This repository was created to store information about the AWS Marketplace that is not otherwise easily available using APIs. It was started as part of the research on the 2022 DEF CON Cloud Village talk "Shopping for Vulnerabilities", presented by Alexandre Sieira, also based on the work of Glaysson Tomaz and Marcelo Lima from Tenchi Security.
Currently the goal is to crowdsource mappings of product codes
(also referred to as offer IDs) to seller and product information. This can be used to enrich lookups into
EC2 instance identity documents
which will contain an array of product codes in the marketplaceProductCodes
field. The goal is twofold:
- Allow blue teamers and cloud ops folks to more easily and quickly understand the role and provenance of running instances if they were created through the AWS Marketplace;
- Give red teamers a non-noisy additional recon capability, since calling the instance metadata service in compromised machines is much less likely to trigger alarms than looking at the filesystem or installed packages.
The simplest way to obtain this information is to look for e-mails sent automatically by [email protected]
the subject Offers: New offer accepted!
, as per this example:
The fields of interest here are Seller Name
, Product Name
, Product ID
and Offer ID
. None of these are specific
to your account or organization, so they are safe to share here.
Feel free to submit PRs with additional data to the CSV file as required, or send submissions via Twitter DM to
@AlexandreSieira or via e-mail to asieira (at)