This is a simple performance comparision between JPA @Enumerated(EnumType.STRING) and @Enumerated(EnumType.ORDINAL) mapping of enums based on Spring-Boot with Hibernate.
To repeat the test on your own computer follow these steps:
- clone this repository
- install MySQL
- create a schema:
create schema performance_enum default char set UTF8;
- maybe adjust the database URL, username or password in the
to your needs - start the main class from your IDE e.g. IntelliJ IDEA
- create entities by accessing http://localhost:8080/create?count=100000 (this can take some minutes)
- access http://localhost:8080/get to read from your database (this can also take some minutes)
- open the pop-up of sniffy my clicking the overlay in the lower right corner
- In the tab "Top SQL" you can see the average response time of each query and reset the statistics