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Services Scale Backgrounding and WTF is going on here

Ben Oakes edited this page Sep 20, 2012 · 2 revisions

Services, Scale, Backgrounding and WTF is going on here?!??!

David Copeland @davetron5000


Story about developers making reasonable decisions and move from monolithic app to services, but things will still go wrong! Real world experience running payments on LivingSocial Synchronous Rails app moved to Async

Business Example

People signup with simple Controller!

After sometime, we notice a problem

  • Submit info
  • Save to DB
  • Wait for mailer (this is the problem) Bad resource allocation!
    Need to maximize our resources to increase user experience
    The fix is to send mail with Resque
    We can scale and its flexible

A couple months later, we have another problem
Resque.enqueue throws a timeout
What is the state?

  • User account exists but can't be validated because email has not been sent
  • Constraint on, so the user cant recreate their account How do we fix?
    $ bundle exec rails console production



  • If the user can't be created and the email can't be sent, we need to rollback
  • We can use database transactions with ActiveRecord

Uh oh, we see another problem
Resque job processes throws an exception and goes into failed queue
The error is ActiveRecord::NotFoundError
Race condition!!!
Transaction has not committed, so job doesn't see the new record
We can fix problem with retrying which is better(ish)

Their users will be our users!
Send welcome emails to new users and validate emails
After we create this person, we want to run business logic for sending email
We can use after_create hook and controller looses transaction block
Nothing with this is wrong, but it feels like there is something better

We now need to log stats
We add stats line to hook

We now need a cache of all the people who signup
Add cache line to hook

OMG, do something stupid with a user
Add dumb line to hook

The after_create hook is now abused

"Parallelism is just as weird in the company as it is in the computer"

Lets roll some new Mailers
There is now a MailerService
First app using a new service is never simple

Meanwhile a refactoring is afoot...
after_create hook is being fixed by moving stats, logs, cache, etc into job self.perform event

Uh oh, now the job fails!
We try running self.perform line by line and the third one fails
Now we are at a in between state
If we replay the job from the failed queue, certain processes will run N times

The problem:

MailService is too dumb

The solution:

MailService should be

  • idempotent
    • Require a request ID (see slides)
  • expose some internal state which can be queried
    • What emails have you sent? (see slides)

We are now paranoid
Mail gateway can fail
You can get out of your mind thinking of everything that can happen
You can not fix this!!!

How can you not be paranoid

  1. Have a historical record
  • log, log, log
  • Business logic
  • If something fails, what information do you need than put those into logs
  1. Audit Activity
  2. Prevent Bad Data
  • AR validations are great but not good enough
  • Put constraints on database
  • "Keep the data good"
  1. Sanity Check the rest
  • On a cron, check the system looking for bad data
  • Fix the data and fix the bug immediately
  1. Find Errors through monitoring
  • Fix the error
  • Emails from app should be red alert
  • If the Error isnt stop the world downgrade to a warning

Extract Services

Don't just be dumb
Design for Idempotence
Provide Help for client (client self healing)

In Review

Record history (see slides)



After commit can solve resque problem

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