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Docs03 Building Blocks

Kevin F edited this page Oct 19, 2022 · 15 revisions

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Building Blocks are necessary to sustain ontology information in an annotation table and are designed to follow the core idea behind the ISA-Tab format, altough simplified. Any Swate annotation table can be converted to ISA-Json.

  1. Usage
    1. Adding a Building Block
    2. Adding/Changing Unit of existing Building Block
      1. Update Unit Example
      2. Add Unit Example
  2. Building Block Types
    1. Input Building Block/ Source Name
    2. Descriptive Building Blocks
      1. Parameter
      2. Factor
      3. Characteristic
    3. Output Building Blocks
      1. Sample Name
      2. Data File Name


  1. Navigate to the Building Blocks tab in the navbar.
  2. This page shows two functions, one to add new building blocks and one to update existing building blocks with a unit.

Adding a Building Block

  1. Choose the type of building block you want to add (A). For more information on building block types, click here.
  2. If you chose a descriptive building block type, use searchfield (B) to search for a Ontology Term. This term together with your building block type describes your workflow.
    • Example 1: Parameter [instrument model] will describe any mass spectrometry instrument model used in your workflow (source).

    • Example 1 | Table

      Parameter [instrument model] Term Source REF (MS:1000031) Term Accession Number (MS:1000031)
    • Example 2 with unit: If you want to add a building block with a unit, check box (C) and use searchfield (D) to look for a fitting unit term. Factor [temperature] and degree Celsius as unit.

    • Example 2 with unit | Table

      Factor [temperature] Unit Term Source REF (PATO:0000146) Term Accession Number (PATO:0000146)
    • If you cannot find a fitting term, you can use the Advanced Term Search for both searchfield (B) and (D) with the blue links above the Add building block-button.

    • If you still cannot find a fitting term, you can write an issue to request a Term here OR use free text input.

  3. Click Add building block to insert the building block in an existing Annotation Table. The enw building block will be added to the right of any currently selected column of the table.
    • 👀 Swate will automatically skip any reference columns.
  4. Any input or output building block will only add a single column, any descriptive building block will add three columns or four column if it is created with a unit. Only the main column column will be visible by default, all other reference columns will be hidden.
    • 👀 You can hold Ctrl and click the Autoformat Table quick access button to adjust column widths and unhide all hidden columns.

Adding/Changing Unit of existing Building Block

  1. Choose the building block for which you want to change the unit.
  2. Select any number of rows of that building block's main column.
  3. Use the searchfield to search for the wanted unit and click on the unit in the dropdown to select it.
  4. Click Update unit for cells to update the unit only for the selected rows.
  5. Update your tables unit references by clicking the Update Ontology Terms quick access button.

Update Unit Example

  1. Start by creating a building block vegetative growth time (TO:0000369) with the unit hour (UO:0000032).
    • Expanded Table

      Parameter [vegetative growth time] Unit Term Source REF (TO:0000369) Term Accession Number (TO:0000369)
    • 👀 You can hold Ctrl and click the Autoformat Table quick access button to adjust column widths and unhide all hidden columns.

  2. Create more rows for the table and fill the main column (Parameter [vegetative growth time]) with some data.
    • Expanded Table

      Parameter [vegetative growth time] Unit Term Source REF (TO:0000369) Term Accession Number (TO:0000369)
      10,00 hour
      10,00 hour
      10,00 hour
      10,00 hour
      10,00 hour
      10,00 hour
      10,00 hour
      10,00 hour
    • When typing numbers into these cells, Excel will add the unit to the number values.

    • 👀 The unit information for the main column cells can be seen in Excel. Select main column cells → HomeNumber → small expand symbol on the bottom right (image).

  3. Click the Update Ontology Terms quick access button, to update the reference columns.
  4. Select some or all rows of the main column Parameter [vegetative growth time] to mark them for the upcoming unit update. In this case i will select all but the first row.
  5. Search for a new unit, in this case day (UO:0000033), select it and click Update unit for cells.
  6. Click the Update Ontology Terms quick access button, to update the reference columns.

Add Unit Example

This workflow is especially important when working with templates, as these will often have columns which are intended to have a unit which is not set for you by the creators. For example a building block Characteristics [Plant age] without a unit. Let's assume you want to use such a template.

Characteristics [Plant age] Term Source REF (NFDI4PSO:0000033) Term Accession Number (NFDI4PSO:0000033)
  1. Select any number of rows of the Characteristics [Plant age] building block to mark it for the next steps.

  2. Search for the unit, which fits your experiment, in this case i will use: day (UO:0000033). Select the unit term and click Update unit for cells.

    • Expanded Table

      Characteristics [Plant age] Unit Term Source REF (NFDI4PSO:0000033) Term Accession Number (NFDI4PSO:0000033)
    • If you already had values in the main column they will be updated automatically.

