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Discussion Questions

benjaminoakes edited this page Feb 22, 2012 · 42 revisions

Discussion Questions

See also: Russ Olsen interview on Ruby Rogues (there were some questions about DPiR, from the beginning until about 6-7 minutes in, and perhaps later)


  • Regarding the C OOP analogy, Linus Torvalds is an OOP naysayer, but has made highly reliable (and maintainable?) code. What does this say about OOP? benjaminoakes
    • I think it means OOP is not the only way to do it. You can write poetry in French or English. danbernier
    • For the curious: Panel: Objects on Trial is supposed to be a funny but serious look at oop in general. Best point made for me is that you don't need O.O. based language to create an O.O. system. diego
  • Is it bad to use patterns as more than a vocabulary? Should they only be "rediscovered"? benjaminoakes
  • Is DRY an antipattern? Is it over-applied or often prematurely applied? benjaminoakes
  • Is YAGNI an antipattern? Is it over-applied or often prematurely applied? danbernier
  • Does Ruby hide too much complexity? Is there too much magic in, say, how mixins work? For example, the equivalent in JavaScript is as expressive, but less "magical". benjaminoakes
  • What's the equivalent in JavaScript? Something like a.extend(b)? or do you mean the prototype object model? danbernier
  • As an engineer, shouldn't you know how your plumbing works? benjaminoakes
  • Yes, but how far down? Do engineers need to understand quarks? danbernier
  • How does the problem domain affect the use of patterns? How about culture of an organization? benjaminoakes
  • I think the architecture affects it more than the problem domain. Web apps have similar patterns regardless of problem domain, and same goes for rich-client 3D simulations, rich-client GUI apps, web service layers, and language parsers. danbernier
  • How does your organization's culture view pattern use? Do they have a bad name (e.g. from being over-applied)? benjaminoakes

Chapter 1: Intro

Chapter 2: Overview of the Ruby language

This chapter is Ruby basics. If anyone has any clarifying questions, we'll be happy to clear things up.

  • Coming from statically typed languages like Java and C, I still don't fully understand how the ruby interpreter handles all @instance_variable's. How exactly does the interpreter pick up all of them? Zach
  • I'm not sure what part is unclear to you, but basically, the syntax (something like /\b@[a-z_]+\b/) makes them easy enough to recognize. The main difference is that Ruby lets you add new instance variables at run-time (see first, f has no @bonk, then later, it does). Think of it like a hash, where the key is the instance variable's name, and you can add new keys. danbernier
  • To expand on @danbernier's explanation: are you familiar with how this is bound in JavaScript? How about this.variable = 'value'? The latter is essentially the same idea as @variable = 'value' in Ruby.

Chapter 3: Template Methods

From Wikipedia:

The control structure (inversion of control) that is the result of the application of a template pattern is often referred to as the Hollywood Principle: "Don't call us, we'll call you."

  • When have you found yourself using Template before? benjaminoakes
  • When have you wished you hadn't used Template before? benjaminoakes
  • One thing I find tricky about the Template Method pattern is picking methods to "punch out" of the template, in a way that makes sense. If you pick strictly the things that vary, it's an effective solution, but it might not be the clearest; and as the code ages & changes, you might need to refactor the lines of the template methods. Maybe this is an argument for keeping use of the template method small. I'll try to think up a good example. danbernier
  • Is Template limited in its usefulness? As @danbernier points out, it's more useful when there are fewer things that vary. The example of initialize in Ruby being a hook method is one example (only one method, but look at how much you can do with it). benjaminoakes
  • Is Ruby's Object a good example of when inheritance makes sense (in conjunction with the initialize hook)? If so, what does that mean for BasicObject? benjaminoakes

Chapter 4: Strategy


  • When have you found yourself using Strategy before? benjaminoakes
  • When have you wished you hadn't used Strategy before? benjaminoakes
  • When is Template a better choice? benjaminoakes
  • How does your favorite library use Strategy well? Poorly?
  • Guidelines for teasing out a Strategy? Go just far enough to get you where you need to go?

Ruby Implementation

  • raise NotImplementedError vs raise "not implemented" benjaminoakes
  • When sharing data (context), what factors into your decision of how much context to share? There are two extremes: self vs an object tailor-made for this context. What are the pros and cons to each approach? benjaminoakes
  • Pros/cons of passing self?
  • How does your data-sharing mindset relate to how you use templating systems such as ERB? Or others such as Mustache? benjaminoakes
  • How would you switch at runtime based on input? Metaprogramming? A lookup table? if / case ?
  • Duck typing: are superclasses good as documentation? Good enough to keep around? What are alternatives (e.g. documentation style)?
  • How does passing a Proc limit your choices for future changes? Are they only good for when you need throwaway use cases? What could give the best of both worlds?
  • A crazy idea that I haven't tested: is this a better (more flexible/future-proof) alternative?
# Define method on foo
  # ...


