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4.1.0 What's New

Peter Ladesma edited this page Aug 16, 2022 · 19 revisions

Mirth Connect 4.1.0 includes new features such as new event log messages, additional fields to the Welcome to Mirth Connect screen, new information included in alerts as well as many smaller changes, updates, and improvements. This release also contains several improvements to commercial extensions.

You can find the list of completed issues for this release here.

Core Mirth Connect

New Features

Message ID Now Included in Alerts

Alerts generated by connector messages now include the message id. (Community Issue) and (Community Issue)

Improved Event Log Messages

We added PHI Events that include information to identify when a message containing PHI is accessed and what filter is used to query for PHI. Additionally, when a channel message is removed, if the message contains a PATIENT_ID, the corresponding event includes that PATIENT_ID.

When a channel's messages are pruned, the event that is logged now includes the date thresholds used for pruning. (Community Issue)

Welcome to Mirth Connect

The Welcome to Mirth Connect screen includes required additional fields for better communication with users who register and consent to receive email updates and marketing messages from NextGen Healthcare. For more information about data usage and privacy policy, see:

Welcome to Mirth Connect

Username Displays on Mirth Connect Administrator Screen

When a user logs into Mirth Connect, the username displays in the bottom left corner of the screen along with first and/or last name, if available. (Community Issue)

Username in Screen

New Attributes Search on Events

The new Attributes field in the Advanced Search Filter dialog allows searching Events for a specified Name and/or Value within attributes.

Attribute in Search Events

Fixed Defects

Channel Dependency Prompt

The Channel Dependency Dialog now displays in Edit Channel view so the user can easily deploy dependent channels at the same time. Previously, the Channel Dependency Dialog was only available in the Channels view. (Community Issue)

Rest API Channel Transformer/Filter Order

Importing channels in JSON format through the rest API previously caused transformer/filter steps to be out of order. The import now uses the sequence number to properly order the steps as designed. (Community Issue)

Java 16+ Compatibility

When running previous versions of Mirth Connect in Java 16+, you may have encountered the following error when using Database Connectors or when using a DatabaseConnectionFactory in your JavaScript code:

Error: java.lang.IllegalAccessError: superclass access check failed: class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet (in unnamed module @0x10af9340) cannot access class com.sun.rowset.CachedRowSetImpl (in module java.sql.rowset) because module java.sql.rowset does not export com.sun.rowset to unnamed module @0x10af9340

This happened because our class MirthCachedRowSet extended the proprietary class CachedRowSetImpl. In Java 16+ this is no longer allowed, by default, for security purposes. To fix this issue, we updated the implementation of MirthCachedRowSet to no longer extend CachedRowSetImpl. (Community issue).

Fixed Ambiguous Timestamps in Mirth Connect Administrator

We fixed an ambiguity regarding the timestamps in the Mirth Connect Administrator. Timestamps without the AM/PM label now use the 24-hour time format. (Community Issue)

Security Improvements

Updated Libraries

  • The log4j library has been updated from 1.2.16 to 2.17.2 to take advantage of new logging methods and remove vulnerability issues. (Community Issue) The following CVEs have been addressed by updating log4j libraries

    • CVE-2022-23305
    • CVE-2022-23302
    • CVE-2021-4104
    • CVE-2019-17571
  • The XStream library has been updated to version 1.4.19 to remove vulnerability issues found in AWS scans. (Community Issue)

  • The Bouncy Castle library has been updated to version 1.71 in core connect and all extensions to remove vulnerability issues. (Community Issue) The following CVEs have been addressed by updating the Bouncy Castle libraries.

    • CVE-2018-1000180
    • CVE-2018-1000613
  • The Jsch library has been updated to version 0.1.55 to resolve various issues. (Community Issue)

Commercial Extension Improvements

Advanced Clustering

  • A correction was made where, in some circumstances, role controllers were left running on multiple nodes after a role switches from one node to another. This caused incorrect behavior such as a channel queue being active on multiple nodes even when Guarantee Message Order is enabled.

Interoperability Connector Suite

  • The Interop Connector Suite has updated options to pass current eHealth Exchange validation standards. This new option defaults to Yes and includes Conditions in the header.

    WS Security Generation Settings

Mirth Results v2 (CDR) Plugin

  • Fixed the issues where Mirth Results (CDR) dependencies were not pulled down when reloading the resource.
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