Releases: neuvector/manager-ext
What's Changed
- NVSHAS-9814: [UI-Ext] Security Events page Refresh button keeps running when request completed
- NVSHAS-9796: [UI-Ext] Tooltip of time slide bar does not reflect real date in Security Events page
- NVSHAS-9802: [UI-Ext] 2-way Infinity scroll does not work in Vue3
- NVSHAS-9795: [UI-Ext] Filters do not work in Security Events page for Vue3
- NVSHAS-9778: [UI-Ext] Use some other country flag library instead of a large set of images
- NVSHAS-9779: [UI-Ext] dayjs library is not found in package.json which causes Rancher UI test error during building
Full Changelog: neuvector-ui-ext-2.1.1...neuvector-ui-ext-2.1.2
Supported NeuVector version
NeuVector v5.4.2
Rancher v2.10
What's Changed
- 2.1.1 Cherry pick by @xingzhang-suse in #95
- NVSHAS-9742: [UI-Ext] Can't select Scope/Last Modified when Export Vulnerabilities Report (2.1.1) by @xingzhang-suse in #97
- NVSHAS-9731: [UI] User can disable Rancher SSO when users log into Rancher through AzureAD (2.1.1 cherry-pick) by @xingzhang-suse in #100
- Set release version by @xingzhang-suse in #103
Supported NeuVector version
Full Changelog: neuvector-ui-ext-2.1.0...neuvector-ui-ext-2.1.1
What's Changed
- 2.0.3 Cherry pick by @xingzhang-suse in #94
- NVSHAS-9742: [UI-Ext] Can't select Scope/Last Modified when Export Vulnerabilities Report (2.0.3) by @xingzhang-suse in #96
- NVSHAS-9731: [UI] User can disable Rancher SSO when users log into Rancher through AzureAD (2.0.3 cherry-pick) by @xingzhang-suse in #101
- Set release version by @xingzhang-suse in #102
Supported NeuVector version
Full Changelog: neuvector-ui-ext-2.0.2...neuvector-ui-ext-2.0.3
What's Changed
- NVSHAS-8827: Layout adjustment for Rancher UX team feedback by @xingzhang-suse in #38
- NVSHAS-8831: Resolve vulnerabilities in manager ui ext by @xingzhang-suse in #41
- Refacted v1.0 for modulizing service functions, constants and added http interceptor for setting request headers in one place by @xingzhang-suse in #42
- Add sub-menu by @xingzhang-suse in #43
- Added data preprocess logics with mock data and resolved translation in typescript, Changed authentication cache strategy and add token refresh feature. by @xingzhang-suse in #44
- security events list, quickfilter, CSV report, modal dialogs for assets details, modal dialog for packets by @xingzhang-suse in #45
- NVSHAS-9063: UI-Ext: Add Vulnerabilities numbers for exposure records on Dashboard by @xingzhang-suse in #46
- NVSHAS-8912: UI-Ext: Security Events page (Advanced filter, refresh button; Fixed bug on podInfo madal; Added auto relogin in interceptor) by @xingzhang-suse in #47
- NVSHAS-8912: UI-Ext: Security Events page (Fixed bugs: Infinite scroll after filtered, keep selections of filters, hide review ruls button) by @xingzhang-suse in #48
- NVSHAS-8912: UI-Ext: Security Events page (Added icons and recoloring) by @xingzhang-suse in #49
- NVSHAS-9254: UI-Ext: Vulnerabilities page by @rushk014 in #50
- NVSHAS-8912: UI-Ext: Security Events page (Redesign advanced filter dialog, fixed bug for pagination when filtering data) by @xingzhang-suse in #51
- NVSHAS-8912: UI-Ext: Security Events page (Replace mockdata into real API call) by @xingzhang-suse in #52
- NVSHAS-9269: [UI-ext] add UI appearance for NVSHAS-8325 (NS boundary enforcement for groups) by @xingzhang-suse in #53
- NVSHAS-9254: UI-Ext: Vulnerabilities page by @rushk014 in #54
- NVSHAS-9279: [UI-ext] Name of Security Event CSV report is in wrong format by @xingzhang-suse in #55
- NVSHAS-9233: Adjust /v1/vulasset return data (UI extension - Vulnerabilities page) by @rushk014 in #56
- change version number by @xingzhang-suse in #57
- Remove 'label' from virtualType as there is non-permanent prod build issue by @xingzhang-suse in #58
- NVSHAS-9242: Deep UI integration: Integrate scan result into Rancher's nodes and pods page by @xingzhang-suse in #59
- NVSHAS-9242: Deep UI integration: Integrate scan result into Rancher's nodes and pods page (Optimization and bug fix) by @xingzhang-suse in #60
- NVSHAS-9295: UX-Ext: Vulnerbailities page can show the package and image info by @rushk014 in #61
- Add kube version annotation for build by @xingzhang-suse in #62
- NVSHAS-9242: Deep UI integration: Integrate scan result into Rancher's nodes and pods page (Added vulnerability count above the list, added CVE description popup) by @xingzhang-suse in #63
- NVSHAS-9348: Styling overriding issue and improper color by @xingzhang-suse in #64