      • Expanded Table | Before

        Characteristics [Plant age] Term Source REF (NFDI4PSO:0000033) Term Accession Number (NFDI4PSO:0000033)
      • Expanded Table | After

        Characteristics [Plant age] Unit Term Source REF (NFDI4PSO:0000033) Term Accession Number (NFDI4PSO:0000033)
        10,00 day
        10,00 day
        10,00 day
        10,00 day
    • ⚠️ Notize how this only changed the values in the main column and the number format.

  3. Click the Update Ontology Terms quick access button, to update the reference columns.

Building Block Types

Swate and the ARC feature a set of six defined Building Block types. They can be split into input, descriptive and output Building Blocks and you can find additional information on the nfdi4plant website.

Input Building Block/Source Name

Definition: This is the only input column type and each Annotation Table MUST contain this column once.

Expected Values: Unique identifier for input.

  • MUST be unique in the overlaying ARC.
  • MAY be sample name (think what you would write on the sample in the lab) or file name.
  • If the same sample/extract/file is referenced anywhere else in the ARC it MUST always be referenced by this identifier.


Example | Sample pooling.

Source Name Parameter [...] Sample Name
MinimalChlamy1 ... MinimalChlamyHarvested1
MinimalChlamy2 ... MinimalChlamyHarvested1
MinimalChlamy3 ... MinimalChlamyHarvested2
MinimalChlamy4 ... MinimalChlamyHarvested2
  • 👀 This example shows a sample pooling, in which two source samples are pooled into one output sample. This can also be done in reverse, where one source can be split into multiple output samples.
Example | From physical sample to data file.

Source Name Parameter [...] Data File Name
MinimalChlamyProteins1 ... minimal1.mzLite
MinimalChlamyProteins2 ... minimal2.mzLite
MinimalChlamyProteins3 ... minimal3.mzLite
MinimalChlamyProteins4 ... minimal4.mzLite
Example | From data file to data file.

Source Name Parameter [...] Data File Name
minimal1.mzLite ... minimal1.prot
minimal2.mzLite ... minimal2.prot
minimal3.mzLite ... minimal3.prot
minimal4.mzLite ... minimal4.prot

Descriptive Building Blocks

General Definition:

  • These Building Blocks MAY be added multiple times, but each Building Block combination MUST be unique.
  • These Building Blocks MUST concist of either three columns, or four columns in case they are created with the unit option.
    • Of which one column, the main column is visible, while the othere reference columns are hidden by default.
Additional in-depth information.

About Table Headers

  • The main column MUST start with Parameter , Characteristic or Factor . This MUST be followed by squared brackets containing a Term name ([term name]). If any of the columns of the building block cannot be created, due to Excel requiring unique table headers, one MUST add a #number between the Term name and the closing squared bracket. Such as Parameter [term name#1]. This MUST be done for all columns of the building block except the unit column. #number must be an positive integer.
    • In the abstract case we have for example Parameter and Factor with the same Term, only the reference columns would not be unique, but we still add the #number to all column header, such as: Parameter [instrument model#2], Term Source REF (MS:1000031#2), Term Accession Number (MS:1000031#2)
  • The columns of a building block MUST always be in the following order: main column, unit column (optional), Term Source REF, Term Accession Number.
  • Unit column headers MUST start with Unit and be made unique with a (#number), such as Unit, Unit (#1), Unit (#2), Unit (#42). They MAY use ascending numbers. #number must be an positive integer.
  • The Term Source REF column header MUST start with Term Source REF , followed by a bracket which MUST contain the short Term identifier for the main column, if existing.
    • Example: Parameter [instrument model] is the main column, then Term Source REF (MS:1000031) must be the Term Source REF.
    • Example free text input. If the main column was created with free text input, such as Characteristics [free text input], the Term Source REF MUST be created with an empty bracket Term Source REF (). In this case, headers MUST be made unique, by adding #number in the empty brackets. For example Parameter [free text input#2] and Term Source REF (#2).
  • The Term Accession Number column header MUST follow the same rules as Term Source REF column headers, with the only difference to replace Term Source REF with Term Accession Number .

