Version 1.1.1: http://search.maven.org/#artifactdetails|mil.nga.geopackage|geopackage-android|1.1.1|aar
1.1.1 (11-20-2015)
- Javadoc project name and external API links
- Project Feature DAO bounding box when not in the same projection
- Feature Overlay Query message builder, check if features are indexed first
- geopackage-core version updated to 1.1.1 - Issue #13
- min and max column query methods - Issue #15
- TileDao methods, query for tile grid or bounding box at zoom level - Issue #14
- Database header and integrity validation options and methods. Validate imported GeoPackage headers by default. - Issue #16
- Manager methods - delete all externally linked databases with missing files, retrieve database name by externally linked path