- NVSHAS-9319: Add CSV report to Vulnerabilities page based on latest NeuVector code by @NickChungSUSE in #65
- NVSHAS-9360: UI-Ext: Add loading indicator before Security Events page loaded by @xingzhang-suse in #66
- Support Rancher 2.9.0 in main branch by @xingzhang-suse in #69
- NVSHAS-9406: [UI-Ext]API call failed due to token lost from browser. by @xingzhang-suse in #70
- NVSHAS-9421: Score slider doesn't display correctly when switching version by @NickChungSUSE in #71
- NVSHAS-9424: The redirections of goToNv functionalities are not completed yet by @NickChungSUSE in #72
- NVSHAS-9319: add callback status after file export submit in Vlunerabilities page by @NickChungSUSE in #73
- Changed build process; NVSHAS-9432 by @xingzhang-suse in #75
- NVSHAS-9413: UI-Ext: Compliance page by @rushk014 in #74
- NVSHAS-9469: UI-Ext: Dashboard keeps showing loading spinner by @xingzhang-suse in #76
- NVSHAS-9481: UI-Ext: 2 compliance icon are not clear both in white and black background Rancher Dashboard. by @xingzhang-suse in #77
- 6.0 merge to main by @xingzhang-suse in #78
- Fix bug during resolving conflict. by @xingzhang-suse in #79
- Refactor for Vue 3 migration by @jordojordo in #80
- 2.0.1 merge by @xingzhang-suse in #83
- 2.0.2 by @xingzhang-suse in #86
- [2.1.0] NVSHAS-9593 by @rushk014 in #87
- Fixed typo in annotation and update version number by @xingzhang-suse in #90
New Contributors
- @NickChungSUSE made their first contribution in #65
Supported version
- NeuVector version: v5.4.1
- Rancher version: v2.10
Full Changelog: neuvector-ui-ext-1.0.0-b1...neuvector-ui-ext-2.1.0
What's Changed
- [2.0.2] NVSHAS-9593 by @rushk014 in #88
- Update release version number by @xingzhang-suse in #92
Supported version
- vNeuVector version: 5.4.1
- Rancher version: 2.9
Full Changelog: neuvector-ui-ext-2.0.1...neuvector-ui-ext-2.0.2
What's Changed
- NVSHAS-9633: [UI-Ext] NeuVector style library impacts Rancher page by @xingzhang-suse in #82
- For rc build on v2.0.1 by @xingzhang-suse in #84
Full Changelog: neuvector-ui-ext-2.0.0...neuvector-ui-ext-2.0.1
NeuVector UI Extension v2.0.0
NeuVector UI Extension v2.0.0 Release Note
In this version of NeuVector UI Extension, we added 3 new pages and integrated Nodes and Pods' security scan result for Rancher users. Users can use Rancher UI to access more NeuVector's resources.
Deep integration on Nodes and Pods page
- Nodes
The severity level based vulnerability numbers which are detected and calculated by NeuVector are injected into Rancher's node list table. When users click on the number, the vulnerability list will show in the slide panel from the left of the page.
In node detail page, the vulnerabilities tab is integrated into the bottom tab group. Users have multiple places to monitor the nodes security status.
- Pods
In pods detail page, the vulnerabilities tab is integrated into the bottom tab group.
Users can export the vulnerability list as a CSV file by clicking the CSV button above any vulnerability list.
New page list
- Security events
This page displays multiple types of security event logs which are triggered by security network policy, process profile rules, file access rules, DLP/WAF sensors and network activity related threats. We provide endpoints' information and event details by time line. Users can also use advanced filter and time line slider to get specific view scope.

- Vulnerabilities
After users finish runtime scan or registry scan, we list all detected vulnerabilities in this page. It shows impacted assets (Platforms, Nodes, Containers, Images) with impacted / fixed packages' versions per CVE. An advanced filter can provide more options for users to focus on the specific scope. When users export reports, we provide both vulnerability based and assets based view which can let users have more perspectives.

- Compliance
After users finish runtime scan or registry scan, we list all detected violated compliance benchmark in this page. it shows impacted assets with remediation and regulations per benchmark. An advanced filter can provide more options for users to focus on the specific scope. When users export reports, we provide both compliance based and assets based view which can let users have more perspectives.

Note: PDF reports have not been migrated due to some gaps on web page frame design difference. Review/Propose rules in Security event page will be released when the migration of Network rules page is completed.
