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Node-RED M2X Node ================= A Node-RED node used to store time-series data in AT&T M2X. This node is also included out-of-the-box with AT&T Flow Designer.

AT&T M2X is a cloud-based fully managed time-series data storage service for network connected machine-to-machine (M2M) devices and the Internet of Things (IoT).


This node is available as an npm package ( Run the following command in the root directory of your Node-RED Directory:

npm install node-red-m2x


Use node-red-m2x to store time-series data from anything in AT&T M2X and manage your M2X devices.

The user will set the following message properties:
  • msg.topic - (required)
  • msg.sub_topic - (optional)
  • msg.payload - (optional)
  • msg.action - (required)
  • msg.topic_id - (optional)
  • msg.sub_topic_id - (optional)
  • msg.topic - The type of object to act on - distribution, device, chart, key.
  • msg.action - An action to be applied for this type of object - The second level entry in the below list. (catalog for example)
  • msg.payload - A json that represents the body for the rest API, only if such is defiend.
  • msg.topic_id - A unique id for either device, distribution, key or chart
  • msg.sub_topic_id - Defines the unique instance of sub topic such as distributon's device.
                    <li><a href=""> Search Catalog </a>
                    <li> msg.payload - catalog parameters
                    <li><a href=""> Create new device </a>
                    <li> msg.payload  - device parameters
                    <li><a href=""> Create a new trigger associated with the specified device.</a>
                    <li> msg.topic_id - The device id
                    <li> msg.payload
                    <li><a href=""> Delete an existing device</a>
                    <li> msg.topic_id - The device id
                    <li><a href=""> Delete  a stream</a>
                    <li> msg.topic_id - The device id
                    <li> msg.sub_topic_id - The stream name
                    <li><a href=""> Delete values from a stream by a date range</a>
                    <li> msg.topic_id - The device id
                    <li> msg.sub_topic_id - The stream name
                    <li> msg.payload - parameters - time range
                    <li><a href="">  Delete an existing trigger associated with a specific device.</a>
                    <li> msg.topic_id - The device id
                    <li> msg.sub_topic_id - The trigger id
                    <li><a href=""> List Groups of devices</a>
                    <li> Returns a list of API keys associated with the device
                    <li> msg.topic_id - The device id
                    <li><a href=""> List Devices </a>
                    <li> msg.payload - The device id
                    <li><a href=""> View device current location</a>
                    <li> msg.topic_id - The device id
                    <li><a href=""> Return a list of access log to the supplied device</a>
                    <li> msg.topic_id - The device id
                    <li><a href=""> Post multiple values to multiple streams</a>
                    <li> msg.topic_id - The device id
                    <li> msg.payload - parameters 
                    <li><a href=""> Post timestamped values to an existing stream</a>
                    <li> msg.topic_id - The device id
                    <li> msg.sub_topic_id - The stream name
                    <li> msg.payload - parameters - the values - 
                    <pre>[{ "timestamp": "timeStamp" "value": "value" },

    { "timestamp": "timeStamp","value": "value>"}]

  • sampleStreamValues
  • setStreamValue
    • Set the stream value
    • msg.topic_id - The device id
    • msg.sub_topic_id - The stream name
    • msg.payload - parameters - the values

  • stream
  • streamStats
    • Stream Statistics
    • msg.topic_id - The device id
    • msg.sub_topic_id - The stream name
    • msg.payload
  • streamValues
  • streams
  • testTrigger
  • trigger
  • triggers
  • update
  • updateLocation
  • updateStream
    • Update a data stream
    • msg.topic_id - The device id
    • msg.sub_topic_id - The Name of the stream
    • msg.payload - parameters
  • updateStreams
    • Update a data stream
    • msg.topic_id - The device id
    • msg.sub_topic_id - Array of streams names
    • msg.payload - parameters

  • updateTrigger
  • view
    • distribution

      • addDevice

      • create
      • createTrigger
      • dataStream
      • datatStreams
      • deleteDataStream
        • Delete an existing data stream associated to distribution
        • msg.topic_id - The distribution id
        • msg.sub_topic_id - The stream name

