C++17 크로스 플랫폼 비동기 네트워킹 i/o 라이브러리.
C++17 Cross platform asynchronous networking i/o library.
윈도우 플랫폼과 리눅스 플랫폼에서 사용가능 한 가장 최신 모델을 사용합니다.
This library use the latest models available on the Windows and Linux platforms.
윈도우 플랫폼에서 Registered i/o, 리눅스 플랫폼에서는 io_uring 을 기본 모델로 사용합니다.
The default model is Registered i/o on the Windows platform and io_uring on the Linux platform.
이 i/o 라이브러리는 내장된 socket object 만 지원합니다. 파일 디스크립터는 지원하지 않습니다.
This i/o library does support only built-in socket object. No file descriptor supported.
노트: 기여자는 dev branch 에 PR 요청하시기 바랍니다. 곧 기여자 정책에 대해서 업데이트 될 예정입니다.
NOTE: Please contributor request PR to dev branch. We will update about contributor policy soon.
노트: clang 컴파일러는 테스트 해보지 않았습니다.
NOTE: clang compiler has not tested.
Minumum - MSVC 16.0 (Visual Studio 2019)
Recommend - MSVC 17.0 (Visual Studio 2022)
Minumum - gcc 9
Recommend - gcc 11
* Windows
- >= Windows 8, Windows Server 2012 SP3
* Linux
- >= Kernel 5.13
- >= liburing 2.1 (Ex> Installable 2.1 on ubuntu apt)
Registered I/O - Windows platform
I/O Uring - Linux platform
TCP - Socket and server system
UDP - Socket and server system
Thread generator - Generate thread wrapper
Thread object - Thread as a object
Safe unlimited buffer - Never overflow buffer
Double buffer - Switchable unlimited buffer
Built-in address resolver
# 소스코드 클론
# Clone source code
C:\dev> git clone ./source
# 빌드
# Build
C:\your\path> cd source
C:\your\path\source> cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=C:/your/path/rioring -B .\build
C:\your\path\source> cmake --build .\build
# 설치
# Install
C:\your\path\source> cmake --install .\build\src
# C:\your\path\rioring\include <-- header files path
# C:\your\path\rioring\lib <-- library file path
# liburing 라이브러리 설치
# Install liburing library (Ex> Debian/Ubuntu)
~/your/path $ sudo apt install -y liburing-dev
# 소스코드 클론
# Clone source code
~/your/path $ git clone ./source
# 빌드
# Build
~/your/path $ cd source
~/your/path/source $ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local -B ./build
~/your/path/source $ cmake --build ./build
# 설치
# Install
~/your/path/source $ sudo cmake --install ./build/src
# /usr/local/include <-- header files path
# /usr/local/lib <-- library file path
#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <rioring.h>
using namespace rioring;
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
class event_receiver {
event_receiver() = default;
~event_receiver() = default;
void on_accept_client( tcp_socket_ptr &new_socket ) {
// register events for new socket at this time.
// Normally receive and close events and or error event.
// If you need sending completion event, you can also register 'set_send_complete_event'.
new_socket->set_close_event( [event = this]( auto && socket ) {
event->on_disconnect_client( std::forward< decltype( socket ) >( socket ) );
} );
new_socket->set_receive_event( []( auto &&socket, auto &&buffer, auto &&addr ) {
event_receiver::on_read_message( std::forward< decltype( socket ) >( socket ),
std::forward< decltype( buffer ) >( buffer ),
std::forward< decltype( addr ) >( addr ) );
} );
std::cout << "Connected client " << new_socket->remote_ipv4() << ":" << new_socket->remote_port() << std::endl;
std::scoped_lock sc{ container_lock };
activating_sockets.insert( new_socket );
static void on_read_message( socket_ptr &socket, io_buffer *buffer, sockaddr *addr [[maybe_unused]] ) {
// just echo
auto tcp = to_tcp_socket_ptr( socket );
tcp->send( *(*buffer), buffer->size() );
// pop contents from buffer
buffer->pop( buffer->size() );
void on_disconnect_client( socket_ptr &socket ) {
std::cout << "Disconnect client " << socket->remote_ipv4() << ":" << socket->remote_port() << std::endl;
std::scoped_lock sc{ container_lock };
activating_sockets.erase( socket );
void leave_clients() {
std::scoped_lock sc{ container_lock };
for ( auto & socket : activating_sockets ) {
auto tcp = to_tcp_socket_ptr( socket );
void wait() const {
while ( !activating_sockets.empty() ) {
std::this_thread::sleep_for( 1ms );
critical_section container_lock;
std::unordered_set< socket_ptr > activating_sockets;
int main() {
constexpr unsigned short port = 8000;
event_receiver receiver;
std::string in;
// Initialize i/o service.
io_service io;
if ( ! static_cast< int >( std::thread::hardware_concurrency() ) ) ) {
std::cerr << "failed to run io service" << std::endl;
return 1;
std::cout << "started io service" << std::endl;
// Initialize tcp listener.
tcp_server_ptr server = tcp_server::create( &io );
if ( !server ) {
std::cerr << "failed to create server object" << std::endl;
return 1;
// accept event.
server->set_accept_event( [event = &receiver]( auto && new_socket ) {
event->on_accept_client( std::forward< decltype( new_socket )>( new_socket ) );
} );
// run this server.
if ( !server->run( port ) ) {
std::cerr << "failed to open server port" << std::endl;
return 1;
std::cout << "started server. port: " << port << std::endl;
std::cout << "Enter 'exit' to terminate server" << std::endl;
while ( true ) {
std::cin >> in;
if ( in == "exit" ) {
return 0;
- Win32 - Nothing. Just winsock.
- Linux - axboe/liburing
# cmake g++-11 ninja-build included
# you can use rioring include & rioring.a library file
Implement UDP socket- updatedSupport docker image- updated- Support package manager - developing
MIT license Copyright (c) 2022 NewbieDiver