Chapter 5: Observer


  • When have you found yourself using Observer before? benjaminoakes
  • When have you wished you hadn't used Observer before? benjaminoakes
    • Things mentioned in book:
      • Lots of updates
      • Checking for complete changes
      • Handling failures
  • How does your favorite library use Observer well? Poorly? benjaminoakes
  • How does using an observer change when multithreading? Observing over the network? benjaminoakes
  • Can using an observer (and not knowing who your observers are) be too much "magic"? That is, can it make it hard to debug/tell what your dependencies are? benjaminoakes
  • Guidelines for handling updates? benjaminoakes
  • Is there a difference between "subscribing" and "broadcasting" (newspaper vs radio)? (E.g. another pattern that does the latter better?) benjaminoakes
  • Who has used the "Publish-subscribe pattern" before? How does it relate to Observer? When would you use one over the other (advantages/disadvantages)? benjaminoakes
  • From Wikipedia:

The Observer pattern is criticized[5] for being too verbose, introducing too many bugs and violating software engineering principles, such as not promoting side-effects, encapsulation, composability, separation of concepts, scalability, uniformity, abstraction, resource management, semantic distance. The recommended approach is to gradually deprecate observers in favor of reactive programming abstractions.

Ruby Implementation

  • Java veterans: pain points of using the inheritance-based java.util.Observable? benjaminoakes
  • Ever found Ruby's Observable lacking? benjaminoakes
  • Why have ActiveRecord::Observer at all? Why not just use include Observable and register your observers? How does the answer change with and without a SQL backend in the picture? NoSQL? benjaminoakes
  • Related REXML/EventMachine discussion? benjaminoakes

Chapter 6: Composite

  • When have you found yourself using Composite before? benjaminoakes
  • When have you wished you hadn't used Composite before? benjaminoakes
  • How does this help me code better? seekayel
  • At what point does the Composite pattern stop? If I'm making an online forum where there are themes, topics, and posts, I could perhaps use the Composite pattern. But if I'm using a SQL database along with ActiveRecord is it still Composite? If it's just a bunch of loose relationships between tables? benjaminoakes
  • Preferring composition to inheritance: when is inheriting from Array a good idea? The only times I've seen it in the wild, I wish they had done composition. benjaminoakes
  • How flexible (able to cope with change) should your code be when determining leaves? benjaminoakes
  • When is a plain tree data structure a better idea? benjaminoakes

Chapter 7: Iterator

  • When have you found yourself using Iterator before? benjaminoakes
  • When have you wished you hadn't used Iterator before? benjaminoakes
  • Reading this chapter brought to mind Ruby 1.9's Enumerator class, "A class which allows both internal and external iteration", according to the page on I've been unclear on exactly where one would need to use an Enumerator. I'm closer to understanding, thanks to this chapter, but I'm still curious: have any of you come across a case in which an Enumerator was the perfect object for the task? If so, what was it? cowmanifestation
  • Related to cowmanifestation's question: how does Russ Olsen's discussion change with regards to Ruby 1.9? We now have Enumerable and Enumerator:


ruby-1.9.2 > [].each
=> #<Enumerator: []:each> 
ruby-1.9.2 > [1, 2, 3].map
=> #<Enumerator: [1, 2, 3]:map> 
ruby-1.9.2 > [1, 2, 3].map.with_index { |e, i| i }
=> [0, 1, 2] 
  • Would it be simpler in a good way or bad way if [].map gave back a function rather than an Enumerator? (E.g. like in JavaScript's [].map) benjaminoakes
  • How about a parallel iterator? Like one that can take advantage of a GPU? benjaminoakes
    • (yonkeltron mentioned the closely related parallel gem)


[1, 2, 3] { |i| i * 2 } # math done in parallel, rather than sequentially
  • Have you ever actually used each_reverse (or now reverse_each)? Why did you use it over reverse.each? benjaminoakes
  • Is there a good middle road between internal and external iterators?

For example, wrap functions:

def smallest(enumerable)
  def enumerable.each
    # logic to give back the smallest, e.g. using a heap

# Resist changes made while iterating...
def protect(enumerable)

a = [1, 2, 3]

# Now I can change how I iterate on the fly...
smallest(a).each { |i| ... }
protect(a).each { |i| ... }

class Foo
  def bar
    safe_and_sound = protect(@a)

Chapter 8: Command

  • When have you found yourself using Command before? benjaminoakes
  • When have you wished you hadn't used Command before? benjaminoakes
  • How does this help me code better? seekayel


  • Is the composite command overkill? Seems like a simple script might be better.
  • Undoable: If this is a requirement the this pattern makes sense.
  • Undoing destructive commands: seems like this could be an error prone strategy if not done carefully.
  • How does PowerShell handle this? They have cmd-lets right?

Chapter 9: Adapter

  • When have you found yourself using Adapter before? benjaminoakes
  • When have you wished you hadn't used Adapter before? benjaminoakes
  • How does this help me code better? seekayel


  • Monkey patching? Really?
  • Is duck typing a general case of Adapter in some ways?
  • Why not wrap like, say, jQuery? Is monkeypatching evil?
  • Is ActiveSupport a good or bad example of taking monkeypatching responsibility seroiusly?
  • Why doesn't ad-hoc modification get done more? If it's because of memory, what strategies are there to mitigate the problem?
  • How does testing factor into the decision of monkeypatching vs classic adapter?
  • How about using a Module and including or extending to keep things neat?
  • How would you go about testing the implementation of an adapter?