                          <li><a href="">Delete an existing device distribution</a>
                          <li> msg.topic_id - The distribution id
                          <li><a href="">Delete a trigger associated to the distribution</a>
                          <li> msg.topic_id - The distribution id
                          <li> msg.sub_topic_id - The trigger id
                          <li><a href=""> Retrieve a list of devices added to the a device distribution </a>
                          <li> msg.topic_id - The distribution id
                          <li><a href="">Retrieve a list of device distributions </a>
                          <li> msg.payload - List parameters
                          <li><a href="">Test a trigger by firing a fake value</a>
                          <li> msg.topic_id - The distribution id
                          <li> msg.sub_topic_id - The trigger id
                          <li><a href="">Retrieve information about a trigger associated to a distribution</a>
                          <li> msg.topic_id - The distribution id
                          <li> msg.sub_topic_id - The trigger id
                          <li><a href=""> Retrieve list of triggers associated with the distribution </a>
                          <li> msg.topic_id - The distribution id
                          <li><a href="">Update an existing device distribution</a>
                          <li> msg.topic_id - The distribution id
                          <li> msg.payload - distribution parameters 
                          <li><a href="">Create/Update a data stream associated with the distribution. </a>
                          <li> msg.topic_id - The distribution id
                          <li> msg.sub_topic_id - The stream name
                          <li> msg.payload - stream parameters 
                          <li><a href="">Update an existing trigger associated with the distribution</a>
                          <li> msg.topic_id - The distribution id
                          <li> msg.sub_topic_id - The trigger id
                          <li> msg.payload - trigger parameters 
                          <li><a href=""> Retrieve information about an existing device distribution </a>
                          <li> msg.topic_id - The disribution id
                      <ul>Get details of a chart
                          <li><a href="">Create a new chart</a>
                          <li> msg.payload - chart parameters 
                          <li><a href="">Delete an existing chart</a>
                          <li> msg.topic_id - The chart id
                          <li><a href="">Retrieve a list of charts that belongs to the user </a>
                          <li><a href="">Retrieve a rendering of a given chart as image format</a>
                          <li>msg.topic_id - The chart id
                          <li>msg.sub_topic_id - the image format : "svg" or "png"
                          <li><a href="">Update an existing chart</a>
                          <li> msg.topic_id - The chart id
                          <li> msg.payload - chart parameters -<pre>{ series : [{device: "device-id", stream:"stream_name" }]}</pre>
                          <li><a href="">Get details of a chart</a>
                          <li> msg.topic_id - The chart id
                          <li><a href="">Create a new API Key</a>
                          <li> msg.payload - key parameters
                          <li><a href="">Delete an existing chart</a>
                          <li> msg.topic_id - The key id
                          <li><a href="">List all the Master API Keys that belongs to the authenticated user</a>
                          <li><a href="">Regenerate an API Key token</a>
                          <li> msg.topic_id - The key id
                          <li><a href="">Update API Key properties</a>
                          <li> msg.topic_id - The key id
                          <li> msg.payload - key parameters
                          <li><a href="">Return the details of the API Key supplied</a>
                          <li> msg.topic_id - The key id


        There are two ways to pass authentication using the M2X Node:

        • Use the node configuration and set the relevant X-M2X-KEY.
        • Pass the X-M2X-KEY via msg.m2x_key.


        Create Trigger

        Function Code
        msg.topic = "devices";
        msg.action = "createTrigger";
        msg.topic_id = "1b2f98cc3b31b527c27ba14fe46c615c";
        msg.payload = { "stream": "heat",
        "name": "Hightemperature3",
        "condition": ">",
        "value": 100,
        "callback_url": "",
        "status": "enabled",
        "send_location": true };
        <H4> Show device Details<H4>    
        <H5> Function Code </H5>
        msg.topic = "devices";<br>
        msg.action = "view";<br>
        msg.topic_id = "1b2f98cc3b31b527c27ba14fe46c615c";<br>
        return msg;<br>

        Helpful Resources


        This software is provided under the MIT license. See LICENSE for applicable terms.

  • About

    M2X node for AT&T Flow Designer and Node-Red







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