Releases: nextinfinity/SuperCraftBros
Releases · nextinfinity/SuperCraftBros
SuperCraftBros 2.0.1
- Fixed an incompatibility with new versions of FAWE. If SCB worked before but not now, please update FAWE to the latest release.
If you encounter any bugs, please create an issue in this repository or create a post in the Spigot thread.
SuperCraftBros 2.0.0
This update to SuperCraftBros includes many changes which will break previous installations and change game usage. For instructions and documentation, see the wiki or the Spigot page.
- Switched to using InfinityCore. As a direct result of this, the majority of code for SuperCraftBros now resides in the InfinityCore repository at
- Arenas now use schematics (NBT structures) instead of in-world arenas. It is possible
- A visual class editor was added, so classes may be created entirely within SCB. This makes it much simpler to create and edit classes, with the key downfall of no current custom armor implementation as was present previously. This will be recreated in the future.
- An arena editor was created, so spawns can be both added and removed in-game. Additionally, it is possible to view all spawns in an arena instead of having to view the arena configuration file.
- Configuration files from a previous installation of SuperCraftBros will no longer work.
- Many more small additions and changes. This update aims to retain as many original features of SuperCraftBros as possible and make it significantly easier to maintain and upgrade, but some details may have been lost in the update. Please contact me if you have feedback or feature requests.
Known bugs:
- Varying amounts of lighting imperfections are present in arenas
- If you encounter additional bugs, please create an issue in this repository or create a post in the Spigot thread.