About Table Body

  • The table body for a main column with unit MUST have the unit as custom number format. This has to be done in the following format 0,00 "unit term name".
  • Any building block MAY contain a Term as value or free text input.
  • If a building block has an unit, the unit term name MUST be written in the unit column. In this case unit term source ontology and link must be written in Term Source REF and Term Accession Number.
Parameter [temperature] Unit Term Source REF (PATO:0000146) Term Accession Number (PATO:0000146)
12,00 degree Celsius degree Celsius UO
  • If a building block contains an existing Term it MUST contain the source ontology name under Term Source REF and a link under Term Accession Number. The link must be created, such as{ontology identifier}, where {ontology identifier} MUST be replaced with the term unique identifier, with an underscore instead of a colon.
    • Example: SCIEX instrument model (MS:1000121) would result in
    • Full example:
Parameter [instrument model] Term Source REF (MS:1000031) Term Accession Number (MS:1000031)
SCIEX instrument model MS
  • In the case of any free text input all missing information MUST be filled with user-specific.
    • Example:
Parameter [instrument model] Term Source REF (MS:1000031) Term Accession Number (MS:1000031)
free text input user-specific user-specific
    • Example with unit free text input:
Parameter [day light exposure] Unit Term Source REF (PECO:0007163) Term Accession Number (PECO:0007163)
12,00 bananas bananas user-specific user-specific


Definition: Any workflow parameters defining the exact workflow.

Expected Values: MAY be any from text, integer or float numbers with or without unit.


Example | Instrument Model.

Parameter [instrument model] Term Source REF (MS:1000031) Term Accession Number (MS:1000031)
SCIEX instrument model MS
Example | Free text input.

Parameter [Very important unknown parameter] Term Source REF () Term Accession Number ()
very important unknown value user-specific user-specific
  • 👀 This example shows free text input. If you cannot find any fitting Ontology Term for either/both Building Block or value you can simply insert free text input. The above table shows how such input would be inserted into an Annotation table.
  • If you use Add Building Block or/and Term search to insert your free text input, Swate will handle all formatting for you.


Definition: While Parameter and Characteristic will be used to describe so called controlled variables, Factor MUST be used to describe independent variable of your experiment

Example: Effect of fertilizer on plant growths. In a study measuring the influence of different quantities of fertilizer on plant growth, the independent variable would be the amount of fertilizer used. The dependent variable would be the growth in height or mass of the plant. The controlled variables would be the type of plant, the type of fertilizer, the amount of sunlight the plant gets, the size of the pots, etc. (source)

Expected Values: MAY be any from text, integer or float numbers with or without unit.


Example | Temperature.

Source Name Factor [temperature] Parameter [biological replicate] Sample Name
plant1 10.00 degree Celsius 1 extract1
plant2 10.00 degree Celsius 1 extract2
plant3 10.00 degree Celsius 1 extract3
plant4 28.00 degree Celsius 2 extract4
plant5 28.00 degree Celsius 2 extract5
plant6 28.00 degree Celsius 2 extract6
Extended table.

Source Name Factor [temperature] Unit Term Source REF (PATO:0000146) Term Accession Number (PATO:0000146) Parameter [biological replicate] Term Source REF (MS:1001809) Term Accession Number (MS:1001809) Sample Name
plant1 10,00 degree Celsius degree Celsius UO 1 user-specific user-specific extract1
plant2 10,00 degree Celsius degree Celsius UO 1 user-specific user-specific extract2
plant3 10,00 degree Celsius degree Celsius UO 1 user-specific user-specific extract3
plant4 28,00 degree Celsius degree Celsius UO 2 user-specific user-specific extract4
plant5 28,00 degree Celsius degree Celsius UO 2 user-specific user-specific extract5
plant6 28,00 degree Celsius degree Celsius UO 2 user-specific user-specific extract6


Definition: Any workflow parameters describing the source sample.

Expected Values: MAY be any from text, integer or float numbers with or without unit.


Example | Plant Growth template.

Characteristics [Organism part] Characteristics [age] Characteristics [Developmental Stage]
Leaf 28 days after germination Mature
Leaf 28 days after germination Mature
Leaf 28 days after germination Mature
Leaf 28 days after germination Mature
Leaf 28 days after germination Mature
Leaf 28 days after germination Mature
Extended table.

Characteristics [Organism part] Term Source REF (NFDI4PSO:0000032) Term Accession Number (NFDI4PSO:0000032) Characteristics [age] Term Source REF (NFDI4PSO:0000033) Term Accession Number (NFDI4PSO:0000033) Characteristics [Developmental Stage] Term Source REF (NFDI4PSO:0000070) Term Accession Number (NFDI4PSO:0000070)
Leaf PO 28 days after germination user-specific user-specific Mature user-specific user-specific
Leaf PO 28 days after germination user-specific user-specific Mature user-specific user-specific
Leaf PO 28 days after germination user-specific user-specific Mature user-specific user-specific
Leaf PO 28 days after germination user-specific user-specific Mature user-specific user-specific
Leaf PO 28 days after germination user-specific user-specific Mature user-specific user-specific
Leaf PO 28 days after germination user-specific user-specific Mature user-specific user-specific

Output Building Blocks

General Definition: Each Annotation Table MUST contain exactly one output column.

Expected Values: as in Source Name.

Examples: as in Source Name.

Sample Name

Definition: Use this building block type to reference any samples your experimental workflow produced.

Data File Name

Definition: Use this building block type to reference any samples your computational workflow produced.