First, to install dependencies. run:
npm install
If there is an error or npm fails to install, try:
npm install --legacy-peer-deps
To run:
npm start
An React Native app with three primary screens, each dedicated to different aspects of weather data display and interaction. Navigation utilizes Stack method. There are options to navigate among the screens on the top bar.
On startup, use expo-location to automatically show weather data for the user's current spot.
Enable users to look up and see weather details for any specified city.
- Input field for city names.
- Show weather info for searched locations.
- "Save Location" button to keep locations in a list for easy access later (Seen in Screen 3).
- Disable saving if more than 4 cities are saved.
Display a list of locations saved by the user.
- Fetch and display the weather data of the saved locations.
- Click on a city will navigate to the Home Screen that will display the weather data of that city in detail.
- "Remove" button that allows deleting a city from the saved list.
Use the Open Meteo API ( for accessing weather and geocoding data for both the user's current and searched locations.
Integrate expo-location to obtain the user's current location for the first screen.
Use expo-sqlite to store and manage the list of saved locations.
Use React Native Paper.