Bug Fix list
NVSHAS-9469: UI-Ext: Dashboard keeps showing loading spinner (#76)
NVSHAS-9063: UI-Ext: Add Vulnerabilities numbers for exposure records on Dashboard (#46)
What's Changed
- NVSHAS-8827: Layout adjustment for Rancher UX team feedback by @xingzhang-suse in #38
- NVSHAS-8831: Resolve vulnerabilities in manager ui ext by @xingzhang-suse in #41
- Refacted v1.0 for modulizing service functions, constants and added http interceptor for setting request headers in one place by @xingzhang-suse in #42
- Add sub-menu by @xingzhang-suse in #43
- Added data preprocess logics with mock data and resolved translation in typescript, Changed authentication cache strategy and add token refresh feature. by @xingzhang-suse in #44
- security events list, quickfilter, CSV report, modal dialogs for assets details, modal dialog for packets by @xingzhang-suse in #45
- NVSHAS-9063: UI-Ext: Add Vulnerabilities numbers for exposure records on Dashboard by @xingzhang-suse in #46
- NVSHAS-8912: UI-Ext: Security Events page (Advanced filter, refresh button; Fixed bug on podInfo madal; Added auto relogin in interceptor) by @xingzhang-suse in #47
- NVSHAS-8912: UI-Ext: Security Events page (Fixed bugs: Infinite scroll after filtered, keep selections of filters, hide review ruls button) by @xingzhang-suse in #48
- NVSHAS-8912: UI-Ext: Security Events page (Added icons and recoloring) by @xingzhang-suse in #49
- NVSHAS-9254: UI-Ext: Vulnerabilities page by @rushk014 in #50
- NVSHAS-8912: UI-Ext: Security Events page (Redesign advanced filter dialog, fixed bug for pagination when filtering data) by @xingzhang-suse in #51
- NVSHAS-8912: UI-Ext: Security Events page (Replace mockdata into real API call) by @xingzhang-suse in #52
- NVSHAS-9269: [UI-ext] add UI appearance for NVSHAS-8325 (NS boundary enforcement for groups) by @xingzhang-suse in #53
- NVSHAS-9254: UI-Ext: Vulnerabilities page by @rushk014 in #54
- NVSHAS-9279: [UI-ext] Name of Security Event CSV report is in wrong format by @xingzhang-suse in #55
- NVSHAS-9233: Adjust /v1/vulasset return data (UI extension - Vulnerabilities page) by @rushk014 in #56
- change version number by @xingzhang-suse in #57
- Remove 'label' from virtualType as there is non-permanent prod build issue by @xingzhang-suse in #58
- NVSHAS-9242: Deep UI integration: Integrate scan result into Rancher's nodes and pods page by @xingzhang-suse in #59
- NVSHAS-9242: Deep UI integration: Integrate scan result into Rancher's nodes and pods page (Optimization and bug fix) by @xingzhang-suse in #60
- NVSHAS-9295: UX-Ext: Vulnerbailities page can show the package and image info by @rushk014 in #61
- Add kube version annotation for build by @xingzhang-suse in #62
- NVSHAS-9242: Deep UI integration: Integrate scan result into Rancher's nodes and pods page (Added vulnerability count above the list, added CVE description popup) by @xingzhang-suse in #63
- NVSHAS-9348: Styling overriding issue and improper color by @xingzhang-suse in #64
- NVSHAS-9319: Add CSV report to Vulnerabilities page based on latest NeuVector code by @NickChungSUSE in #65
- NVSHAS-9360: UI-Ext: Add loading indicator before Security Events page loaded by @xingzhang-suse in #66
- Support Rancher 2.9.0 in main branch by @xingzhang-suse in #69
- NVSHAS-9406: [UI-Ext]API call failed due to token lost from browser. by @xingzhang-suse in #70
- NVSHAS-9421: Score slider doesn't display correctly when switching version by @NickChungSUSE in #71
- NVSHAS-9424: The redirections of goToNv functionalities are not completed yet by @NickChungSUSE in #72
- NVSHAS-9319: add callback status after file export submit in Vlunerabilities page by @NickChungSUSE in #73
- Changed build process; NVSHAS-9432 by @xingzhang-suse in #75
- NVSHAS-9413: UI-Ext: Compliance page by @rushk014 in #74
- NVSHAS-9469: UI-Ext: Dashboard keeps showing loading spinner by @xingzhang-suse in #76
- NVSHAS-9481: UI-Ext: 2 compliance icon are not clear both in white and black background Rancher Dashboard. by @xingzhang-suse in #77
New Contributors
- @NickChungSUSE made their first contribution in #65
Full Changelog: neuvector-ui-ext-1.0.0-b1...neuvector-ui-ext-2.0.0
Support Rancher 2.9.0
neuvector-ui-ext-1.0.1 Try to fix release build issue
Release 1.0.0
neuvector-ui-ext-1.0.0 Use locally referenced icon
Release 1.0.0 Beta 1
neuvector-ui-ext-1.0.0-b1 Update package.json