Loss
- Hinge Loss
- None