An iExec workerpool is orchestrated by an iExec Core Scheduler. The iExec Core Scheduler watches on-chain deals and schedules off-chain computation among available workers.
The iExec Core Scheduler is available as an OCI image on Docker Hub.
To run properly, the iExec Core Scheduler requires:
- A blockchain node. iExec smart contracts must be deployed on the blockchain network.
- An Ethereum wallet to interact with smart contracts on the blockchain network. To perform on-chain transactions, the wallet must be loaded with at least 0.1 ETH and some RLC.
- A MongoDB instance to persist its data.
- An iExec Blockchain Adapter for several blockchain network interactions.
- An iExec Result Proxy to check if tasks results have been published.
- An iExec Platform Registry to retrieve locations of iExec SMS services.
- One or many iExec Secret Management Service instances (referenced by the iExec Platform Registry) to handle secrets and enclave sessions of TEE tasks.
You can configure the iExec Core Scheduler with the following properties:
Environment variable | Description | Type | Default value |
Server port of the iExec Core Scheduler. | Positive integer | 13000 |
MongoDB server host. Cannot be set with URI. | String | localhost |
MongoDB server port. Cannot be set with URI. | Positive integer | 13002 |
iExec Platform Registry server URL. | URL | http://localhost:8888 |
[optional] Use a specific stack configuration exposed by the iExec Platform Registry. | String | |
[optional] Use a labeled version of configuration files exposed by the iExec Platform Registry. It might be a Git label such as main , v10 or 07998be . |
String | |
Detector period to track reveal timeouts for tasks. | Positive integer | 120000 |
Worker configuration, interval in milliseconds between 2 replicate requests. | Positive integer | 5000 |
Empty value will allow any worker version. | String | |
List of worker addresses allowed to connect to the iExec Core Scheduler. | String | |
Path to the wallet of the server. | String | ./src/main/resources/wallet/encrypted-wallet_scheduler.json |
Password to unlock the wallet of the server. | String | whatever |
Private URL to connect to the blockchain node. | URL | http://localhost:8545 |
On-chain address of the workerpool managed by the current iExec Core Scheduler. | String | 0x365E7BABAa85eC61Dffe5b520763062e6C29dA27 |
Subscribe to new deal events from a specific block number. | Positive integer | 0 |
Transactions will be sent with networkGasPrice * gasPriceMultiplier . |
Float | 1.0 |
In Wei, will be used for transactions if networkGasPrice * gasPriceMultiplier > gasPriceCap |
Integer | 22000000000 |
iExec Blockchain Adapter communication protocol. | String | http |
iExec Blockchain Adapter server host. | String | localhost |
iExec Blockchain Adapter server port. | Positive integer | 13010 |
Username to connect to the iExec Blockchain Adapter server. | String | admin |
Password to connect to the iExec Blockchain Adapter server. | String | whatever |
Polling interval (in blocks) on the blockchain to check this Scheduler can communicate with it. | Positive integer | 3 |
Max number of consecutive failures of blockchain connection attempts before this Scheduler is declared as OUT-OF-SERVICE. | Positive integer | 4 |
iExec Result Proxy server communication protocol. | String | http |
iExec Result Proxy server host. | String | localhost |
iExec Result Proxy server port. | Positive integer | 13200 |
Endpoint IDs that should be included or * for all. |
String | health, info |
Interval in days between 2 executions of the purge mechanism. | Positive integer | 1 |
Number of days to keep logs of past tasks. | Positive integer | 3 |
If it is not the first startup of the iExec Core Scheduler and if it received deals previously,
the MongoDB instance will contain a configuration Collection in the iexec Database.
The value stored in this document takes the precedence over the IEXEC_START_BLOCK_NUMBER
configuration parameter.
To enforce deal observation starting from the IEXEC_START_BLOCK_NUMBER
value, the aforementioned document has to be deleted in the MongoDB.
All deals prior to the IEXEC_START_BLOCK_NUMBER
will then be ignored.
A more exhaustive documentation is available on the official documentation of iExec.
A health endpoint (/actuator/health
) is enabled by default and can be accessed on the IEXEC_CORE_PORT
This endpoint allows to define health checks in an orchestrator or a compose file.
No default strategy has been implemented in the Dockerfile at the moment.
./gradlew build
This repository code is released under the Apache License 2.0.