Releases: ngageoint/geopackage-android
Version 1.2.7:|mil.nga.geopackage|geopackage-android|1.2.7|aar
1.2.7 (04-18-2016)
- geopackage-core version updated to 1.1.7
- GeoPackage Manager name like queries
- GeoPackage Manager import as external link with override option methods
- GeoPackage Manager automatically delete database records where the file no longer exists
- Get longitude distance bug fix in Tile Bounding Box Map Utilities
- Feature Overlay Query and Feature Tiles close methods to close wrapped Index Manager connections
- Feature Overlay Query map click message improvements and map click Feature Table Data implementations
- Map click Feature Table Data JSON compatible conversions
Version 1.2.6:|mil.nga.geopackage|geopackage-android|1.2.6|aar
1.2.6 (02-19-2016)
- geopackage-core version updated to 1.1.6
- Feature Tile Table Linker implementation with methods for retrieving data access objects
- Bounded Overlay check if a specified tile exists
- Feature Overlay ignore drawing tiles that already exist in a linked tile table
- Feature Overlay Query improved determination if a tile exists before querying features
- Manager create GeoPackage as an external file methods
Version 1.2.5:|mil.nga.geopackage|geopackage-android|1.2.5|aar
1.2.5 (02-02-2016)
- geopackage-core version updated to 1.1.5
- Feature Tile Generator linking between feature and tile tables
- Feature Overlay Query updates to support linked feature and tile tables
Version 1.2.4:|mil.nga.geopackage|geopackage-android|1.2.4|aar
1.2.4 (01-25-2016)
- Updated Android compile and target SDK version to 23 (Marshmallow)
- Fixed GeoPackage Manager count to also include external GeoPackages
- Added methods for retrieving and counting only internal or external GeoPackages
Version 1.2.3:|mil.nga.geopackage|geopackage-android|1.2.3|aar
1.2.3 (01-15-2016)
- geopackage-core version updated to 1.1.4 for proj4j dependency location change
- Removed intermediate projection conversions in the map shape converter. Fixes EPSG 27700 (British National Grid) conversions.
Version 1.2.2:|mil.nga.geopackage|geopackage-android|1.2.2|aar
1.2.2 (12-16-2015)
- geopackage-core version updated to 1.1.3 for Geometry projection transformations
Version 1.2.1:|mil.nga.geopackage|geopackage-android|1.2.1|aar
1.2.1 (12-14-2015)
- geopackage-core version updated to 1.1.2 - Core Issue #14
- GeoPackage methods: execute SQL, query, foreign key check, integrity check, quick integrity check
- URL Tile Generator TMS support
- ORMLite log level changed from debug to info
- Tile Generator fix for updating a GeoPackage and replacing an existing tile
Version 1.2.0:|mil.nga.geopackage|geopackage-android|1.2.0|aar
1.2.0 (11-24-2015)
- Separation of Google Play Services Google Maps logic from GeoPackage functionality
- Tile retrieval logic separated from overlays
- Feature Tiles Map specific tile drawing separated into child implementation
- Separation of Map specific Tile Bounding Box utilities
Version 1.1.1:|mil.nga.geopackage|geopackage-android|1.1.1|aar
1.1.1 (11-20-2015)
- Javadoc project name and external API links
- Project Feature DAO bounding box when not in the same projection
- Feature Overlay Query message builder, check if features are indexed first
- geopackage-core version updated to 1.1.1 - Issue #13
- min and max column query methods - Issue #15
- TileDao methods, query for tile grid or bounding box at zoom level - Issue #14
- Database header and integrity validation options and methods. Validate imported GeoPackage headers by default. - Issue #16
- Manager methods - delete all externally linked databases with missing files, retrieve database name by externally linked path
Version 1.1.0:|mil.nga.geopackage|geopackage-android|1.1.0|aar
1.1.0 (10-08-2015)
- NGA Table Index Extension implementation -
- Feature Index Manager to combine existing metadata indexing with the NGA Table Index Extension
- Feature Tile improvements, including max features per tile settings and custom max feature tile drawing
- Feature and Tile DAO get bounding box method
- Feature Overlay Query for querying the features behind the drawn feature tiles